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Both Father And Son Were Born Premature, Turns Out They Were Taken Care By The Same Nurse

There is a reason why people call it the miracle of birth. Not only does it bring new life that may grow up one day to change the world, but also every new life brings in new and amazing stories to experience and tell.

A woman by the name of Renata Freydin recently gave birth to her son Zayne. Unfortunately, he was born 10 weeks prior to the due date, which, needless to say, brought about some stress to her and her fiance, the father, David Caldwell.

However, if it wasn’t for this very fact of Zayne being born prematurely, then the story wouldn’t have even surfaced at all. Renata Freydin shared a Facebook post talking about a small coincidence tied to her son’s birth.

A mom took to Facebook recently telling a story about a small coincidence tied to her son’s birth

Image credits: Renata Freydin

Bored Panda reached out to Renata Freydin, who elaborated on the story.

You see, Zayne was born 10 weeks before he was supposed to be. It just so happens that the father, David, was born 6 weeks before his due date as well. That immediately sparked some memories in David’s mind. It turned out that David was also born in the same hospital as Zayne, St. Peter’s Hospital.

So one Sunday, David dug out a baby book of his and showed it to Renata. As she was looking through it, she noticed a baby picture of him with a nurse who looked familiar. She recognized the nurse—it was the same nurse as the one who was taking care of Zayne in the NICU.

“I remember his mom loved her so much that she needed a photo of the two of them on the day he was discharged,” explained Renata in her post. “The reason I know her is because I swore she was the nurse that had been taking care of our baby boy for the past three days!”

Turns out, her son was born prematurely, as was his father—10 and 6 weeks respectively

Image credits: Renata Freydin

To everyone’s surprise, it turned out that that there was another coincidence

Image credits: Renata Freydin

It turned out that the same nurse that took care of her fiance was also the one that took care of Zayne. David didn’t believe her, so they went back to the hospital, found the nurse, and showed her the picture. They actually showed the picture to several other nurses beforehand, and they all confirmed the fact.

“[Nurse Lissa] was so shocked! I showed her the picture and she walked around the NICU showing all the nurses,” said Renata. Well, of course, this called for a picture recreation moment, resulting in the adorable pictures you can see here.

She continued in her post: “The past 2 weeks have been filled with worries and uncertainty, but we can breathe easy knowing my lil nugget’s nurse is the same one that helped the man I love when he was in the same situation.”

Both the father and the son were actually taken care of the same nurse

Image credits: Renata Freydin

Of course, the couple got in touch with the nurse, recreated the picture, and the post went viral

Image credits: Renata Freydin

“My fiance and I actually met in high school and we have been friends ever since. Reconnected about 4 years ago and started hanging out regularly and I started to fall in love. I originally said no when he asked me out on a date,” explained Renata. So, it turns out, this story wouldn’t have even happened if not for Renata eventually saying “yes.”

The nurse wasn’t the only one shocked, as the story went viral, surprising Renata and David as well: “I really had no idea that this story would blow up so quickly and so big! I thought maybe a few friends might share it, but I never thought it would get this big!” explained Renata.

As for Zayne, Renata told Bored Panda that he is on his way to growing up a strong and healthy boy: “Zayne is doing so well! Getting bigger day by day and so much better! Hopefully, we will get to take him home either by the end of next week or the first week in March.”

This is how the internet reacted to this unique story…

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