Lady Vows Her Wedding Will Be Her Last Kid-Friendly Event After They Ruin Her Unique Guest Book

All couples want their wedding to be as special as possible, and they love adding unique touches to it. To ensure that they get to enjoy these unique things to the fullest, many prefer having child-free events these days.

Unfortunately, Reddit user Mani_San had a child-friendly wedding but now highly regrets it. The couple had a unique puzzle-piece guest book, which they wanted to mount on their wall later, but the kids completely ruined it by signing and writing on it. Devastated, the bride vowed never to have a kid-friendly event ever again!

More info: Reddit

At the moment, a lot of people are opting to have child-free weddings to avoid the chaos that comes with them

Wedding guest book puzzle with pieces signed by guests, surrounded by flowers.

Image credits: MrWoood / Etsy (not the actual photo)

At her wedding, the poster had a unique puzzle guest book where the guests signed, and the couple wanted to mount it on their wall

Wedding guest book ruined by kids; unique puzzle concept disturbed.

Text about a wedding where guests live-streamed instead of supervising kids.

Image credits: Mani_San

Kids at a wedding, two children with baskets, bride and groom in background, outdoors.

Image credits: oksix / Freepik (not the actual photo)

Unfortunately, some of the guests were livestreaming the event while their kids ran wild, signing and writing all over the puzzle

Text about kids writing on a wedding guest book puzzle, signing multiple pieces, including the central one with names and date.

Text expresses frustration over kids ruining a guest book, leading to a vow for the last kid-friendly event.

Image credits: Mani_San

The poster is so annoyed by the unsupervised kids ruining her guest book that she vowed never again to have a kid-friendly event

Today, we attend the original poster’s (OP) rant session as she vents about how kids ruined her wedding guest book. What happened was that the couple planned on having a unique guest book instead of the traditional one, so they got this interesting puzzle where the guests had to sign on the pieces.

The couple wanted to assemble the puzzle so they would know who came and celebrated their wedding, and then mount it on their wall. Well, things didn’t go as planned for them because, unfortunately, some of the guests were busy livestreaming the whole event, which gave a perfect opportunity for their little ones to run around unsupervised.

They got their hands on the puzzle guest book and signed their names on 20 pieces, on other pieces where the guests had signed, and even scribbled on the middle which had the couple’s name and wedding date on it! What a bummer, right? The frustrated poster is now desperately trying to figure out how to get it fixed; meanwhile, she’s vowed never to have a kid-friendly function ever again!

A lot of folks online sympathized with the poster and tried to comfort her as it was something very special for her. Many of them came up with different suggestions on how she could either get rid of the Sharpie marks or how she could ask guests to sign the pieces again. Some also said that she should talk to the parents of the kids, and she said that she did, but it didn’t make a difference.

Bride in a white dress and veil thoughtfully touching her veil.

Image credits: Karolina Grabowska / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

A study by The New York Times found that 79.5% of 4,000 couples with 2024 wedding dates favored kid-free weddings. Our poster’s disastrous experience is a big giveaway as to why so many people prefer to have child-free weddings these days. After all, the environment is unfamiliar for kids, and when there are quite a few of them together, chaos is quite imminent.

However, can you really blame the kids for their actions? Many folks pointed out that it was the irresponsible parents’ fault for what the kids did at this wedding. Netizens couldn’t believe that these adults were so busy “livestreaming” that they let their kids run wild, knowing how children can be at such events.

Some also pointed out that it all clearly shows that the kids are not properly disciplined by their parents, when time and again, research has stressed the importance of discipline. If the parents had already disciplined their little ones or at least kept an eye on them, this could have been easily avoided and the poster wouldn’t be put in such a situation.

Alas, not everyone is wise enough to know how to properly discipline their children so that they don’t mess things up during such an important day. How about you? Do you prefer kid-friendly or kid-free events? Also, if you were in the poster’s shoes, what would you do? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Folks online sympathized with the frustrated bride, while some offered advice on how she could handle it now

Comments on kid-friendly wedding woes with guest book tip.

Image of a conversation discussing options for guest book pieces at a wedding, considering new ideas.

Two users discuss a kid-related wedding mishap in an online forum.

Comments discussing kid-friendly events and wedding guest book damage.

Online discussion about fixing kid-scribbled guest book at a wedding, with suggestions like transcription and painting over.

Bride and groom with bridesmaids and groomsmen holding flower bouquets at a wedding event.

Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)

User comment expressing frustration about live streaming in the context of a kid-friendly wedding event.

Text comment about a friend's wedding guest book with doodles on photos, highlighting a humorous mishap.

Comment discussing a child's impact on wedding plans and guest book.

Reddit comment on child-free weddings suggesting potential disruptions by kids.

Text discussing experiences with kids at weddings, preferring child-free events due to disruptions.

Reddit comment discussing child-free events due to parenting issues.

Instructions for removing Sharpie stains from wood; linked to kid-friendly wedding incident.

Text post discussing frustrations about a wedding guest book and focusing on marriage essentials.

Reddit comment discussing kids at weddings, mentioning guest book disruption.

The post Lady Vows Her Wedding Will Be Her Last Kid-Friendly Event After They Ruin Her Unique Guest Book first appeared on Bored Panda.

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