“Bikini Tradie” Sparks Outrage After Renting Mobile Billboard Looking For A “Sugar Daddy”

The residents of a swanky Australian suburb were left both outraged and amused after a leg-baring woman made her plea for a sugar daddy.

Shianne Foxx, who has branded herself as “The Bikini Tradie” online, recently went viral for saying female landscapers like her should be allowed to work topless just like men.

Now, she has gone viral for using mobile billboard advertising to find herself a bling daddy to spoil her silly.

Shianne Foxx, also known as “The Bikini Tradie” online, came up with a bizarre way to find herself a sugar daddy

Woman in stylish attire posing in a garden setting, related to "Bikini Tradie" and billboard controversy.

Image credits: shiannefoxx

Residents of a Sydney suburb were left shocked as they laid eyes on a vehicle passing by them on the streets of Mosman with Shianne’s ad.

The woman said in the ad that she was looking for a sugar daddy and that potential candidates could give her a call at the listed number.

“Are you rich, old, and lonely?” read the ad. “I’m looking for a sugar daddy.”

A woman with long blonde hair, wearing a seatbelt in a car, looking at the camera.

Image credits: shiannefoxx

The landscaper shared a video of her jaw-dropping ad online, urging interested viewers to call her.

“I want a sugar daddy,” she explained in her video.

Shianne revealed that she wants a sugar daddy but doesn’t want to find one herself because she’s over-worked.

“If you’re rich, old, and lonely, call me,” added the content creator

Mobile billboard featuring "Bikini Tradie" ad seeking a sugar daddy, displayed on a truck in urban setting.

Image credits: thebikinitradie

The woman went on to reveal that she spent $2,000 to target a suburb that is home to wealthy residents.

“So, I spent $2,000 of my own money to send a billboard all around the richest suburb of Australia so I can find myself a sugar daddy,” she told her audience.

“If you’re rich, old, and lonely, call me,” added the content creator.

Residents were outraged upon seeing the billboard ad being driven through their street

Woman discussing renting a mobile billboard to find a "sugar daddy" in a viral incident.

Image credits: thebikinitradie

Netizens had wild reactions to the recent video of her mobile billboard advertising technique. 

“Omg.. this is getting out of hand,” one commenter said beneath her video.

Another furious resident commented on Facebook, saying, “Did anyone see this going up and down Military Rd? Totally unacceptable that this is allowed.”

“What has this world come to!!” one furious resident said

Blonde woman, known as "Bikini Tradie," in car making a phone gesture with a cheeky smile, yellow text overlay.

Image credits: thebikinitradie

“My seven year old read it out loud and then asked me what it meant,” another wrote. “What has this world come to!! Can anyone advise if there’s a way to report this to the council?”

On the other hand, some cheeky Mosman residents were more than happy to join in on the fun. 

“What are you offering in return?” one commented on her video.

Person in a bikini sitting in a car, related to "Bikini Tradie" looking for a sugar daddy controversy.

Image credits: thebikinitradie

“What about poor, middle aged and a slight drinking problem?” asked another curious viewer.

Shianne, who regularly shares content of herself working in a bikini, has 23.7K followers on her “The Bikini tradie” Instagram account and 41.9K followers on her personal “Shianne” account.

She has another 90.5K followers on TikTok and is also a content creator on an adult website.

Shianne has thousands of followers online and is also known for creating content on an adult website

Blonde woman in a red bikini, discussing mobile billboard rental for finding a sugar daddy.

Image credits: thebikinitradie

The internet star recently went viral for calling out “double standards” in work environments.

Revealing her frustration online, Shianne said in a video that she asked her superior whether she could take her shirt off and work topless, just like her male counterparts do.

However, her request was turned down because it would be a “distraction” to others.

The landscaper said she felt “degraded” when her request to work topless like her male co-workers was denied

Person in work attire takes a selfie, associated with "Bikini Tradie" seeking a "Sugar Daddy.

Image credits: shiannefoxx

“It’s a double standard, it’s s*xist, and I’m actually really over it. I just want to be topless like the boys but no, I will ‘distract them,’” the angered tradie said.

She spoke to Australian news outlet news.com.au and said it was “such a hot day” and she felt “no shame” in putting her chest on display.

“Obviously, when you work in the industry, lots of the boys have their tops off. I thought it was only fair if I could get mine off, too,” she told the outlet.

She said it was “childish” to call a topless woman distracting and said, “You should just grow up”


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“What’s the difference between a male n*pple and a female one?” she asked, saying it was “childish” to be calling a topless woman “distracting.”

“I don’t think it should be ‘distracting’ because at the end of the day they’re just a natural thing,” she continued. 

“If you’re going to be childish and feel like they’re going to be distracting, then you should just grow up,” she added.

The internet star said she often shares videos of her work to encourage other women to join the industry 

The content creator went on to talk about what it was like working in “male-dominated” jobs for at least four years. She said she shared videos about it online with the hope of encouraging other women to join the industry.

“A lot of people say you get catcalled, but it’s nothing like that at all,” she told the outlet.

“From my experience, if you just go in there with your head held high and if you don’t let men have it over you,” she added. “Stand your ground. They won’t do anything.”

The internet was naturally outraged over the advertisement

Commentary on a controversial billboard rental by bikini tradie seeking a sugar daddy, sparking public outrage.

Comment critical of "Bikini Tradie" using a mobile billboard, calling it "just another garbage truck.

Bikini Tradie" comment: "She needs to rethink her advertising. She's not all that special.

Comment from anitacollins saying "Get a job !!!" in response to Bikini Tradie billboard controversy.

Screenshot of a user's comment describing a situation as "desperate and sad" related to the bikini tradie's billboard.

Bikini Tradie" ad sparks outrage, seeking "sugar daddy" with mobile billboard.

Comment questioning reality in response to Bikini Tradie billboard seeking sugar daddy.

Comment expressing outrage about a bikini tradie's mobile billboard seeking a sugar daddy.

Comment by user "me_Brisbane" saying, "Rich old and lonely but not desperate," related to Bikini Tradie controversy.

Comment by Crowboy: "Doesn't appear to be the sharpest tool in the shed," related to bikini tradie ad.

Instagram comment reacting to a "bikini tradie" controversy in search of a "sugar daddy" via mobile billboard.

Comment discussing requirements for a sugar daddy amid bikini tradie controversy.

Social media comment reacting to "Bikini Tradie" billboard seeking a sugar daddy.

Comment responding to "Bikini Tradie" controversy, questioning requirements for being a "sugar daddy.

The post “Bikini Tradie” Sparks Outrage After Renting Mobile Billboard Looking For A “Sugar Daddy” first appeared on Bored Panda.

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