“Work On Me”: Doctor’s Viral Baby Farting Tips Spark Hilarious Reactions
Parents around the world know that the cries of a baby can turn even the most peaceful of nights into a symphony of worry, especially when their pain is caused by something as simple to adults as farting.
The inability of some babies to pass wind is no joke as, according to experts, it can have dangerous consequences not only for their physical well-being but also for their mental health later in life.
Dr. José Eduardo, a pediatric osteopath from Brazil, took the matter into his own hands—literally—by developing a program in which he teaches parents different massage techniques that have been proven to bring relief to both little tummies and tired parents.
“This is a very rewarding mission for me,” Eduardo said. “The pain of a baby can have lasting consequences, so I’m helping future adults in a way.”
A Brazilian doctor went massively viral after teaching mothers a “lifechanging” massage technique to make their babies fart
Image credits: Dr. José Eduardo – Osteopata D.O
Parenthood is a milestone that, for many, is wrapped in love, joy, and a fair share of sleepless nights.
In the first months of a baby’s life, it’s not uncommon for parents to be at their wit’s end—trying every trick in the book to soothe their babies while being unable to completely understand what’s wrong with them and why they can’t seem to stop crying.
“Babies cry because they can’t communicate in any other way,” Eduardo said. “That’s why pediatric osteopathy is so important; it’s a discipline completely dedicated to treating and understanding their pain.”
Image credits: Lisa Fotios/Pexels (Not the actual photo)
Initially, Eduardo treated patients in person only, teaching his massage techniques to mothers with amazing results. The effectiveness of his treatment made him very popular through word of mouth alone.
Seeing a growing demand for his knowledge, the doctor decided to create a program called Mães que Curam (Mothers That Heal) and to share his techniques for free on his Instagram page.
The 100% online training is a treasure trove of baby care tips. With over 15 practical video lessons and a comprehensive digital book, the program teaches parents how to soothe their babies with gentle, loving touches—and without the need of medication.
Dr. Eduardo’s popularity has soared in recent years, going from 352,000 followers to over 2.1 million in 2025
Image credits: dr.joseeduardo
Dr. Eduardo’s success caught the attention of local outlets, who were surprised at the popularity the doctor had accrued, reaching more than 352,000 followers in September 2022.
That number pales in comparison to the one he had in 2025, with a follower count of over 2.1 million users after the doctor’s videos went viral on various social media platforms, including YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook.
For instance, one of his video demonstrations reached almost 13 million views on TikTok, with more than 10,000 comments from mothers all around the world thanking the doctor for his tips.
Image credits: dr.joseeduardo
“At that age, a baby successfully farting guarantees a relaxing night without cries,” one user wrote. “I can really feel how relaxed that toddler is.”
“Wow, what a relief. Where was that baby hiding all of that gas!?” another joked.
“Never in my wildest dreams I would’ve imagined I would get so happy from someone else farting until I became a mother,” wrote one of his followers.
“As weird as it seems, this is what peace sounds like,” another one said of the baby’s little farts.
According to experts, a certain degree of abdominal pain and colic is normal, but parents should be on the lookout for any abnormalities or excessive crying
@dr.joseeduardo Só uma mãe que tem um bebê que sofre com dificuldade de evacuar (disquesia) ou que sofre porque não consegue soltar os gases vai entender o quanto esse som é satisfatório, além de ser satisfatório o que vem depois dele é bom demais. Primeira coisa, o bebê para de sofrer e fica relaxado, depois a mãe relaxa também, porque em cada tentativa frustrada de evacuar a mãe sofre junto. O bebê geralmente dorme, ou fica sorridente e dá pra você fazer mais tranquila outras coisas da maternidade que você estava sem tempo. Uma boa soneca provavelmente vai acontecer, uma melhora no sono noturno pode acontecer. E se essa ajuda que você pode dar com as suas mãos acontecerem diariamente? As coisas vão mudar aí na sua casa e a maternidade vai ficar mais leve, pode acreditar. Ahhh, o que aconteceu nesse vídeo foi que a mãe filmou o fim da sequência MQC para disquesia, essa técnica é a técnica pêndulo, é a quarta técnica da sequência, se você faz a sequência completa + a técnica COCOPUM = 💩💨 Se você quiser aprender é só clicar no link da bio e se tornar aluna do Programa Mães Que Curam #cocopum #maternidade #maternidadereal #colicadobebe #gravidez ♬ som original – dr.joseeduardo
Bored Panda spoke with pediatrician Mariana Elberg, who in a similar fashion to Dr. Eduardo, has dedicated her social media presence to teaching parents how to alleviate their babies’ pain.
“Complications will mainly depend on the cause of the colic,” Dr. Elberg explained.
“Many babies experience colic or abdominal pain due to immaturity, which is normal; however, the risk lies in missing other causes such as allergies or malformations.”
Image credits: Encuadrado
Elberg also shared her tips on which movements mothers and fathers can perform to provide immediate relief to their toddlers.
“Flex the legs and use one hand on the abdomen to make circular movements in the direction of a clock, applying gentle pressure,” she explained. However, she warned parents to cease the massage if they notice the pressure triggers crying or irritability.
“In these cases, it’s advised to stop and consult with a professional.”
Research has shown that untreated colic can cause considerable damage to a baby’s mental health, causing issues well into adulthood
@dr.joseeduardo 👉Aproximadamente 70% dos bebês sofrem para eliminar os gases e evacuar, é um número alto que chama atenção de todos que trabalham no universo pediátrico. 👉Muitas noites de sono dos bebês e dos pais são fracionadas em vários despertares devido à essa dificuldade, o principal objetivo desse vídeo é demostrar que a melhor forma de ajudar o bebê que sofre com a essas dores e desconfortos são massagens e posicionamentos, acredite você pode ajudar seu bebê. 👉Existem remédios para os gases e assim como todo medicamento, principalmente os que são direcionados para os bebês, alguns apresentam bons resultados e outros não, o que é regra é que todo medicamento tem seu custo e o seu benefício, você sabe qual o “custo” para o seu bebê usar remédio para os gases de forma contínua? Já pesquisou sobre isso? 👉Bebês que apresentam dificuldade para evacuar e quando conseguem as fezes são moles, chamamos de DISQUESIA, e não existe remédio para isso, porém existe tratamento e depende muito das suas mãos. Uma coisa eu posso te garantir que vai facilitar esse processo para o seu bebê: sequência MQC para Disquesia + Tinta Azul + Higiene Natural, faça isso por 2 semanas e me conta o resultado aqui nos comentários. 👉Mãe acredite em você, você pode ajudar seu bebê. Me siga para mais conteúdos. Ensino mães a aliviarem as dores e desconfortos do bebê por cólicas, gases, dificuldade para evacuar e refluxo, com suas próprias mãos. Já são milhares de bebês livres desses sintomas com a ajuda de suas mães. #colicasdobebe #maternidade #maternidadereal #gestante #gravida #maedemenina #maedemenina ♬ som original – dr.joseeduardo
While the effectiveness of treatments such as massages and chiropractic treatments on babies has long been studied, experts have acknowledged that more should be done to share that knowledge with mothers and fathers.
“It’s a neglected area of research,” said Joyce Miller, chiropractic pediatrician from the University of Bournemouth, UK.
Miller conducted a study that showed that early intervention for infant colic can have long-term benefits. Research indicates that infants who suffer from colic may be at risk for later developmental and behavioral challenges.
Image credits: dr.joseeduardo
These include hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, and withdrawal, as excessive crying causes a great deal of trauma in an infant’s psyche, internalizing their distress and resulting in behavioral problems well into adulthood.¡
“Untreated post-colicky infants demonstrated negative behavioral patterns at 2 to 3 years of age,” Miller wrote in his paper. “Conversely, parents of infants treated with chiropractic care for excessive crying did not report as many difficult behavioral and sleep patterns of their toddlers.”
“These findings suggest that chiropractic care for infants with colic may have an effect on long-term sequelae,” Miller added.
Dr. Eduardo regularly uploads content to his social media, touching on all aspects of babycare, from diets to exercise and beyond
Image credits: dr.joseeduardo
“It’s all about nurturing healthy, happy little humans from the very start,” Dr. Eduardo explained.
By teaching parents how to naturally alleviate their babies’ discomfort, the doctor’s program not only promises more peaceful nights but also aims to prevent potential behavioral difficulties down the road.
Beyond just making babies fart, osteopathic and chiropractic techniques for babies, such as the one Dr. Eduardo shares, empower families with the tools they need to nurture their children from the very start.
@dr.joseeduardo 👉O toque foi uma das primeiras e principais formas de tratamento do ser humano, o toque veio antes dos remédios, o toque no lugar certo, com a força certa e com os movimentos corretos pode reequilibrar o corpo, pode destruir obstáculos que impedem a cura. Me siga para mais conteúdos. Ensino mães a aliviarem as dores e desconfortos do bebê por cólicas, gases, dificuldade para evacuar e refluxo, com suas próprias mãos. Já são milhares de bebês livres desses sintomas com a ajuda de suas mães. #gasesdebebe #colicasdobebe #maternidadereal #maternidade #gestante #maesquecuram ♬ som original – dr.joseeduardo
“It’s important to create a calm environment for the massages to be effective,” the doctor explained in a video uploaded on January 12, where he is seen demonstrating his techniques by calming a crying baby with soft, circular leg movements.
“These massages are really great,” one viewer wrote. “I perform them on my baby, and he farts real quick!”
“I thank God every day that my baby doesn’t suffer anymore. It’s been 4 months without pain, thanks to Dr. Eduardo’s tips,” another said.
Comments and information in Portuguese were translated into English for this article.
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