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Menace Of A Nephew Ruins Aunt’s Gender Reveal, Gets Himself And His Mom Banned From Her Parties

People celebrate the arrival of a new life differently. Some choose to have baby showers, others want to find out the gender of their baby in a fun way and opt for a gender reveal parties. These occasions bring family members and friends together, but they can also go awry because of the same family members.

The culprit of this gender reveal party fiasco was the mom-to-be’s nephew. Although she repeatedly asked her sister to make sure the devil child wouldn’t cause any trouble, the worst still happened. So, after vowing never to invite them to anything ever again, she checked in with netizens whether her reaction was too harsh.

After her nephew ruined a gender reveal party, this woman banned him and his mom from future parties

Image credits: RDNE Stock project / pexels (not the actual photo)

The woman sought validation for her decision online: was she overreacting, or was the tween out of line

Image credits: Irina Novikova / pexels (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Kampus Production / pexels (not the actual photo)

Image credits: anonymous

Permissive parenting can often result in acting out and delinquency

From what the author describes here, her sister seems to be quite a permissive parent. These kinds of parents rarely use any disciplinary actions and allow their kids to do all kinds of shenanigans without consequences.

Permissive parents are usually very loving and nurturing to their children. In some cases, as the OP describes, they can do no wrong in their parents’ eyes. If they establish any rules, they are usually inconsistent. For instance, the sister probably told her son to stay at her side at all times in this situation, yet did nothing when he disobeyed.

Experts say that an effect of permissive parenting can be delinquency and even substance abuse in the future. One study found that children raised by permissive parents were more likely to engage in misconduct. When such children don’t get what they want or face emotionally difficult situations, they may seem less understanding and even show aggression.

As many commenters pointed out, unruly behavior in tweens only gets more difficult with age. Behaviors like stealing at such a young age can signal a more serious behavioral problem. This is especially true when coupled with other troubling patterns like breaking windows and suspensions from school.

Image credits: Oleksandr P / pexels (not the actual photo)

Many criticize gender reveal parties for reinforcing the gender binary and being unsafe

People generally have mixed feelings about gender reveal parties. A 2018 YouGov survey revealed that 35% of Americans think they are “unnecessary” and 28% called them “silly.” The Brits have similar opinions: 46.5% think they are “silly.” Still, 13% of the respondents in Britain said they would have a gender reveal party.

Many people bash gender reveal parties as a concept. Some say they’re outdated because they reinforce the gender binary. But more people hate on them because some examples of gender reveal parties in the past have been quite dangerous.

In 2019, a Florida woman tragically passed away after a piece of shrapnel from a homemade explosive struck her in the head. Other gender reveal parties had some unfortunate consequences for the environment. In 2020, one such party resulted in a massive wildfire in California. A crop dusting plane crash in Texas injured a person in a gender reveal gone wrong in 2019.

Even the woman who started the gender reveal party trend now says they should be obsolete and unnecessary. The woman, Jenna Myers Karvunidis, even likened the trend to inventing gunpowder. Her daughter Bianca, for whom the party was meant at the time, is now a teen and doesn’t exactly conform to gender standards.

“Bianca tells me there are more than two genders and many sexualities. I hadn’t considered all this before,” Karvunidis told The Guardian. “At least when the child is born you are getting all the information at once: the sex, the colour of their hair, who they look like, how long they are, what their heart rate is,” Karvunidis went on. “With the gender-reveal you’ve isolated one aspect of this person. When it gets elevated as being central to your identity that’s problematic.”

Image credits: Tima Miroshnichenko / pexels (not the actual photo)

Many people showed sympathy for the woman, saying that the child is clearly out of control

Others questioned the theme of the party and gender reveals in general

The post Menace Of A Nephew Ruins Aunt’s Gender Reveal, Gets Himself And His Mom Banned From Her Parties first appeared on Bored Panda.

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