Mom Of 3 Combats Her Children’s Fixation On Candy By Exposing Them To “All Foods”
Every person only has one opportunity in life – therefore, it’s imperative to make the most of it.
Soak up the sun, enjoy that autumn breeze, celebrate your children, gather your family for Friday night dinners and eat that snack you’ve been thinking about for the whole day.
Happiness is one of our principal drives; however, when society is so busy dictating what’s “good” and what’s “bad”, it’s hard to appreciate the number one thing responsible for fueling our body.
Having a healthy connection with food will promise you a whole range of benefits, both mental and physical. Yet you mustn’t forget that you’re also in charge of passing the same habits onto your offspring, and this Instagram user might have a trick or two to teach you.
More info: Instagram | KL Nutrition & Fitness
You know what they say: “Count memories, not calories”
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Children and their fixation on candy: a lifelong dilemma that affects pretty much every single parent. Although it might seem that processed sugar is something that needs to be strictly regulated, this tactic can backfire, since we all know what happens when something is off-limits.
Registered dietician exposes her controversial take on candy, says her kids are exposed to all foods
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“What’s something that you’ll get a lot of hate for if you say it out loud?” – this mom of 3 turned to Instagram to share how she combats the influence that candy has over kids. The video has managed to get over 182K likes alongside 1509 comments that discussed her intriguing approach.
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The nutrition expert revealed that when people become aware of her profession, they instantly assume that her children only consume “healthy” foods and rarely get candy or “treats” – where in fact, that’s not true at all. The woman’s kids are exposed to all foods: fruits, vegetables, candy, cake, meat, cookies, cheese, beans and fish – they eat it all.
The woman claims that when humans feel deprived of something, they want it more
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Moreover, the mother introduced a candy basket because one of her 5-year-olds has been talking about it non-stop. She added that the kids each had three pieces in total throughout the day together with their meals and that she can already see the obsession drifting away.
She keeps candy in plain view because her 5 Y.O. wouldn’t stop talking about it, and she can already see the obsession decreasing
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Bored Panda managed to reach out to the creator of the video, who said: “I’ve been a registered dietitian and certified personal trainer for over 10 years. I’ve worked in many different areas over the years – gyms, grocery stores, physical therapy and sports medicine centres and most recently for myself.”
“I started KL Nutrition & Fitness in 2020 when I was laid off and transitioned to virtual personal training and nutrition coaching. I’m currently developing a group strength training and nutrition program targeted towards moms of young kids. The program will feature weekly strength training workouts, a family-friendly nutrition guide, nutrition masterclasses that go over specific feeding/food exposure strategies for kids and helping them develop a positive relationship with food. There will be no promotion of dieting, weight loss, restriction or putting pressure on kids to eat certain foods.”
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BP wondered what inspired Kristen to make the video, to which she said: “I think a lot of parents assume that if they restrict their kids from ‘junk food,’ that they are encouraging them to eat healthy. In reality, it’s much more realistic to expose them consistently to all different kinds of food and allow them to self-regulate. I’ve been putting in more effort to showcase some of the strategies I use with my kids to help them do this so that’s where the video idea came from.”
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We then asked Kristen whether she and her family always had such a great connection with food: “I have definitely learned a lot about fostering a positive relationship with food in my kids since having my twins almost 6 years ago. As a dietitian, I have a very good understanding of food, nutrition and the science of all of it. Food restriction has never made sense to me so when I was thinking about how I wanted to approach feeding my kids, I did a lot of research and had a strategy planned from the start. It has ebbed and flowed with time but overall, I feel really good about the way my kids see food and I hope they have a solid enough foundation to navigate through all the misinformation out there.”
The author of the video argues that “If you offer it more, the novelty wears off”
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Serving it all at once is one example of how Kristen teaches her kids that food is just food; dessert foods are not rewards, nor are they bribes or something special.
The creator added that she believes that there’s no moral value to food. No one is good or bad based on what they consume, and her kids don’t need to be on their best behavior in order to get a treat.
They don’t need to eat their vegetables before enjoying dessert, as doing so can put certain dishes on a “pedestal” which would then create an obsession.
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BP wanted to know if there’s a piece of advice that Kristen would like to offer to folks who deprive their offspring of things like sweets: “Be open-minded to learning a different way of approaching food with your kids. Just because your parents did things a certain way, doesn’t mean you have to do it that way. The “clean plate club” is out, listening to your tummy is in!”
She suggests refraining from using dessert foods as rewards and bribes
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Lastly, the woman said: “The number one way kids navigate their relationship with food is by watching their caregivers. They watch you eat, listen to the language you use about food (Do you say food is ‘bad’, ‘good’, ‘junk’, ‘unhealthy’, healthy’?) and also how you talk about yourself (Do you talk about how you need to lose weight? How you feel fat? How you need to burn off those cookies?) They hear and internalize ALL of it. Eating disorders are starting as early as 6 years old now. We need to do better for the next generation.”
You can watch the video here
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