Girlfriend Doesn’t Know What To Do After Finding Out Through A DNA Test That Her Boyfriend Of 6 Years Is Her Brother
Life is crazy, sometimes hellish even.
It will gift you the best memories you’ll reminisce about until you’re ready to depart from Earth. It will surprise you with the wildest opportunities that’ll turn your world upside down – yet it will also test your limits and knock you down when you’re most vulnerable.
Stuff will change you, and sometimes you won’t even recognize yourself. You will lose your dearest peers; you will question your decisions, your career paths, and the overall meaning of your existence – things will happen, and half of the time, they won’t be sweet.
On the other hand, life would be so boring if it wasn’t this hectic, but perhaps only with stories like these do you begin to ponder the unexpectedness that might knock on your door next.
More info: Reddit
Life’s full of surprises – you never know what will hit you next
Image credits: Laurel Hechanova (not the actual photo)
“I just found out that I’ve been dating my biological brother for 6 years” – this woman turned to Reddit’s r/offmychest community to reveal that she and her long-term partner are actually biological siblings. The startling and life-changing tale has managed to receive only 239 upvotes and 128 comments despite being uploaded a couple of months ago.
After six years of dating, this woman learned her boyfriend is actually her biological brother
Image credits: LetsSinWith
The woman began her post with a brief introduction: she’s 30 years old and her “brother” is 32. She was adopted as a baby – yet, she wasn’t aware of this until she was already in high school. The OP also added that she never felt betrayed, nor did she ever care because she has a great family.
The OP and her partner are both adopted, and when they met it was one of the things they bonded over
Image credits: LetsSinWith
Now, the author’s boyfriend is also adopted, and when they first met, it was one of the things they really bonded over as they both had lovely families and only found out later in school.
The couple’s relationship was great – they understood each other quickly and they were both really attracted to each other. The OP revealed that she’s never met a person to whom she felt such an immediate attraction and familiarity. However, she has a couple of guesses as to why everything felt so easy: the boyfriend with whom she shared a bed and did all the things that a normal couple would is actually her brother – not even her half-brother but her full brother.
They developed a great bond in no time, and she realized that it’s probably because he is her full sibling
Image credits: LetsSinWith
The one thing that the OP emphasizes is their agreement to remain childfree; she said she doesn’t want to deal with possible health complications and have to raise a kid with them knowing that their mommy and daddy are siblings.
The woman discovered this rather horrifying info when they did a DNA test to see their ancestry and “what exactly they are.” She ordered two, and they both spit in the provided tube and sent the samples out.
The pair did everything a normal couple would, and she discovered this life-changing info when they did a DNA test to see their ancestry
Image credits: LetsSinWith
It took approximately a month for the results to come back. She was excited to look into her heritage, but before she could even get to it, she saw that she and her beloved partner are siblings. Needless to say, the woman was shocked.
Once she discovered this information, she didn’t tell her boyfriend. She hoped that the DNA company had made a mistake – however, she did confess that things began to make sense. The pair would always receive those “You guys look so alike” or “He’s the male version of you” remarks. They would usually laugh it off, but she spent the whole morning looking at their pictures and realized that they indeed do look like each other.
She eventually revealed the discovery to her boyfriend – however, he said he didn’t want to freak out until they had done a “real” test
Image credits: LetsSinWith
The man tried to remain calm, but the OP sensed his unease and said that it was strange lying next to him
Image credits: Ketut Subiyanto (not the actual photo)
The woman said that she’s still pretty much in love with her boyfriend; after all, they’ve been together for more than half a decade. They have a beautiful house together and have managed to build a very comfortable life. She sincerely hoped that the test was incorrect and planned to get another one soon.
She then updated the post, seemingly only a day or so after the upload, and she said that she showed her partner the results of the DNA test. He didn’t want to freak out or make any big decisions until they got a professional test done – however, the author could tell that he was pretty alarmed.
What do you think about this wild tale, and what would you do if you were in the OP’s position?
Fellow community members shared their flabbergasted reactions
The post Girlfriend Doesn’t Know What To Do After Finding Out Through A DNA Test That Her Boyfriend Of 6 Years Is Her Brother first appeared on Bored Panda.
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