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27 Of The Most Embarrassing Things Men Have Said To Women, As Shared In This Online Group

The prime time for memories of embarrassing things you said or did to come is when your brain is shutting down and you are trying to fall asleep. At this point, not only can you not sleep, but you contemplate if it’s worth talking to people anymore and you try to calm yourself down by telling yourself that nobody even remembers what you said or did and it’s only a big deal for you.

In most cases, others really don’t care if you messed up or have been a bit awkward, but there are times when they really can’t forget. At least these women on Reddit can’t forget how men told them something embarrassing or even inappropriate.

More info: Reddit


My manager looked at me and said with all of my male coworkers in the room, "I hope I can try you out in bed. You must be a freak."

I reported him and he was terminated.

Image credits: toootired2care


My brother and I was in a car accident. The other drivers fault. It's kinda easy to see that my brother and I are siblings we keep out of eachothers space. Like we sit on opposite sides of a row of seats. They sued the insurance company and we had to go testify in court. The guy said loudly infront of the judge and lawyers that ofcourse I'd lie for my boyfriend I f**k him. The guys lawyer told him in not so quiet voice that we are siblings. He turned beet red and lost the case since the evidence clearly showed he was at fault. I had to wait till we left the court to laugh my a*s off.

Image credits: Lunaphoenix23


I worked at dollar general for a short time after high school. I am biracial (black & white) and a white man I was ringing up winks at me and says “You know, I really like colored girls” and the guy behind him just said “DUDE?”

Image credits: Spiritual_Welcome495


Dude I was talking to asked if I was looking to have kids. I said "not anytime soon" (I was 20!!) Proceeds to tell me my breasts would look great swollen with milk :)

Image credits: broke-bee


"Damn girl, are you as young as you look? Cuz I've got a white van just around the corner"

Image credits: anon


“I only like vulnerable girls. I want a girl who is reliant on me and will just cry on my shoulder.” That freaked me out, especially since I had mental health issues when we first started dating. Guess the mental state of his next girlfriend

Image credits: smoothestcrayoneater


"God. I hate being around all these betas." We were at the gym. He was also 29 and i was 18. That whole 6 months was an embarrassment.

Image credits: AltruisticRevenue869


I was at church with my Dad and one of the old men came up. He pointed at me then looked at my Dad and said "I see you've brought your concubine with you."

This was after he had smacked my butt with a rolled up newspaper

I never went back there again

Image credits: PiggyNoDance


I was 19, married, pregnant with my second son, and working waiting tables and a guy that was sometimes a customer and sometimes a coworker told me I was obviously legal enough to not get him in trouble and looked young enough to please the “lover of young girls in him”…. Like what the actual f**k…

Image credits: Novel_Benefit_6384


It was Juneteenth and this man looks me up and down and says "I'd buy you if you were a slave, you look...strong..."

Image credits: eddituser1980


I brought a guy out with my friends once and we were talking about nicknames family/friends gave us and he goes “my friends call me silver back gorilla because they recognize my alpha vibe”. Obviously a damn lie



A white man once said to me, a black woman, he could be the marshmallows to my hot chocolate. Cute but I had second hand embarrassment

Image credits: AsleepAcademic



This was after he fought me for the bill despite the fact that I insisted on paying for myself and then I declined an offer for a second date.

He also said that he was so glad I wore a dress to the date because he thought that women who wear pants and don't have soft skin are overbearing feminists and he could not date someone like that. ANYWAY... I think you might see why I ended that fast.

Image credits: olive_orchid


The guy who took my virginity told me that I was “scientifically altered” because he was my first and that my mind “had been rewired to be attached to him” and that’s why he wanted to break up.

I said , “sure thing”

Image credits: thanarealnobody


“well if you’re going to move at least let me get you pregnant so you have a child to remember me with”

An no we were not dating and I wasn’t interested in him.

Image credits: anon


After a date he asked “could I use your card and pretend it’s mine… I left mine at home and don’t want to look like a loser” I laughed because I thought it was some kind of weird joke but nope. He was 100% serious. We did not have a second date

Image credits: Awkward_Fig3967


“… but you’re not real asian-asian” a white dude explaining to me my being Indian isn’t asian

Image credits: weisnice


My husband's first words to me were, 'I like toast'. Things did get better after that.

Image credits: pigadaki


What's wrong with your face?

I was working at the time as a customer service representative, so I couldn't respond without repercussions. He was referring to my freckles. Apparently he'd never seen a ginger before.

Image credits: bo_star57


“You look like a clown with all that makeup on” ~my (now ex) husband on our wedding day

Image credits: Geekbabe2


“Your arms are huge” I will never forget it, and am still trying to stop being insecure to show my arms in public.

Image credits: anon


Are you a boy or a girl? Really Really hurt my feelings.

Image credits: depressedcoconut2727


I was getting McDonald's after a night out with some friends and we noticed this guy that looked very sad. My friend asked if he was okay, and he took it the wrong way. He then pointed out the hotel he was staying in and said "I have a lot of money". We left immediately.

Image credits: Sea_Computer_5578


“Congratulations on your maternity leave!”

A regular customer said that to me. I am not pregnant…

Image credits: cwt48


I was an extra on a film set and I had to smoke a prop cigarette- I don't smoke but I was cool with it and had agreed prior to filming, thought it would be an interesting experience. I was doing a scene with an older (and incredibly attractive) Russian man. In between takes, I wasn't holding it between my fingers to give my hands a break, but there was also nowhere to put it so I was holding it differently. Dude snatches it from my hand, puts it between my fingers to show me the "correct way" and says "typical womans." I was immediately turned off.

Prior to shooting, I had noticed him and was low key crushing on him hard, so I was very excited to be picked doing the scene together. Well that took a complete 180.

After we wrapped around midnight, he approached and said ," It's very late, I could give you a ride home." I'm pretty sure it wasn't even offered as a question and more of a command, it made me uneasy. I guess it was more of a weird interaction, but the first thing was certainly embarrassing for me.

Image credits: Misseskat


Is tall, blonde, and has a beard. He keeps mentioning how he looks like a Viking whenever he comes into our work. Bro no one gives a f**k

Image credits: anon


That he refused to do skincare or even wash his face because it was "girly".

Image credits: quarantinearea

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