Person Online Inquires “What Screams ‘I Am Entitled?’”, And 45 People Provide Their Answers
Many people like perks. No, not like that. Many people enjoy being entitled, or at least just feeling entitled. Even if they do not have any slightest reason to feel a bit better than others at something, they will just come up with a reason.
This happens especially often, for example, in the service sector, where people who for some reason feel "entitled" help themselves to much more than the boundaries of decency allow. Sometimes one look at a person is enough to understand that they are entitled as hell.
And sometimes it's not. So Reddit users shared their stories about how they had to interact with these categories of entitled people, and how to recognize them easily. The thread came out very popular with almost 2K upvotes and more than 2.3K various comments. Bored Panda has created an incredibly entitled curated list for you with a selection of the most interesting stories from this thread.
So feel free to scroll down, leave your comments - and just try to never be like the heroes of these "entitled-persons-and-where-to-find-them" stories.
More info: Reddit
#1 Acting As If Your Religious Rules And Customs Should Apply To Anybody Else
Acting as if your religious rules and customs should apply to anybody else.Image credits: Shizanketsuga
#2 Double Standards Regarding Abortions
People who are against abortion but then don’t give a s**t if the kid is taken care of.Image credits: AdDisastrous6738
#3 Treating Service Workers Badly
Treating service workers like c**p.Image credits: Botryoid2000
#4 Military Wives That Expect To Be Saluted Or Have The Same Treatment As Their Husbands
Military wives that expect to be saluted or have the same treatment as their husbands. Or brag about their rank.Image credits: Curvy-animallover
#5 People Using The Phrase "It's Just A Child!" To Excuse Their Child's Bad Behavior
People use the phrase "It's just a child!" to excuse their child's s***ty behavior. When the zoo says "Don't tap the glass, it stresses the animal" that means your f**kball child needs to knock it off.Image credits: DaisyCutter312
#6 People Who Purposely Cause Messes
People who purposely cause messes at restaurants, movie theatres, etc. because "someone else will clean it up" or its "their jobs to clean it up". Spills happen, but people who start food fights or just throw their beverages/food are terribleImage credits: FragrantDingo21
#7 Amber Heard
I didn’t punch you, I hit youImage credits: ohpotatomonster
#8 When You Do Something In Return And They Freak Out
when they do something to you and think it’s fine but when you do it in return and they freak outImage credits: Silvero129
#9 "Do You Know Who I Am?"
"Do you know who I am!?!"Image credits: ThoriumLad
#10 People Who Cut In Line
People who cut in lineImage credits: Chad_Farthousse
#11 Not Using Blinker To Change Lanes
not using your blinker to change lanesImage credits: MrPelham
#12 Threatening To Get You Fired
"I will have you fired!"Image credits: Vergo27
#13 Shoppers Who Trash Dressing Rooms
Those shiny, niche cars taking up two parking spaces.Those shoppers who trash boutique dressing rooms.
Those shoppers who take items (especially frozen ones) and ditch them in canned goods.
Image credits: MomCat23
#14 Leaving Something For Someone Else To Deal With
Generally just leaving something for someone else to deal withImage credits: Splatty_boi_420
#15 Screaming At Children Working At Starter Positions
Screaming at children working at retail/fast food/starter positions at jobs.Image credits: pookimane
#16 Acting Like A Child After Somebody Saying No
When you say no to someone and then they act like a childImage credits: Turbulent-Papaya-910
#17 Incessant Whining Over Shared Inconveniences
Incessant whining over shared inconveniences. For example, person goes to the DMV to find a 90 minute wait. Everyone else that arrived around the same time as them is also having to wait 90 minutes. But this person just. Won’t. Shut. Up about it. Like dude, we get it. It sucks. Literally no one is enjoying this experience. You’re not entitled to any faster service than anyone else, and bitching about it isn’t going to change that.Image credits: Brodin_fortifies
#18 People Talking Over You
People that talk over you after you waited your turn/the mood called for someone to add to the convo.Image credits: willfullignoramous
#19 People Who Don't Return Their Shopping Carts
People who don't return their shopping cart.Image credits: skinshell
#20 Not Picking Up After Dogs
People who don't pick up after their dogs and throw cigarette butts on the groundImage credits: EdgeMiserable4381
#21 Treating Gas Station Workers Badly
I'm a gas station worker and when people don't say please or thank you, when they're on the phone(mostly when they're VERY loud). When they walk in, dont even look at you, practically throw the money at you and say "20 on pump 5" and walk out.OH! And when there's only one person there, we have to close our store for lunch. We have a very polite worded sign on the door. I'll be walking with my food to the back and they try and bang on the door, put their arms up like "what the f**k?? You're not going to serve me??"
And there's literally another gas station kitty corner to us.
Edit to clarify: where I'm from(Sacramento, California) you pay at the pump with card and pump gas yourself. I'm not stopping most people from getting gas by taking my lunch(ONLY thing that stops people from getting gas is if they're paying with cash, but most people don't. There's no discount at my store by paying with cash rather than card)
The only thing they can't get is cigarettes, beer and snacks. But as I stated, there is another gas station right across the street.
I am also entitled to a lunch, just as every other worker in America.
Image credits: Charming_Love2522
#22 Blaming Other People For Your Own Faults
All their problems are always someone else’s fault, never their own.Image credits: 44pennystocks
#23 Impatience In Situations Which Really Need Patience
Impatience in situations where it should be just universally understood that you need patience.Image credits: c7hu1hu
#24 Not Cleaning Up After Themselves
People who don’t clean up after themselvesImage credits: netxnic
#25 Double Standards Regarding Religion
“Ummm yo I have the right to rip your hijab but you don’t have the right to scream back”.real story
Image credits: Royalejammy
#26 Offering To Pay Extra If I Would Kick Someone Else's Kid Out
I work as a ticket seller for a ski resort.My favorite entitled person is the guy who, upon finding out that the kids lesson was sold out, offered to pay extra if I would kick someone elses kid out so his kid could have a spot.
Image credits: Floranagirl
#27 Parking A Luxury Car Over Two Spaces
parking a luxury car over two spaces.#28 Thinking That People Should Lose Their Livelihoods Because You’re Offended
Thinking that people should lose their livelihoods because you’re offended.#29 Using Other People's Stuff Without Asking For Permission
Using or taking other people's stuff without asking for their permission.Image credits: SuvenPan
#30 Adults Throwing Tantrums
Adults who throw tantrums (slam doors, scream/yell, pout, throw/break things, etc.)#31 Telling "My Taxes Pay Your Salary" To Cops
When I was a cop in the 90s I heard, "my taxes pay your salary" to which I would reply, "my taxes do as well"#32 Blocking Public Transport While Parking Their Own Cars
I went to private school for all of high school. It was even further divided by wealth because it was an American school in a foreign country, so most of the kids from there were very wealthy, did coke on Tuesday nights, and would buy their way into Harvard. The rest of the kids were pretty much all from military families who had the price of education covered. I used to take the city bus home from school (it was out in the suburbs). One day this mom in her shiny convertible car and 200 dollar jeans parks her car where it is completely blocking the road and goes to pick up her kid. When the bus drives up, it can’t get by. Bus driver honks for a couple minutes, but the mom is no where in sight. When she finally comes out, she’s not even bothered by the fact that she’s been blocking traffic for 10 minutes. She just takes her sweet time getting in her car with her kid and finally drives off.Still makes me mad to this day.
Image credits: cpcpdstiagt
#33 Throwing Tantrums About Mild Inconveniences
When someone has to suffer a mild inconvenience and they throw a totally disproportionate tantrum about it.Image credits: lostinstasis
#34 Being Selfish In Dating Somebody
People that think they’re the prize when dating but never consider what the other person wants from a relationship.I don’t care how many followers you have. How does that make you worth dating?
Image credits: HowDareYouReadThis46
#35 Bragging About Parents' Money
People who brag about their parents’s money.Image credits: SpecialExamination41
#36 Bosses Refusing Giving Time Off
“Wdym you’ve never been on vacation” …#37 People Who Make Huge Assumptions About The Intent Of Others
People who make huge assumptions about the intent of others. They always think other people are thinking about them way more than they actually do.Image credits: Flaky-Fellatio
#38 Telling That You Cannot Afford Something Due To Its High Price
“Oh you can’t afford that, but it’s only like *high price*?”Image credits: surviving_butcrying
#39 Hitting The Back Of Someone’s Car And Then Blaming It On Them
Hitting the back of someone’s car and then blaming it on themImage credits: Receptiveskeptic
#40 Getting Angry At Waiters If Your Food "Takes Too Long"
Getting angy at waiters if your food "takes too long"#41 Saying "The Customer Is Always Right"
"The customer is always right"#42 Borrowing Money From Parents To Start Your Own Business
When Mitt Romney was debating Obama, he said: "If a kid needs money to start a business they can always borrow it from their parentsImage credits: Labe_Licker
#43 Threatening To Tell Parents
“I’ll call my dad and tell him what you did!”Image credits: ROAM300
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