47 Things People Have Learnt To Accept In Life Even Though They Are Quite Tragic, As Shared In This Online Group
As you probably know, scientists distinguish five main stages of any person's perception of the inevitable: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and, finally, the last stage - acceptance. When a person has already completely resigned themselves to the inevitability of something that was so hard to fit in one's mind, with the existence of a sad truth, a new reality is thus formed. And no matter how difficult it is to admit that one's friend or relative is terminally ill, that we will never see the people closest to us again, that some of us are doomed to loneliness until the very end of our lives, sooner or later comes the realization of any sad fact. As painful as this realization may be.
A new thread appeared in the AskReddit community a few days ago, the author of which asked just one simple question: "What is a depressing truth you have made peace with?" As a result, there are over 37.2K upvotes and almost 22K comments in the thread so far. People share their innermost experiences - and often receive priceless moral support.
Bored Panda has put together a special curated list of the most touching and sincere comments, which we are sure will touch you to the core. So feel free to read to the very end of the list and, of course, express your own feelings, as support is so vitally important in any situation, no matter how sad it is.
More info: Reddit
#1 My Dad Passed Away And I Will Never See Him Again
My dad passed away 6 weeks ago and I will NEVER see, hear, chat or get to hug him ever again & that forever is a long time.Image credits: somethinggood19
#2 I Will Never Get Back The Time I Have Lost To Depression
I will never get back the time I have lost to depression.Edit: I am amazed by the huge response, and appreciate your comments and the awards. Thankfully, life is mostly better for me. We can and do recover. I wish those of you in the middle of it you peace and love. Reach out for help, you are worth it.
Image credits: RantControl
#3 An Eternal Friendship Could End In An Instant
A friendship you thought would last forever can end in an instantImage credits: Febreze4200
#4 Love Is Not Always Mutual
Just because you think someone is "the one", doesn't mean they think you are.Image credits: ofsquire
#5 No One Is Coming To Help
No one is coming to helpImage credits: _meddlin_
#6 I'm Likely Destined For An Average Life
I'm likely destined for an average life.Image credits: EmperorKyoka
#7 People That Cause The Most Harm To The World Will Go Unpunished
The people that cause the most harm to the world will go unpunished, live happy and fulfilled lives, and die getting to do pretty much anything they ever wanted simply because they were either born into wealth or managed to acquire tons of if through nefarious means.Image credits: RealisticRip4701
#8 No Good Memory From My Childhood
My childhood is gone, and I have no good memory from that phase of my lifeImage credits: anonymoose_mrx
#9 I Will Always Fight My Demons
I will always fight my demons. There is no healing from it.Image credits: Regular_Perception_4
#10 People You Care Deeply About Will Choose To Drop Out Of Your Life
Sometimes people you care deeply about will choose to drop out of your life and all you can really do is have the grace to let themTo everyone struggling with being left behind, and to everyone struggling with having to be the one to leave- I hope the pain eases for you soon.
Image credits: girlloss
#11 The Only One I Can Rely On Is Myself
That at the end of the day, the only one I can rely on is myselfImage credits: tonio0317
#12 I'm Only Keeping Myself Alive Out Of A Sense Of Obligation To Others
I realized in therapy yesterday I'm only keeping myself alive out of a sense of obligation to others. That wasn't a fun realization.Image credits: mister_butlertron
#13 The Majority Of The Human Race Are Narrow, Deluded, Arbitrary Believers In Fantasies
The majority of the human race are narrow, deluded, arbitrary believers in fantasies, willfully ignorant about everything not immediately useful to them, violent, destructive, warlike, tribal as hell, and willing - under the right motivation or excuse - to commit any imaginable atrocity or horror on others... even their own neighbors. Humans are brutal apes with a thin veneer of civilization barely holding them back from constant genocide and cruelty.I didn't want to believe this, and I have fought this conclusion for all of my 62 years. But I am rational, it cannot be denied. It must be accepted.
Whatever glory humans achieve, they can never truly be trusted. I cannot dismiss this any longer.
Image credits: Petal_Chatoyance
#14 Life Isn’t Fair
Life isn’t fairImage credits: spazmcgee1
#15 I'm Entirely Fine With Being In No Relationship
I find it more comforting than depressing but some people will see it as the opposite. I'm entirely fine with being in no relationship. It's been almost a decade since the last one and I just don't see it as the priority that others do. I'm entirely fine with just having friends and colleagues. Hell I'm happy. I just wanna toss it out there because some people might find my reasoning to be helpful in deciding their life priorities.Image credits: PoorPDOP86
#16 You Can Do Everything Perfectly And Still Fail Completely
You can do everything perfectly and still fail completely.That and
People would rather leave you than own up to what they did and they’ll never even give you a second thought. Humans, turns out, are good at lying to themselves.
Image credits: GarzysBBQWings
#17 I’ll Be Single For The Remainder Of My Life
That I’ll be single for the remainder of my life.Image credits: Zhinii1
#18 My Grandpa Just Wanted To Get To Know Me And The Man I Was Becoming During His Last Year Of Life
My grandpa just wanted to get to know me and the man I was becoming during his last year of life. Which I was too young and too selfish to realize.Image credits: MrMunky24
#19 Being Alive Is Expensive
Being alive is expensive.Image credits: kendawg710
#20 People Can Fall Out Of Love With You
No matter how hard you love someone, they can fall out of love with you and there’s nothing you can do to fix it. Took me a lot of self destruction and pain to realize it. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out.Image credits: texassadist
#21 We Are All Loved Conditionally
We are all loved conditionally.Image credits: psychwarddicaprio
#22 My Depression Is Very Likely Chronic
My depression is very likely chronic. I'll be living with it for the rest of my life.Image credits: SuperDurpPig
#23 I'll Never Be Comfortable Financially
I'll never be comfortable financially. I have failed every attempt. I really did try. I promise you, I did. But nothings worked for me. I just have to accept it.Image credits: yamsnavas2
#24 I'm Aging Nonstop
I'm aging nonstopImage credits: insaight
#25 You're Alone Inside Your Own Head
You're completely alone inside your own head. No one will ever be able to truly feel what you feel.Image credits: dapperdoot
#26 That One Day I Won’t Be Alive And Neither Will Anybody I Love
That one day I won’t be alive and neither will anybody I love ?Image credits: HonestSapphireLion24
#27 There Will Be No Cure For My Spinal Cord Injury In My Lifetime
There will be no cure for my spinal cord injury in my lifetime. It was initially very depressing to realise, but almost 3 years in I'm kind of okay with it.They should cure other stuff like ALS first, and if it has to be SCI related - cure the nerve pain, or the bowel/bladder stuff. The not walking is very low on my list of priorities personally.
I'm aware of ongoing research, but have no faith in any of it. We'd have to either revolutionise neurology or be very lucky.
Image credits: cripple2493
#28 I’m A Coward And It’s Costing Me
I’m a coward and it’s costing me.Edit:
I read a few of the many comments, and I’ll answer a few. I’m a coward because I’m afraid of change, I’m afraid to fail and to hurt people, I’m afraid my dreams make me selfish and that I’ll step on people who are just like me if I try to pursue them. Yes, I am afraid to ask people out, and I’m afraid that someday I’ll realize that they might have been the one. I’m afraid my efforts however inconsequential are in vain. I’m afraid to stand up, for myself and for others. I was afraid of the truth, and at least I can say I got past it, because now, I am oh so intimately familiar with my flaws. I’m afraid that I have a superiority complex and act like a snob, while I am ironically afraid that I am rather stupid. I’m afraid I talk to much and I annoy everybody I talk to, and that even when they smile, in their mind they are begging me to shut up for a minute. I’m afraid that I’m a fraud, and I’m afraid that I have no right to fear these things so early in life.
I don’t see a therapist because they cost money, and I work at a gas station.
Maybe I haven’t really made peace with it. I hope to god I’m not this way forever. I know, that someday, somehow, I’ll find a way, but for now, It’s all I can do to stay in perspective and slink forward to the next day. And look forward to a future that seems oh so far beyond the reach of one with the means I posses.
Image credits: Brianw-5902
#29 I'm Aware Enough To Know That There Is Something Wrong With Me
I'm aware enough to know that there is something wrong with me. But I'm not aware enough to know what it is, let alone fix it.Image credits: The_Real_Gen_X
#30 I Made Peace With Being Not So Clever
Im kinda dumb tbhImage credits: ElVV1N
#31 My Whole Life Has Been A Waste
That my whole life has been a waste. That if I disappeared tomorrow nobody would even know or care. I used to consciously feel the existential dread that brings, but now I just kind of ignore it and keep going on with my mechanical existence.Image credits: peon72
#32 I’m An Alcoholic
I’m an alcoholicImage credits: ZookeepergameLimp778
#33 You Can Fall Out Of Love
You can fall out of loveImage credits: Confusedkraken
#34 47 Things People Have Learnt To Accept In Life Even Though They Are Quite Tragic, As Shared In This Online Group
No matter how much we clean our homes it will look like we hadn't done anything within the next few days, and we're just cleaning dust off knickknacks and fretting over objects we project sentiment and such importance on that we won't be able to take with us when we die, and our inheritors may end up losing, selling or breaking in the end.Why do we do this?
#35 My Time In Iraq Was A Complete Waste
My time in Iraq was a complete waste. 3 years of my life gawn.The world doesn’t care if you’re a good person. Matter of fact, they’re preying on *good* people.
Edit: Not just my time. Everyone that served in that war. *Especially the ones that died.* on both sides.
I know of several soldiers that brought tons of Iraqi Dinar hoping it would pay off. Well, 5 years later, here comes ISIS and wipes all that away…
A total waste of time….
#36 If A Firefighter Has To Perform Cpr On People, It's Most Likely Over For The Patient
This is coming from a firefighter:If you have to perform CPR on them, it's most likely over for the patient.
I'm not sure if I've made peace with it completely, but I've accepted it at least.
Image credits: Rukhnul
#37 I'm Most Likely Going To Die Alone
I'm most likely going to die alone.#38 I Was Diagnosed With Adhd As An Adult
I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. Growing up In the 90’s in a rural area they never checked for that, in fact I was pretty much labeled a problem child despite being a decent student. On top of this I didn’t mentally mature at the same pace my friends did, they were discovering stuff about themselves that I didn’t even begin to discover until I was in my 20’s. On top of that my parents just didn’t know what to do with me, I got treated pretty bad until I was in high school when my mom kind of figured there was something a little different about me but most days she brushed it off. It took me getting counseling through the army to get diagnosed. Looking back it all really made sense that I had ADHD, especially since my nieces and nephews all seem to have it.#39 I Will Always Have The Big Sad Following Me
I will always have the big sad following me, I can push it down for a bit, but it will come back eventually.I just need to remember to breathe and remember I can get past it.
Image credits: Ok-Letterhead4601
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