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Someone In This Online Group Asked “What Culinary Hill Are You Willing To Die On?”, 43 Folks Delivered

It’s bizarre to think that if you’re, hypothetically speaking, forced to do something for all eternity, you’d wager it would be something that is also eternally painful or dull or, simply put, anything but pleasant. Well, eating is one thing we’re “doomed” to do for all eternity and so far most of us quite like it.

So much, in fact, that some even form very strong opinions about food, cuisine, and everything in between. And there’s been an AskReddit post about it, with thousands of people sharing their culinary hills they’d die on.

Bored Panda has collected some of the best opinions from the now-viral post, which currently clocks in at nearly 27,000 upvotes, 29,000 comments and 60 Reddit awards. Scroll down to check them out, and while you’re at it, vote on the ones you like and comment your strong opinions in the comment section below!

More Info: Reddit


Only edible items should be plated. Garnishes should be edible, Hate it when I see rocks and sticks on a plate. Fight Me.

Image credits: inter-dimensional


Being poor isn’t a culinary crime. It takes talent to make cheap food taste as good as my mom did.

Image credits: urbancowgirl42


if you are writing a recipe, write a recipe. Not an autobiography

Image credits: lickety_split_69



Image credits: moanahere


When you're baking from an online recipe, don't change three or four ingredients "to make it healthy" and then leave a one star review about how bad it is.

Image credits: cliff99


Putting gold leaf on food is f**king stupid.

Image credits: HeinrichLK


Being snobby about food to the point where you're hindering someone else's enjoyment is not a positive personality trait.

Image credits: swordcowboy


Homemade chili is almost always better the next day.

Image credits: burritokiller1971


A burger should fit in your mouth and shouldn’t require a stick to hold it together or cutlery to eat it.

Image credits: Jimboberelli


If you think it's enough garlic, it's probably not enough garlic.

Image credits: poisonpurple


That cheap bag of frozen peas and diced carrots you get at the grocery store is an outstandingly versatile source of nutrition. And tasty too.

Image credits: UncleIrohsPimpHand



Image credits: andre3kthegiant


Life is too short to not use butter.

Image credits: jasontronic


We need to stop letting people put raisins where they don't belong.... It's getting out of hand.

Image credits: Commercial_Suit_9440


If it tastes good it tastes good

Image credits: Danielwols


We need to make burgers wider not taller

Image credits: John_Lives


This is actually something I'm willing to pass on


If you cook it right, you kill all the bacteria you're "washing". All you're doing is spreading the germs all over your kitchen sink.

Image credits: FritztheChef


A quality knife can replace 90% of your kitchen gadgets

Image credits: xCp3


The most expensive food isn't always the "best" food. No, I'm not impressed by a $200 slice of pizza with it's price driven up with truffle and gold flake.

Bonus: cereal or crushed Oreos on a donut isn't revolutionary.

Image credits: RenzoGee


Grilling on charcoal taste way better than propane, Hank Hill is an idiot

Image credits: Cuss-Mustard


Worcestershire sauce can work magic.

Image credits: dberis


Pasta water must be salted

Image credits: SneakiestSquidAlive


Cereal first and then milk

Image credits: myAOLsn


That fondant is Play doh with sugar.

Image credits: Argyleskin


I live in the Midwest, I love the Midwest but just because you call something a salad does not mean it is healthy and an acceptable side dish to your main course. Snicker-marshmallow-mayo-whatever is not salad.

Image credits: ArachnesChallenge


instant ramen is delicious

Image credits: TiredSkylar


All food is fusion. No dish is above adoption or adaptation.

Image credits: jackatman


There’s no such thing as a “dry” brine. By definition, brines are liquid based. A salt-based dry rub is a cure. Brines are also a type of cure, but they are liquid based. All brines are cures, but not all cures are brines.

Image credits: wzl46


Learning how to cut an onion is the first lesson in the cooking world

Image credits: lemursteamer


I like dipping my sushi rolls and sashimi in a soy sauce and wasabi mixture and I don’t care if it goes against proper sushi etiquette. It tastes good.

Image credits: scrodytheroadie


I don't want to hear that you're bad at cooking if you don't follow a recipe or measure your ingredients. You can get so far by just reading and actually do it what it says.

Image credits: beckisnotmyname


Peanut butter is a fantastic savoury ingredient with a shockingly enormous range of applications.

Image credits: BigmanCee93


Season your tomatoes, especially for sandwiches.

Image credits: shaddowkhan


Baked donuts are not donuts. Donuts must be fried. Baked donuts are just small cakes, which are delicious but NOT DONUTS

to clarify the exact type of donut imposter I am raging against

Image credits: pineapple_cyclone


Often doing things “the right way” or “from scratch” just isn’t worth it. There are plenty of shortcuts that give you 90% of the result with 50% of the effort. I’ll take those shortcuts just about every time.

Image credits: Annhl8rX


The moment something gets hyped as a superfood, I'm out.

To clarify, "superfood" is a buzzword that cues bulls**t incoming and rising prices. The author loses all credibility. It's the point where I stop reading and close the window. Might look up the stats for the food afterward from an actual resource such as a university's nutrition summary.

Image credits: doublestitch


People who hate cooking with stainless steel don’t know how to cook with stainless steel.


MSG is amazing

Image credits: Snatch_Liquor


If you can't drink it through a straw it's not a milkshake.

Image credits: Recdrumz


Beef Wellington is a fancy Hot Pocket

Image credits: optionalcranberry


Use salt dammit

Image credits: Inner-Possible5533


You scrape it off the chopping board with the BACK SIDE OF THE KNIFE. The back side!

The opposing arguments I've seen below are 1) You can always sharpen your knives (which is true, and everyone should) 2) Use a bench/pastry scraper. 3) That you should never have your knife's sharp edge facing you for safety reasons.

For 1) Yes you can, and should, sharpen your knives. But also, I don't see that as an invitation to intentionally dull them.

And for those who don't sharpen, the reason we say this: A sharper knife reduces the risk of the blade slipping or rolling off something rather than cutting it. It's one of the bigger risks of cutting yourself in the kitchen. Dull knives responsible for more cuts than sharp ones, imo.

2) Yes. Scrapers are great tools. The hill I'm dying on here is, more accurately, "don't use the sharp side" rather than "The best choice is the backside". Scrapers are great tools, but not everyone has them. Everyone cutting with a knife, has a knife. And if you're not going to be switching tools, you should use the back side of the knife.

3) Avoiding a sharp edge facing you is a very logical sentiment for professional chefs or people cooking in a busy environment. If they're bumped while holding it, they don't want to be cut by the sharp edge of the knife facing them. And the previously mentioned downsides: Chefs don't need to worry about the maintenance of the knife if it belongs to the restaurant and/or if they have other employees to sharpen them. And if you won't be eating the food you're preparing, you probably don't mind so much if you scrape little fibers of plastic or wood into the food. Unsuspecting patrons don't see what's happening in the kitchen, after all, so they don't know which side of the knife you're using. So in this sense, I see the argument as "it's faster and it's safer to me". Perfectly logical. I understand the argument. But the reason this is a culinary hill I'm willing to die on is that I don't see it as the personal risk it's being made out to be, and the benefits massively outweigh that non-risk.

If the chopping board is small enough to lift, you can scrape directly into the pot or pan at an angle. The chopping board will be in the non-dominant hand (or... non-knife hand) diagonally to the side of the pot/pan. You rotate your wrist to turn the sharp side of the blade away from you (I'm right handed, so that's clockwise). In this way, the blade will be perpendicular to the chopping board and the sharp side of the blade will be facing away from you (basically in the direction you're facing). In this way, I don't see it as a risk.

If the cutting board is flat on a counter, it sort of doesn't make a difference. I can't recall ever accidentally coming in contact with the dull edge of the knife before. So if I flipped the knife, why should the blade? I it falls on the ground, it sort of doesn't matter which direction the knife was facing. Just avoid it (never attempt to catch a falling knife. Another culinary hill I think we all will die on).

So to that end, chefs of the world, I do see your point about why there is personal benefit and no real downside to you if you use the sharp side. But I'm no professional chef, and hence why it's a culinary hill I will die on! I'll reduce the wear on my knives, and I'll prevent myself and my loved ones from eating plastic or wood/bamboo fibers. I don't see a significant risk of rotating wrist to scrape or scoop from the chopping board. No more of a risk than simply using a knife in the first place, anyway. This is my hill!! Use the backside of the knife! :)

Image credits: KatoRyx


3x the herbs called for in any recipe

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