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People Are Sharing 80 Not Fun Facts They Wish They Didn’t Know

Today, you can learn anything on the internet. Whether it’s historical, psychological or just plain weird bites of information, people can’t seem to get enough of the tantalizing trivia being shared online. But if you want to see the whole picture, some knowledge might be as interesting as it is disturbing. However, facts are facts, no matter how uneasy they might make us feel.

So when someone on r/AskReddit asked what is a not fun fact, redditors quickly rolled up their sleeves. The thread went viral, amassing more than 82.4K upvotes and 35.1K comments full of the most strangely fascinating pieces of information.

We collected some of the best answers this thread had to offer, so continue scrolling! And after you’re done, don’t forget to share your thoughts and feelings in the comments section below.


The search and rescue dogs on 9/11 were getting so sad from finding only deceased bodies, the human helpers buried themselves in the rubble so that the dogs could find them and be happy.

Image credits: superbunnyblob


There are more deaths due to mental health issues than all forms of violence combined. People are struggling.

Image credits: pepeman931

Bored Panda reached out to Daniel T. Willingham, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia and author, most recently, of Outsmart Your Brain: Why Learning is Hard and How You Can Make It Easy. He was kind enough to share some insights about why humans are so drawn to learning new facts and how we benefit from them.

According to the professor, one reason why we find facts interesting is that they are very context-specific. “For example, if I said ‘Would you like to know how guitars are made?’ you wouldn’t necessarily say ‘Yes!’ immediately. You’d more likely say ’Uh … maybe. Is it interesting?’”

“What’s odd about facts is that the content matters less to whether or not you’d like to learn about it than you’d think,” he explained. Being a psychologist, Willingham is absolutely fascinated by human memory but sometimes it happens that when he goes “to professional meetings and attend talks about human memory that I find boring.”

“And then sometimes, I watch a documentary on something—for example, making guitars—that I didn’t think I’d find interesting in the least and find myself fascinated.”


People with extreme scurvy start to have ALL of their old wounds open up. Everything with a scar is held together via an active process with collagen and without vitamin c just sort of...stop.

Image credits: Hell_If_I_Care


That your brain erases your nose from your vision, until you actively think about it. You nose is obstructing your vision 100% of the time, but your brain interrupts it as useless information, and removes it. When you start thinking about it, or close one eye, you can see your nose again.

This might seem harmless until you realize the implications.

Your brain, without asking, erases something very real from your awareness. Imagine the possibilities of other things it's doing on it's own like that. There could be a literal 2nd world right in front of us, and it might just be being erased as useless information.

Curiosity is an innate drive we share with many other species, he told us. It prompts us to learn about our environment, which obviously helps individuals to survive: “We are not curious about everything—we are curious when we think a little exploration will lead to a lot of learning.”

Still, what we gain from learning new information depends on what we already know: “Suppose you say to me: ‘Would you like to know which, of all the bottled sauces made in Kenya, is the most popular?’ I can’t name even one … so if you tell me, that fact isn’t very informative.” 

“But suppose I knew a lot about African cuisine. Now that information would be informative, because I have some context to put it in, some existing knowledge to connect it to,” Daniel T. Willingham explained. 


In countries that require you to opt-in to organ donation, fewer than 15% of people register. In the US (an opt-in country), 18 people die every day waiting for an organ transplant.

“Opt-out” countries see over 90% of their population registered for organ donation.


The image that most people have of blobfish is based on a misconception.

people think that’s what they look like all the time but blobfish adapted to live in deep waters, which means the deeper you go, the more water pressurethere is. Their bodies are not meaty like fish but more gelatinous because they adapted to the water pressure. if you accidentally pull them to higher levels but with less water pressure, their bodies don’t handle it well bc there’s nothing keeping their bodies in tact, so their bodies explode.

Basically, every photo you’ve seen of a blobfish where they look big and pink and, of course, blobby is a photo of a dead blobfish.

Merchandise and cartoons designed after what they look like dead. Hell, they’re referred to as what they look like dead.

Image credits: loryhasreddit


If 2 male flat worms meet, they will sword fight with their penises until one loses. The loser will become female and they will mate.

Image credits: YoutuberCameronBallZ

However, some say that taking the time and energy to learn interesting facts is a waste of time since this information is accessible with a few Google searches and quick clicks on the links. The professor disagrees, saying that factual knowledge is a really important driver of reading comprehension and other high-level thinking skills, like problem-solving.

“Think about how much easier it is to read a passage if you’re familiar with the general topic—I don’t care how ‘skilled’ a reader you are, if (like most Americans) you’re unfamiliar with the game of cricket, you will not be able to make sense of a newspaper account of the game,” Willingham elaborated.

On the other hand, “a ten-year cricket fan in India or other cricket-mad country would have no problem.”


Men's belts are the dirtiest item of clothing. Touched after pooping and before washing hands, never washed, and worn daily for years.


Quokkas, the worlds happiest animal, will throw their babies at attackers if threatened.

Image credits: coreyboi66


If you shine a flashlight/smartphone on a newborn sea turtle for too long (which could be only minutes), it will start crawling around in circles. Known as the "Ring of Death", it means that the turtle's eyesight has been permanently damaged due to mistaking your lights for the moon that guides it to the sea. By doing this, you have doomed the sea turtle to death right after birth.

While many blame the internet for overloading our brains with tons of information, we are the ones putting the knowledge into context. When the time is right, we can connect the dots and come up with brilliant ideas. So if you catch yourself wondering if you're ever going to use this stuff, just remember—someday you actually might.


Spider - Rain (you read that right) is a real and naturally occurring phenomenon.

Image credits: MachuPicchu1232


You can smell your own lungs. Your brain just filters out the smell.

Image credits: anonymous


A blue ringed octopus, found in the Pacific, is a tiny and cute little guy, but one painless bite gives enough venom to take the lives of 25 male adults.

Image credits: iwastoldnottogohere


There is more slavery in the world right now then at any time in history.


There is a (genetic) disease called FOP where your muscles and tissue turn to bone. Often called "human statue disease"

Eventually people may have to decide whether they want to become "frozen" in a sitting or flat/standing position.

Image credits: mortokes


Horses can't throw up.

So if they eat something bad or get a bad gas bubble, they just lay down and die.

Image credits: ABucketofBeetles


Most power outages in the US are caused by squirrels.

Image credits: HunterSeparate651


Your intestines will “wriggle” themselves back into the correct position.

Doctors who do any type of intestinal surgery don’t have to worry (too much) about how they put the intestines back in.


There is a non-zero maximum threshold for the amount of cockroach that can be present in ground coffee because it is literally impossible to keep them out entirely.

Image credits: jjonesdagreat


It was once thought for birds (parrots, magpies) to learn to talk, you had to release their tongue. This was done by cutting their tongue completely or partly off, of course without any anesthesia or pain killers. The tongue release plays absolutely no role in the birds' ability to talk.

Image credits: Penkinvaltaaja


A third of the world's population live in areas that are projected to suffer extended periods of unsurvivable heat by 2070.

Image credits: zissouo


Migraines and strokes carry a lot of the same symptoms so if you suffer regular migraines you may not notice you're actually dying one day.

Image credits: InkMaster59


Between 10 and 20% of US adults are functionally illiterate (this does not mean they can't read or write at all, but that they cannot comprehend what they are reading at a high enough level to do many basic tasks, like filling out a form). To make matters worse a very large proportion of these people do not realize they have a problem with literacy and self report as being fine at reading and writing.


Vasily Arkhipov was a Soviet navy officer who was the second in command of a B-59 submarine equipped with nuclear weapons at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis. When the ships commander was told to launch the entire nuclear arsenal onboard, Arkhipov refused to authorize the attack, after realizing that the launch from the US was an error in their system.

If he wasnt on that submarine, the United States and Russia would be a big, grey spot on the globe.


The reason dogs love squeaky toys is because they sound like small animals dying.

Image credits: hux_square


If you are an identical twin it is possible that you and your siblings identity’s were swapped and your parents never caught it.

Image credits: m00n-b4b3


A man once had a tapeworm get cancer. That cancer metastasized, and the man passed away from tumors of tapeworm throughout his entire body.

Image credits: WrongJohnSilver


The glaciers of the Antarctica shelves have melted (and continue to melt) at so fast a rate that even if we enacted radical and worldwide climate change laws today, it's going to take hundreds of years to recover them to their pre-industrial levels.


The threat of a deadly bird flu spreading to humans is always there. It takes just a little bit of negligence in screening chickens for this to happen.

Image credits: barnorth


People who survived the Holocaust and get Alzheimer's often think they are back in the camps. So they escape one of humanity's greatest horrors only to die in it 50 years later.


Bed bugs procreate by traumatic insemination. Males literally stab females with their genitals. So, just another reason to hate them then.


The reason you’re supposed to contact a doctor if you have an erection lasting longer than four hours is because prolonged priapism can lead to gangrene of the penis. Blood goes in, deoxygenates, but can’t leave, so there’s no way for fresh oxygenated blood to come in, causing the tissue to turn black and die.

Don’t worry, though! This can be treated by using a big syringe to suck the trapped blood out.


In Australia there is a plant called the Gympie-Gympie which has such a severe sting that horses who brush against it throw themselves off cliffs because they’d rather die than continue to experience the pain

Image credits: ottersintuxedos


Male dolphins like to hunt fertile female in groups and hound them because they are unwilling. The females are often injured during this, some even die.


Live Chat support agents can see what you type before you send it, so they can reply quicker.


There is a mysterious illness called the 'sweating sickness' that hit in multiple small epidemics in the early modern era. It was incredibly contagious and massively deadly, with about a 50% average death rate, but it could be higher. It began with an ominous sense of apprehension, followed by severe pains in the neck and giddiness. They then abruptly stopped and switched to heavy sweating, headaches and delirium. Finally, the person was hit with an extreme urge to sleep, and it was thought to be fatal if you fell to it.

We know almost nothing about it, nothing about how it spread, how it was caused, only that if you got it you were either surviving or dead within 24hrs. There are horror stories of people leaving town on hunting trips and returning the same day to find almost everybody in the village dead, with only a few scattered survivors.

The worst thing was, you did not gain immunity. You could live through the sweating sickness once, and then get it a few days later and die. Or live through it two or three times, and then get it and die. It was horrific, and we don't know why it disappeared and we don't know if it will ever return.


Urine was used for teeth whitening and bleaching of clothes in Ancient Rome. Yes, they rinsed their mouth with human AND animal urine.

Image credits: Der_genealogist


During ww1 thousands of dogs were taken from families for the war effort and when the war was over most of them were just shot because it was cheaper than feeding them for the trip home and finding their homes.

Image credits: jveer817


Certain sleep disorders that cause you to act out your dreams are strong predictors that you're developing a neurodegenerative disorder like Parkinson's or Lewy body dementia.


When you get a sunburn, it's actually your cells dying so they don't get tumorous.


Sloths only have enough energy for their weekly toilet trip to the jungle floor. If the baby falls from their underside in the trees onto the floor, they choose to preserve their energy and leave it to be eaten.

Image credits: hannahkate2850


An 18 year old can legally adopt a 17 year old.


The majority of laugh tracks were adults recorded in the early 1950s, meaning that you are mostly listening to dead people laugh.


There is a whale called 52 Blue that only sings at their frequency meaning it can't communicate with other whales. It is nicknamed the loneliest whale on the planet.


A magnetar (a type of neutron star) is so powerful that, if you came within 1,000 kilometers of one, your entire body would dissolve as the magnetic field rearranged the sequence of atoms in your body.


If you eat a polar bear liver, you will die. Humans can't handle that much vitamin A.

Image credits: gangbangkang


Valentine’s day is a holiday with one of the highest s**cide rates.


Armadillos can carry leprosy and can pass to humans just by being in proximity. Kind of fits the mood of 2020-2021 one could argue!


A certain type of angler fish reproduce via the Male burrowing into the side of the female, eventually fusing. The Male life is lost in the process.


Rabies is terrifying. You can get it and not even know it from bats, which live across the globe. It might hit you right away, it might be in three years. But it doesn't matter because once symptoms set in, you're already dead.


Even if you had a job that payed you $500,000 every fiscal year, it would still take you over 369,000 years to get as wealthy as Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk


If you touch an AM broadcast tower, you will die. The tower itself acts as the antenna and is energized with up to 50,000 Watts. Not only will it kill you, it will hurt the entire time you're dying. And since the electricity is modulating, the arcs formed by your body will act as an arc speaker, and you will be able to hear whatever is on the station who's tower you're touching. See example. Your last moments could be spent listening to an ad for car insurance.


Some Perfumes, or more specifically, musks you use come from the anal and secretion glands of musk deers and civet cats.


During the Seoul Olympics 1988 a large amount of doves were released into the stadium, when the giant brazier was lit many of the released doves were sitting in it, resulted in many doves being burned alive.


The FBI estimates there are between 25-50 active serial killers in the US at any given time.


Every day several hundred babys are born in withdrawal.


Bus seats are designed so that you cannot tell how dirty they really are.

Image credits: SmallAndScarred


In the United States, roughly 1/3 of all food is thrown away each year.


Tsutomu Yamaguchi, a Japanese man, was wounded by Hiroshima atomic bomb while on business trip. He then returned to his job in Nagasaki where another nuclear bomb dropped.


Quantum field energy levels could in theory 'glitch' at any moment causing vacuum decay thus ending the universe.


There are Demodex mites crawling on your eyelashes right now, and there's NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.

Image credits: Superman246o1


Climbing Mount Everest has a 6.5% mortality rate.

What's more harrowing is that if you die, you will most likely be left there. There's currently over 200 dead bodies on Everest that are irretrievable, and now serve as markers for other climbers. Not a bad place to eternally rest, but upsetting for those left behind who can't give you a proper burial.

Image credits: erinxeddie


The youngest person to ever give birth to a baby was a 5 year old little girl.

Image credits: OkBanana5047


The FDA allows a tiny amount of things like rat droppings or insect parts in certain foods.

Image credits: Sovereign-Over-All


Greifswald Nuclear Power Plant, 1976: The Almost-Chernobyl of East Germany.

In short: Due to a short-circuit resulting in a fire, almost all coolant pumps failed.

The NY-Times says: "[A] Chernobyl-scale nuclear disaster was prevented only when a single water pump in the emergency cooling system was able to draw off pressurized water heated to high temperature by the ''decay heat'' left in the reactor's core, thus preventing a meltdown."

This incident became public with reunification in 1989.


Chronic Wasting Disease. (Forgive me, I’m no expert) It’s a prion disease. It’s kind of like mad cow disease for deer. It’s 100% fatal. The problem comes with the fact that prions cannot be destroyed. So the infected deer can urinate in a field spreading this disease into the soil, then into the foods we eat. It’s been shown to infect some primates as well. So the risk of human transmission must not be ignored.

Learning that last night definitely kept me from sleeping soundly.


Oftentimes when Pandas have cubs, if they have more than one they will choose which one to keep and abandon the other because she can’t care for two.

Grizzlies are the opposite. If they have a litter of just one, sometimes they’ll abandon it and try to mate again the next year to try for a litter of multiple cubs :(

Image credits: SwankyyTigerr


Once you die, your eyeballs dehydrate and lose ocular pressure and flatten into eye raisins your skull.


According to the World Bank Group, the world produces about 2 billion tons of garbage every year.


The adult teeth of toddlers are right underneath their eyes.


The human tooth has 36 calories!


There are 8 unaccounted for American nukes and literally an unknown quantity of missing soviet nukes that range all the way from warheads to suitcase bombs.

Image credits: seanprefect


There’s a specific part of your head where all four skull bones meet, that same place has a really juicy artery

If you were to fracture it least one of those bones, it could slice that artery open, crushing your brain with your own blood

Effectively, you could kill someone with one punch


They say with our farming techniques we only have about 50 more harvest before our soil is too eroded to use.


If all the spiders in the world were to eat all the humans, it would only take them a year.


If a female hamster gets too stressed, it will eat its kids.

Image credits: Sea_dog123


That that if the sun exploded we wouldn’t even know for 8 minutes.


Himalayan blackberries can allegedly grow under your skin!


To make it into the richest 1 percent globally, all you need is an income of around $34,000.


Air breathing mammals like whales and dolphins might beach themselves because they got old and it's better to die in the sunset than to drown at sea.

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