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Office Couple Starts Experiencing Massive Discrimination At Work After Being Pressured To Declare Their Relationship To HR

Getting into a relationship with your classmate, coursemate or coworker is not something people wish for. There’s that icky, gooey fear of things getting awkward for everybody in case things don’t work out the way you expected. But it happens. And apparently more often than one would expect: 58% of employees have engaged in a romantic relationship with a colleague, recent studies show.

Another fun fact: almost half (41%) of employees don’t know their company’s policy regarding office romances. And if they did, based on u/lvndrlight‘s story alone — the previous number would be much lower.

As this couple in their mid-20s tells it in their story, they weren’t expecting to fall for their colleague (or each other). Of course, it happened anyway. And everything was going rather smoothly before management found out about their romantic relationship. Oh boy, how things changed from there on out… Dirty looks from the management, indirect ridiculing, gatekeeping from advancement in the company — those are just some of the things this couple had to endure. Things that surely would put off any person in the right mind from romantically engaging with their coworkers.

A couple of office workers were enjoying their relationship before management accidentally snooped in

Image credits: Paperkites / istockphoto (not the actual photo)

And this is a classic tale of HR messing with people’s happiness

Inspired by the response from the internet, the couple started fighting the injustice at work

Image credits: lvndrlight

People don’t like when work gets in the way of love, as responses to the story show

A lot of people had their own office romance stories to share

The post Office Couple Starts Experiencing Massive Discrimination At Work After Being Pressured To Declare Their Relationship To HR first appeared on Bored Panda.

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