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Men Say That Women In STEM Are “Oblivious To Their Privilege,” Get Shut Down

If you’re a fan of equality, respect, and just plain old kindness, dear Pandas, then this story might just make your blood boil with anger. A redditor shared a screenshot of a conversation between a couple of men and a woman on Reddit that quickly got heated because of how disrespectful they were being.

According to the furious men, women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education are supposedly “oblivious to their privilege” and “get more attention” at work from their colleagues. Well, the woman wasn’t having any of this steaming pile of nonsense and had the perfect response. She went into detail about just how hard women have it at work and shut the man’s argument down in style.

You’ll find her full response below. Have a read and let us know what you think, Pandas. And if you have any bright ideas about ending discrimination against women in education, let us know in the comments.

Image credits: Elisa Ventur (not the actual photo)

A woman in STEM education (in blue) shut down a couple of insulting guys by sharing how exactly she’s discriminated against

The fact that women are discriminated against in the workplace is crystal clear to many, even if some male redditors still like to hide their heads in the sand. Similarly, it’s clear that equality in STEM is a huge positive, but not everyone got the memo, apparently.

The inequality doesn’t stop when you get your diploma, however. Writer and human rights advocate Elizabeth Arif-Fear, the founder of ‘Voice of Salam,’ previously explained to Bored Panda that women face sexist attitudes, barriers to entry, and even harassment because of their gender. Both in the workplace and outside of it.

According to her, some of the solutions to sexism at work include continuing to “dismantle gender-based stereotypes about gender roles,” pushing for “full parity in dividing unpaid work at home with their partners,” and reporting incidents of harassment. For instance, one type of discrimination would be the “illegal questioning of their marital status in job interviews.”

In Elizabeth’s view, actively fighting back against the discrimination that women face will eventually “smash the glass ceiling.” She shared some words of encouragement: “Ladies, you can do it! Please believe in yourself!”

However, men need to actively do their part, too. Elizabeth said that this needs to take place not just at the office, but also at home. “Likewise, partners need to do their share at home, colleagues should check their attitudes (e.g. sexist comments), not mansplain in meetings, and managers and employers should ensure that they are creating fair equal opportunities and spaces at the table. Consideration for those with childcare responsibilities is also important.”

Internet users couldn’t believe what they were reading

Some redditors shared their own experiences at their jobs

Here’s what others thought about discrimination against women in education and at work

The post Men Say That Women In STEM Are "Oblivious To Their Privilege," Get Shut Down first appeared on Bored Panda.

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