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Folks In This Online Community Are Fed Up With People Not Having Common Sense And Breaking These 40 Unwritten Rules

There are a lot of etiquette rules that people have to follow in order to prove themselves to be polite and respectful individuals. We learn those things from family members, teachers, and other people. However, not everyone likes to apply these rules or they simply don’t know about them and this might annoy some of those who find these things to be common knowledge. Having this in mind, one Reddit user @HAXposed asked others online what are some of the unspoken rules that people tend to break that annoy them.

The question that received 47.5k upvotes received various answers, stating that sometimes people forget to say thank you or talk with a full mouth of food, they like to listen to music loudly or have someone on speakerphone without the other caller knowing. These are only a few things that Reddit users find annoying and rude.

What other unspoken rules can you add to this list? Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments down below!

More Info: Reddit


If you see me taking off my headphones to listen and answer your question, then inmediately put them on again... 5 TIMES... it clearly means that I'm just being polite, not that I'm interested in talking to you, so STOP ASKING ME QUESTIONS.

Image credits: V02D


Don’t ask people to do their job for free, even if you’re friends or family.

Image credits: Inkoko


That it's common courtesy to say "thank you" after receiving help/service from someone else.

Image credits: Eros_M_Novan

Even though there are a lot of things that we might think are common knowledge, everyone came from different backgrounds and families and was taught different things and encountered different situations in life. One can only envy a person who seems to always know how to act, what to say, or how to avoid any awkward situations or putting themselves in an embarrassing position. The question is, can we learn these rules? Yes, and there are some people who are great at mastering the art of etiquette. One of them is Diane Gottsman, an international etiquette expert, author and founder of The Protocol School of Texas. For those who are interested in finding some more tips and tricks on etiquette, the woman shares them on her social media. Bored Panda contacted the expert to find out more on the matter.


Move your cart to the side of the aisle when looking for groceries, don't hog up the middle. "Oh, of course I'll wait for you to pick out a flavor of beans, Sharon, take your time!"

Image credits: Electrical_Potato_21


Standing in f**king doorways, go in or out, but get the f**k out of the way.

Image credits: Lonesomeplum


You don't need to attach yourself to the person in front of you when standing in queue

Image credits: postmodern-nerd

Many might agree that the way a person behaves in front of others means a lot and allows others to form an opinion about that person. But do we pay enough attention to how we behave in front of others, in public places, and at home? Gottsman explained that “it is natural that people will feel more relaxed when they are in the company of those they are most comfortable with. When you’re at home, by yourself, if you pick a green bean up off your plate, it’s not as egregious as when you do the same thing in front of a client or on a job interview.” The woman concluded by stating that “people are conscious of how others perceive them and are always trying to put their best foot forward when possible. Sometimes, they just aren’t aware of how to do it.”


Stand 2m back from the airport baggage carousel. If everyone does it, then enters that ring to grab their luggage and leave, then everyone can see their luggage as it comes and no one is jostling.

It never occurred to me until I traveled in South Korea and they had a white line around the carousel that everyone stood on. It was remarkably efficient and I wish the rest of the world adopted it.

Image credits: JoyKil01


Don’t play music out loud from your mobile phones on public transportation. I get that you’re going to have a boring ride but don’t ruin everyone else’s.

Image credits: AJSK18


If someone says they’re not drinking tonight, don’t make them feel bad or imply they are being boring

Image credits: slowent

The good thing is that people are ready to learn and change. The etiquette expert revealed that during her work with university students and corporate CEOs, she noticed how much effort her students put into learning and doing their best. “It takes training. We are not born with social skills and norms and customs are different in different cultures and it’s important to be familiar.”

Having in mind the recent situation the whole world has had to face, Gottsman agreed that the pandemic had an impact on people’s behavior. Even though little by little, the world is trying to get back to normal, it still “feels awkward.” The woman stressed that “our greetings have changed and many social behaviors that were once excepted have now been put on hold to keep ourselves and others healthy. We have to relearn our social skills and be aware of other peoples awkward moments.”


Asking couples when they’re going to be having kids. Not every couple wants/can have kids

Image credits: SwaggyJ59


When someone hands you their phone to use, don't f**king go through it. It's rude.

Image credits: Sensitive_Suspect_69


Turn signals. They're meant to be a warning, not an afterthought

Image credits: maxanne42069

It might seem that a lot has changed and everyone has been impacted by the suddenly changed global order. What is important to consider, according to the specialist, is that “kindness still matters, and most people are aware that this is an opportunity to show compassion to other human beings.” 


That leaving your shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot is lazy and just plain rude. I hate finding a parking spot only to realize that there’s a f**king shopping cart already taking up the spot…

Image credits: bananakittymeow


eating with your mouth closed

Image credits: icy__lemonade


Let people know when you have them on speakerphone! Especially when your husband/wife/partner/friend/any other human is within earshot.

Image credits: blueshiftglass


Cover your mouth when you sneeze, apparently people don't know this

Image credits: Ph6r60h


Respect people's right to say no. It's okay to ask someone for something, or to do something, or whatever - but if they say no, don't pester them or guilt trip them. People who pressure their friends are kind of garbage friends.

Image credits: rgrwilcocanuhearme


Waving when someone let's you in, in traffic.

Image credits: Dot_Threedot4


Don’t immediately assume it’s okay to smoke in someone’s house, regardless of their living situation. I don’t care if it’s literally a cardboard box or an upscale mansion. Ask first.

Image credits: The-Unseelie-Queen


If someone is paying for your food, don’t order something expensive.

Image credits: Emerald_Elf134


You shouldn't be texting while driving. That's a given. But for the love of all that is holy, if you are the lead car at a red light PAY ATTENTION TO THE LIGHT. Some lights are short and all of us need to get through it. Update Twitter later.

I take my line leader duty seriously.

Image credits: DiscombobulatedLuck8


Warn people that you/your kid is sick before turning up at their house/interacting with them. Chicken pox, flu, hand foot and mouth, stomach bug all caught by my toddler in the last 12months and could have been avoided.

Image credits: Medium-Raspberry1122


If you're in a theater with plenty of available seats, don't sit right next to a total stranger.

Image credits: gh0stm4k3r


Waiting for others to exit an elevator or train before entering.

Saying thank you when someone holds a door open.

One-for-one when merging lanes in heavy traffic.

Image credits: SaM0242


Offer a glass of water to anyone providing physically stressful service at your place. Eg. Furniture delivery guy.

Lots of ppl assume that they are just doing their job, bit doesn't mean you forget basic human courtesy

Image credits: fermi_paradox112358


If someone pays for something for you (I'm not talking about as a gift, I just mean 'We can't split the bill here so I'll pay and you can pay me your half later', 'I'll buy both of our concert tickets now and you can revolut me for it later', etc) you really shouldn't make them ask you to pay them back. Ideally not even once, but especially not two or three times.

If I owe someone money like that I make sure to pay them back as soon as I can and let them know once I've done it. I have a friend who I know is not short on money, but I stopped offering to pay for things for him in situations like the above because he just forgets and makes you ask him two or even three times before he does it. I really think that's not fair to people. You're putting them in an uncomfortable position.

Image credits: ladyblithe


Stairs are for ascending and descending. Move out of the way when you are done using them. Standing in front of them and looking around like a lost tourist is not one of their functions.

Image credits: FriedBacon90


Bathroom door closed = "occupied."

Bathroom door open wide = "available."

Bathroom door slightly ajar with exhaust fan running = "enter at your own risk."

Image credits: HW-BTW


Hold the door open for the person behind you if they are close, atleast long enough to prevent the door from being slammed shut on their face.

Image credits: howwouldiknow--


If you aren't friends with someone anymore, it doesn't mean you can go around telling their secrets to everyone. "Secrets are secrets and under no condition shall they be broken."

It's truly disgusting to see how people don't realize this. It's basic knowledge you should know though it hasn't been made as an actual rule.


If someone is hosting you, don’t insult or give a negative critique of their home. Some people have fewer resources than others, only one income to live off of, and have worked very hard to get less, etc. No need to point out home imperfections.

Image credits: paul_rudds_drag_race


If you’re out at a restaurant/party/event with someone don’t offer any criticisms about their appearance unless they can actually change it.

“Oh thank you for pointing out the spot I missed shaving. I’ll just spend the rest of the night thinking about it and how I can do nothing about it.”


Talking through movies. I can only say "yeah" and "mhm" so many times

Image credits: oge_mah_ge_kid


Don’t take the last of something without asking. Had gooey butter cookies I brought home when visiting family. I know they’re impossible to stop eating, so I guess it’s my fault. Offered roommates some when I left, came back and they were all gone. Never even got one :(


You only take two slices of pizza max, until everyone has had their fill.

Image credits: Tomatillo_Fluffy


re-racking your weights at the gym. you lazy f*cks.

Image credits: case712


You don't need to be this close when you're talking to me.

Image credits: grantib1


Try your best to make sure there isn't a third wheel in your group. It really sucks to be in that position.


That you should talk to people about things that involve them


Pointing out awkward situations. If it wasnt awkward before, it now definitely is.

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