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42 Basic Skills That Folks Thought Everyone Had Until They Saw Others Do It Horribly, As Shared Online

The neat thing about our existence is that everyone gets to experience different lives. Sure, there could be a couple of similarities between a person or two - however, the way we talk, our thoughts, and the things we go through all would be entirely unlike someone else's.

Growing up in other cultures or simply in a different upbringing can help develop several skills that some people either can’t perform as well or never had the need to learn. Yet, we assume that we are all familiar with those everyday skills like vacuuming and cooking - however, this thread will convince you otherwise:

Someone on Reddit wondered about a similar thing and asked fellow users, “what is a basic skill that you grew up thinking everyone had until you saw others do it so horribly?“. The question received nearly 44K upvotes and 24K worth of both entertaining and sincere comments.

Do you have a skill that you thought was basic?

More info: Reddit

#1 Explaining

Explaining things. If I explain something and someone tells me they don't understand, I explain it again, but frame or phrase it differently. I will never understand why so many people think just saying the exact same words again in a more exasperated/condescending tone is at all effective.


#2 Vacuuming

I had a friend who grew up with maids. He was 18 and gay and his family kicked him out. So he got this tiny little run down studio apartment in Los Feliz. He was super proud of it, and invited me to see it. He was using candles to light it when I got there (maybe to save money? Maybe to hide the blemishes?) and had left an ashtray on the floor, which I accidentally kicked and got (cold) ashes all over his carpet.

He freaked the f**k out. “What do I do? How am I going to clean that?!”

“With a vacuum?” I replied, confused as to why this was a mystery.

He didn’t have one, so he went to ask the building manager if there was one he could borrow; which there was.

He pulls this standard upright vacuum into the middle of the room and then stares at it. After a few seconds wondering what he was doing I asked “do you not know how to use a vacuum?”

“No, you have to understand, we always had maids, I never even made a bed before last week.”

So I plug it in, turn it on, and take it a couple times back and forth across part of the carpet.

Then like a child with the Fisher-Price popper vacuum he went to work. He was over the moon excited. 25 years later it’s a favorite memory of that person.

Image credits: moistpup

#3 Writing

Writing---and I don't mean grammatically perfect pieces or novel writing. I am amazed how many people can't do basic level writing stuff like putting sentences in logical order, using basic punctuation and grammar, etc. I am not a world class writer, but years of Catholic school taught me the basics. I occasionally proofread papers for younger family members and honestly don't even know where to start. The grammar issues I can deal with, but the total lack of organization in paragraphs drives me crazy because I basically end up re-writing the damn paper so it makes some kind of sense.

Image credits: Fun-Extreme3353

#4 Grammar


Image credits: donquixote235

#5 Using Turn Signals

The ability to use a turn signal.

Image credits: Outrageous_Click_352

#6 Being Able To Figure Stuff Out

Being able and willing to figure stuff out. A lot of basic skills aren't that complicated. And in this day, if it is complicated, the internet almost certainly has dozens, hundreds, or more, tutorials. Quitting because "I don't know how" should not be the answer. I wish more were taught to figure things out, or seek the help/answers to get it done.

Image credits: naphomci

#7 Emptying The Dryer Lint

Laundry, especially emptying the dryer lint. So many places I’ve stayed had “bad driers” that were packed full of lint! How these people did not start a fire is amazing.

Image credits: [deleted]

#8 Being Gentle With Things

Being gentle with your things. Any time we get help from siblings and their spouses I'm astounded by how roughly they treat all of their things/how rough of a job they're ok with accepting.

Also when assembling furniture.. My best mate put together a set of shelves using a drill as a driver on the short and easy to insert Allen keyed screws.. Stripped half of the heads and forced a few in at slightly off-angles and also stripped their threads a bit. Like what are you doing bro? Could have just used an Allen key by hand and put it together in the same time without damaging anything.

a number of people have mentioned using their drill/driver with the right torque setting (and an appropriate amount of skill.!). Yes I agree this is perfectly fine! I didn't mean to say you should never use a driver to assemble furniture, but more that you should know how to use your tools, use what is necessary, and do it with the right level of enthusiasm/strength

Image credits: GlassCannonLife

#9 Using Trash Cans

Throwing your trash in a trash can/garbage can and watching people leave their s**t outside their car when they are in a parking lot. Drives me nuts. Especially when NO ONE will pick that up and it's literally littering.

Image credits: supes4life

#10 Following Written Directions

I'm shocked at how bad some people are at following writen directions. Not travel, but like... assemble furniture, follow a recipe or experiment, read an instruction manual.

Image credits: UnluckyObserver_1

#11 Bagging Things

Bagging groceries. I mean, isn't it common sense to put all the frozen items in one bag, produce in another, raw meat by itself in a bag, cleaners separate from food? Does it really have to be taught that you shouldn't put a cantaloupe on top of bread?

Image credits: biancanevenc

#12 Using Computers

I'm still amazed at how many people my age still can't use computers properly. I don't mean in the too old or too poor category, I'm talking about the sheer number of people in my age group who skipped past computers and went straight to smartphones. (I'm 21)

Image credits: Arcinbiblo12

#13 Politeness

Being polite/having manners

Image credits: Marcella111001

#14 Knowing Your Words

I don't want to brag, but I know the difference between "definitely" and "defiantly".

Image credits: remarkable-bells

#15 Knowing The Cutlery

I kid you not, I lived with a guy once who had a butler his whole life. Things I taught him:

The funky knife with a hole in it is not useless, it's a potato peeler

You open cans with a can opener

Nothing needs to be microwaved for 10 minutes

For the record, I really liked this guy and he was incredibly fun and kind.

Image credits: Handsome121duck

#16 Chewing

Chewing with your mouth closed.

Image credits: liton8or

#17 Troubleshooting

I thought that everyone younger than me knows how to do basic computer troubleshooting.

Turns out a fair of people younger than myself don't know how to look up answers online, it honestly baffled me.

Image credits: SandpaperVoice

#18 Being Able To Read Analog Clocks

I’m noticing that a lot of younger people can’t read analog clocks…

Image credits: NoetherianSimp

#19 Sewing

Sewing. I thought I was a mediocre sewer because I wasn't great at cross-stitch and embroidery. Turns out fixing a button or seam is a skill.

Image credits: Philieselphy

#20 Reading A Map

Reading a map. I grew up traveling long before computers. I've handed several adults paper maps while driving and they didn't even know how to find where we were. I guess it isn't a skill you need anymore though.

Image credits: scubagirl44

#21 Mopping And Sweeping


Image credits: ThatGuyWithThatFace_

#22 Staying Clean

DarkMonkey98 said:

chouston333 replied:
This is a big problem.

My parents didn't teach me good hygiene. I stank all the time and it's not something people will tell you about. They will complain to people around you.

My wife taught me better hygiene and it has changed my life. I'm doing much better professionally and random strangers are no longer mean to me seemingly for no reason.

I wish there was a good resource I could refer my stinky friends to so they could learn about it.

Image credits: DarkMonkey98

#23 Cooking

Basic cooking skills. I once saw a guy try to cook pasta by dumping raw pasta shells in a frying pan with a little oil...

Image credits: Sneaky_Arachnid

#24 Financial Planning


Image credits: TheYellowBuhnana

#25 Reading

reading, i sit in my highschool english class everyday and wonder how these mfs got past 2 grade reading a whole page in a monotone in one breath

Image credits: BoostedNova62

#26 First Aid Skills

Basic first aid. Buddy in college got cut and didn’t understand how to make it stop bleeding and bandage/disinfect it properly, I was amazed.

Image credits: epic-tortoise-

#27 Using Gates

How to use a f**king gate

Image credits: XoJayne

#28 Choosing Words Wisely

Watching your mouth as an adult. I’m pretty abrasive with people that I’m close with, but I know how to be professional, especially in front of customers. Worked with a fair few people in the restaurant industry who just do not get it. Blows my mind

Image credits: thenicestegg

#29 Math

Basic math.

Image credits: carsbeerfood

#30 Doing The Dishes

Washing dishes

Image credits: 19VimtoBoards

#31 Writing An Email

Writing an email with proper grammar and formatting seems obvious and easy to me, but I see so many people at work who are just the worst

Image credits: TheRealOcsiban

#32 Punctuality

Punctuality. I thought being on time for work and appointments as an adult was just a given but the more I deal with the workplace and working with clients, this is not true.

Image credits: ___oicu812

#33 Relationship With Technology

It's still pretty amazing watching how some people use their phones and computers. Like you could give some leeway in the 90s and earlier, computers back then were fairly complicated for a lot of functions. But after 30+ years of design refinements to make them about as easy to use as possible, plenty of people, including younger people, interact with them as if they're afraid it will get mad at them personally if they mess up.

Image credits: iuytrefdgh436yujhe2

#34 Cooking Eggs

Cooking eggs....

F**king amateurs everywhere

See also...walking in a non- invasive manner at the grocery store....GET THE F**K OUT OF THE MIDDLE OF THE ISLE....F**K.

Also, apologizing. Few do that these days sincerely.

#35 Knowing What To Do When Things Go South

Contingency plans. It’s amazing how many people don’t have a Plan B for every situation.

#36 Swimming

Swimming. I feel like I need to be a lifeguard every time I go swimming and watch some people flail wildly in the water they could just stand in.

Image credits: CameForTheFunOfIt

#37 Using A Shovel

Running a shovel. It’s harder than it looks apparently. My family runs a mobile home park. I’ve been digging for plumbing or fences or planting stuff or building stuff my whole life. Watching someone else shovel is painful.

#38 Using A Hammer

Using a hammer.

Image credits: If_Your_Plenum_Aches

#39 Planning


Image credits: lisaatjhu

#40 Pumping Gas

Put gas in a car (yes, really.)

#41 Cutting Bread

Cutting quarters or half slices of bread with one easy move. Everyone in my family can do it. Its really easy. Just cut down as much as you want and then put the knife at an angle.

Ibwent tona friend. He asked me to cut bread for him because I do it so well. Whaat?

#42 Clapping

some people can not only not clap on 2 and 4 but can't even just clap on every beat

Image credits: PrisonIsOppression

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