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50 People Who Made 2021 Even Worse With Their Stupidity

Every year is notorious for different reasons. 2019 was the year of Trump’s public impeachments, full of highs and lows. And 2020… do we even really need to go there? I mean, this notorious sum up we published last year should do the job instead.

And it turned out that the year 2021 was no less messed up. With the pandemic becoming the new normal and changing the ways we live beyond recognition, making the real estate prices soar and leaving millennials in an eternal state of rental despair, the time of uncertainty proved to be the perfect breeding ground for false assumptions, fake news, and totally crazy myths. And boy, we had a ton of them.

So should we just give this year a medal for basically the dumbest 365 days in modern history? Well, below are some posts to prove we should. If not, we may wait for the next year to see if that one’s gonna be up for the challenge.

#1 Insanity

Image credits: jfaliszek

#2 On The Media

#3 Gun Ownership...

Image credits: Powerfulwoman20

It’s safe to say that this year proved to be a perfect breeding ground for all levels of stupidity. From anti-vaxxers coming up with the most insane conspiracy theories to an unprecedented spike in online disinformation, people were not shy to come across as, let’s say, not exactly the brightest ones.

At the same time, human intelligence varies astonishingly and it’s pretty hard to label one person dumb and another one smart. After all, even the smartest bunch can be prone to stupid decisions and behaviors. And who are we to judge them?

#4 Slayed

Image credits: MavDrake

#5 Such A Dumbass

Image credits: EggEggEggEggOWO

#6 An 8 Year Old Shouldn’t Have To Do This

Image credits: Fishsticks011

Just because someone posts a thing you find dumb or don’t agree with, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re that—this is plain fact. Nevertheless, some people seem to be really confident in making bold and improvident statements. Meanwhile, others tend to stop, reflect and even criticize themselves before acting boldly and jumping to conclusions.

Well it turns out that confidence is a powerful thing. In most cases, it’s totally productive and we’d all benefit a fair share if we worked on having more of it. Also, too much self-criticism is destructive and traps us in an eternal limbo. So to find out when having too much bold confidence does no good, we spoke with Susan Petang, a certified life coach and the author of “The Quiet Zone Coaching.”

#7 Sure Can!

Image credits: aaandbconsulting

#8 Looks Like Satan Won!

Image credits: samuraidogparty

#9 I Think You Will Survive The Vaccine

Image credits: lucynyu13

Susan explained that “overconfidence can cause us to make big mistakes, or take unnecessary risks,” so no, the saying ‘you can never be confident enough’ is not exactly right. “Being overconfident can also contribute to us feeling entitled, and not considering the feelings of others,” she said.

“It's important to have a healthy sense of self-esteem and self-confidence, that's rooted in reality, and consider the needs and feelings of others, too,” Susan said. She suggested asking yourself “Where do you fit into the network of people that surround you? How are you impacting their world?”

Moreover, in order to make sure that your actions are fair and not over-confident, Susan suggests considering a couple of things beforehand.

“A) Is what I plan on doing going to hurt someone?

B) Is what I plan on doing going to hurt me?

C) Am I willing to accept the potential consequences of this action?

D) Is this action something that fits into my value system? Would the person I aspire to do this?”

#10 Wasn't Flat Doesn't Moon

Image credits: killHACKS

#11 Am I Wrong? No, It's The Hundreds Of Years Of Science That Are Wrong!

Image credits: regian24

#12 On 2003

Understanding the consequences of your actions also plays a huge part in coming across as a smart person. This is not to say that consequences are unimportant, since they make us learn lessons, but in many instances, people are not open to any transformation coming from them, because it entails acknowledging the fact you were wrong.

For example, spreading fake news, like that there are microchips inserted with the covid jab, may seem innocent at first sight. But it contributes to profound consequences that include: distrust in the media; undermining the democratic process; fueling the platforms for harmful conspiracy theories and hate speech; and the spread of false or discredited science.

#13 You Don't Know Anything

Image credits: JimMFelton

#14 The Sunburn Won’t Give You Cancer, But The Sunscreen Will

Image credits: em-chris

#15 On Tests

Image credits: han_NASTY

In its profound sense, fake news creates a false reality that not just one or two people buy into, but thousands, and it creates a reality that those creating the fake news can manipulate to whatever they want it to be. Those lies, if continued to be perpetrated, can turn deadly or threaten societal stability.

Sadly, there's no proper system in place for transparency and accountability when it comes to what’s shared and who shares things on the internet. It’s still a grey area, where huge amounts of info are regurgitated on a daily basis. Should those people be held accountable? And this is an open-ended question, at least for now.

#16 On Alaska

#17 On Math

#18 Good Old Lead

Image credits: __Dawn__Amber__

#19 If You're That Suspicious Of Your Partner You Shouldn't Be With Them

Image credits: cinnamon11_24

#20 Ironic Idiots

Image credits: RedditWasAnAccident

#21 People Still Wearing A Mask Below Their Nose Have Less Brain Cells Than A Baby

Image credits: Jaminboiyi

#22 Wearing Shoes Not Necessary For Our Survival!

Image credits: Pleasant-Force

#23 "But Thats Soshulism"

Image credits: 42words

#24 Appropriate Enogh For Me I Wold Say

Image credits: Flo_Ri_

#25 Yeah, Sounds About Right

Image credits: katmeanjean

#26 On Cells

#27 I Am A Spicy Sausage

Image credits: beluuuuuuga

#28 Sad That This Is The World We Live In

Image credits: EggEggEggEggOWO

#29 If Vaccines Were Healthy...

Image credits: lucynyu13

#30 What Does Nestle Wants To Tell?

Image credits: sistersinead

#31 On Genes

#32 One Of My Extended Family Members Has An Unfortunate Co-Worker...

Image credits: MultiverseMakayla

#33 She Almost Had It

Image credits: Tomlegs

#34 When A So Called "News" Network Only Has Time To Attack A Senior Dog

Image credits: lucynyu13

#35 You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned

Image credits: Detroitaa

#36 Boomers On Fixing America

Image credits: ghost_324

#37 Hell To The No

Image credits: Puriplue

#38 Does This Mean It’s Over?

Image credits: mcxhale

#39 Death Metal

Image credits: wrtChase

#40 I Wish This Was Fake. Meet Jenn

Image credits: nurturingnavigator

#41 Uber Eats Super Bowl Ad For “Eat Local” Does More Harm Than Good

Image credits: danpriceseattle

#42 I Love My Brewery But This Makes No Sense

Image credits: gwailo_joe

#43 No Words

Image credits: CharyBrown

#44 Have You Tried A Pregnancy Test? Tractor Supply Should Have Them

Image credits: saturntears

#45 Math Is Hard

Image credits: BruceInc

#46 G E O L O G Y C L A S S

Image credits: regian24

#47 This Would Be Funnier If It Wasn’t So Dangerous

Image credits: PlasticFenian

#48 Can We Get An F

Image credits: esberat

#49 Black Friday. No Spaces To Park. He Saw Me Taking The Pic, Flipped Me Off And Called Me Karen

Image credits: Sapphirra

#50 And Finally, This Dude

Image credits: normalguycaruso

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