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35 People Online Answer “What Are Some Of The ‘Guy Code’ And ‘Girl Code’ Unwritten Rules That You Always Follow?”

In social situations, we follow plenty of unwritten rules. However, it can be smart to look up other cultures' customs for tourists or just check in to what is expected of you as a friend or a guest in certain situations. Unwritten rules of how people look out for close friends or strangers of the same sex are popularly referred to as girl code and boy code. There is plenty of comedy that pokes fun at those that take same-sex loyalty to the extremes.

u/bakedbutnotburnt asked Reddit "what are some of the 'guy code' and 'girl code' unwritten rules that you always follow?" The question was upvoted 42.9k times. Bored Panda selected responses people tended to agree more with, take a look:

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If I offer someone a beer or other alcoholic beverage and they turn it down, I never push it. Sometimes I don't want to drink and I hate being pressured. Never pressure a drink on someone.

Image credits: please_hava_seat

Answers about guy code seemed to focus on uplifting other men, helping a friend flirt or fight, how to treat women, friends' romantic partners, and who pays in what situation. However, the girl code was mostly focused on appearance, periods, including sharing menstrual products and when and how to tell someone about a leak, and safety, especially from men. Both addressed topics of cheating in a committed relationship. Some people responded universally for any sex.


As a guy that lifts weights and has brought some of his other male (and two female friends) into the fold - you never, EVER, slander another person's weight on any lift. If your friend is 250 pounds and only benches 135, but is trying his a** off - then you never make a sound other than howling intense encouragement at them.

The rule in my basement is - everything is heavy to SOMEBODY. As long as you're giving it your full-a**, then the number is irrelevant.

Image credits: level 1 ArchMichael7


If your friends help you move, you are expected to a) be packed already... And b) provide pizza and beer.

Image credits: jjbutts


Brocode: If a girl passes out at a party, you're not allowed to touch her. Make sure one of her lady friends knows ASAP, preferable a relatively sober one.

Image credits: DamnedIron

One person responded to the thread with "As a lady with autism, this has to be one of the most useful threads I have ever read. All these unwritten rules about how to treat others socially don't naturally occur to me. I feel like I have gained new powers! Thank you thank you thank you."


See something, compliment something.

Image credits: AllieBallie22


The person who buys the shots, makes the toast

Too many times I've seen someone buy a round of shots, and someone else jumps in with a toast

If you want to make a toast, buy a round!

Image credits: Finster63


Girl code: if something is fixable within five minutes (make-up, something stuck in teeth, small things on appearance) you tell her and help her if needed, if it isn't fixable on the spot, you keep your mouth shut and ESPECIALLY don't point it out to others.

Image credits: PenguinsOnAWire

Many autistic people use masking as a strategy to thrive and survive in social settings. According to Healthline, masking is mimicking behaviors of neurotypical people, like forcing eye contact, developing a repertoire of rehearsed responses to questions, ignoring sensory discomfort, and practicing body language.


Dude if there’s like 8 open urinals DON’T TAKE THE ONE NEXT TO ME

Image credits: Oceanicshark


I will wingman any man. I don't even have to know you. Hell, I'll wingman any woman too. If you are trying to make an impression on someone you think you'll hit it off with, call me. I love love and am always willing to help make it happen.

Image credits: the_planes_walker


If someone offers to pay, you should ask them if they are sure. If they are, then it is rude to further reject what is supposed to be a kindness on their part.

"I got the bill."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it."

"Thank you."

Image credits: TMJ_Jack

Masking is often used when it is not clear that neurodiversity would be accepted, or clear that it won't. However, Healthline describes the practice as costly since multiple studies found heightened stress and depression in those who do it; there is also a risk of delay of autism identification. Instead, Healthline recommends accepting neurodivergent people as they are.


Should a bro die in a weight lifting related accident, a bro will add atleast 100 lbs to the bar before reporting the incident

Image credits: Mallow-9


Female here.

If you see another girl crying in the bathroom of the bar/club/venue you're at, you ask what's wrong and try to help.

If you have a tampon or pad to spare and someone needs it, even if it's someone you hate, offer it to them.

If a girl looks distressed or uncomfortable with the guy who is hitting on her at the bar/club/venue you're at, she's now going to be a new member of your crew! This one is a little tricky, but it's usually pretty obvious when someone needs an out but can't manage it or is frozen or intimidated. If you see it happening, try to catch her eye because she'll be looking around. Once you make eye contact it's pretty easy to figure out if she needs an out, then swoop in and do the whole "Hey girl! Where the crap have you been, we're all waiting over at the table for you!" And then you hook your elbow through hers and walk her back to your table of friends.

If you see a KNOW that a friend's boyfriend/fiance/husband doing shady, skeezy sh**, you tell that friend right away.

Image credits: Mahatma_Panda


Bros before ho*s, but not before wives. Sure it’s sucks when a buddy has to stay home for a weekend camping trip, but if his wife’s sick and they have a 3 month old, it’s probably best that he keeps his family’s interests above your own haha

Image credits: Zephrahs

MTV had a reality show called Guy Code. Their episodes ranged from "Manscaping, Sexting, Bottle Service and Camping." to "Friends with benefits, rejection, shopping and freshman year." Later it got a spin-off, Girl Code, with episodes like "Curing Boredom, Hobbies, Sexual Pressure." Singers, comedians like Pete Davidson, and other celebrities often appeared on the show.


In his home, you always call another man's dog a good boy

Image credits: Kadeslayer


Guy code: when greeting someone and you're not sure if they're a hugger, always shake their hand first... it allows them to throw up the other arm for a hug if they're down for it.

Image credits: DetroitHustlesHarder


Guy Code -If your drunk bro is about to cheat on his girlfriend, you must follow through with one intervention. If he says he doesn't care, you did your part and are free from any responsibility.

Image credits: Bartch88

Sometimes American comedy points out the obsessive rigidity some people follow guy and girl codes with. In the sitcom How I Met Your Mother, the character Barney, who has a well-paying job and flirting skills that land him plenty of one-night stands, making him a stereotype of a man who other men want to be, keeps referring to the rules of the Bro Code. Later the Bro Code book was published inspired by the show.


When guys fight, we never hit the groin.

It's against the Geneva Convention /s.

Image credits: Dstats98


If you see another girl in an uncomfortable situation, you try to get her out of there or at least let her know that you got her back. I've done it for everyone, from my sister, to my friends to my friends moms. One time at a school event, my best friend's mom somehow ended getting an unsolicited massage from another parent with boundary issues and I quickly made an excuse up that I needed help at the concession stand. No one is too old or too young to do this!

On the more lighthearted side, in my experience, when you hug another girl, you always try to slot the boobs by going slightly to the side so that you don't just mash your chests together and hurt someone.

Image credits: unicornmarket


Nod up if you know them, nod down if you dont.

Image credits: deleted

What are some of the unwritten girl code or guy code rules you follow? Does it make sense that they are different for women and men? Which ones do you agree with?


when a girl says "i won't tell anyone" what she really means is "i won't tell anyone except my best friend"

Image credits: ChaoticSweety


Be generous with your closest friends.

Buy them an occasional beer or their favorite soft drink without "keeping score" of whose turn it is to pay.

Image credits: Back2Bach


I only had one chance to exercise this girl code rule, but once i was passing a girl in the lobby of a building and she told me that she had just gotten a straight perm and was waiting for the rain to pass before she went outside so I let her share my umbrella for 4-5 blocks while we walked to a bus stop together.

I would do that for any woman if it happened again.

(perms are $200+, can take up to 3 hours and are ruined if you get them wet within 48 hours of having the procedure done)

Image credits: Book_1love


When your best friends dies, you have to delete his internet history. Common courtesy.


You can make fun of your own kid all you want with your buddies if he isnt around, but you NEVER make fun of your bros kid, no matter what.

Image credits: RickerBobber


My personal thing is that if I ask someone to come on a trip with me, no matter the distance or how much gas it'll take, I don't ask for gas money. I asked them to come on the trip with me, their company is payment enough. I don't like when people ask me for gas money when they insisted or asked me f I wanted to come along for something. I come on this trip with them, for all I know they could just be using me for gas money.

Also, who pays for who on a date I believe should be totally contingent on who took the initiative to ask. If I ask Her out, I will offer to pay but I won't Insist, if she'd like to pay for herself.

Image credits: LickMyAstle


Never steal ur bro's large fry

Image credits: Kenzel258


If I hear a girl say she needs a hair tie I will immediately hand one over, even if I’ll only have one left for myself.

Image credits: mcrandk


Treat your friend's girl as if she's a guy

Image credits: Fulahno


If their bedroom door open, be careful to sound your approach before popping in. Never know what he's up to.

Image credits: AT1787


I hear this a lot in casual conversation: A: You know __? B: no? A: Wait, you don’t know __?!

My boss speaks English as a second language and he pointed out how common this type of interaction is & said it is off-putting. I really try to be mindful of it now!

Image credits: Mooneaxe


"Thou shalt never hold a bro's wingman duties against him"

When you're chatting up a girl, I don't care how unattractive the friend he's flirting with is, or how bad his flirting technique is... When he's distracting the air defences to give you a clear run at the target, you do not insult his flying.

Image credits: audigex


Girl code: if a girl asks for a pad or tampon, you don’t whip it out in public, and announce “HEY EVERYONE THIS GIRL IS ON HER PERIOD” instead you do the under the table hand off so that things are more subtle, especially if she is a shy or young teen

Image credits: annanateor


Unless you are asked and willing to provide further details, keep remarks about the time you spent with someone vague and borderline childish.

Image credits: SacredVow


If you sell a buddy a car (or anything of value) cheaper than normal because they are a friend, that friend must offer to sell it back to you before offering it to the general public.

Image credits: NickLadoo


If you hear anything about a girl having a thing for your bro, you tell him immediately. I don't care if you're in the jungle with no cell phone service, you walk back to the nearest cell phone tower and let him know so he can get laid

Image credits: theImplication69

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