40 Of The Most Annoying Double Standards That Have No Place To Exist, According To People In This Online Group
It is hard to be fair and treat everyone equally, because it is part of human nature to be biased. We treat the people who we like better and we are not that available to people who we don't find dear to us. So double standards are practically inevitable, but they often can be so pervasive and life-changing that they must be dealt with.
Reddit user SecretSquirrel2204 asked people “What is a double standard that really bothers you?” and there were a lot of different answers. Some people gave very specific stories of how different genders are treated differently, others were pointing out the more broad issue of hypocrisy and everything in between.
Do you agree with the answers Redditors gave? What would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments and upvote the double standards that seem the most unfair to you!
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Parenting expectations.My wife died when my kids were 11 months and 2 years old. When I took the kids to the grocery store, without fail I’d get comments like “oh daddy’s day out, huh?”
Breaking point for me was taking them out to eat, I sat there for 20 minutes after being seated, and finally the server came back to the table and goes “did you want to try ordering for the kids or are we still waiting for mom?”
I straight up said to her “well we’d be waiting a long time because she’s dead. I don’t need to try I can order just fine”
Image credits: hsox05
If I’m with my kids without the mrs around, people ask if I’m babysitting. No b***h, they’re my kids, I’m parenting.Image credits: RepublicOfMoron
Black people can't be racist.Image credits: Motivational-Panda
Being told it is OK to ask questions, and being treated like an inconvenience when you doImage credits: callmefinny
"snitches get stitches" mentality never made sense to me in school.Like, you can bully me, verbally abuse me, steal my stuff and hit me, people are ok with that.
But if I drop someone in it and they get in trouble for their own actions, somehow that is worse?
Why should I let someone be an a**hole to me?
Image credits: NotAKitty2508
I have to show up on time for an interview but it's fine when an interviewer is late (there's a huge difference between a personal emergency and poor planning).Image credits: lanakers
An unclean house being blamed on the wife despite the husband also living there.Image credits: yourfavoritecalories
Poor person steals = prison sentence. Rich person steals = slap on wrist.Image credits: wuerstlfrieda
I grew up in a country that does not encourage the use of personal vehicles. There is a lot of public transportation available. As a result, I have very little mechanical expertise. My white girlfriend, who grew up in the country and whose father is a mechanic, has spent her entire life tinkering with automobiles. When we go to an auto parts store to get something, the salespeople never say anything to her. Even if they ask me a question and she answers, they continue to talk to me as if she doesn't exist. It's unbelievable. They don't seem to notice her. She's gone to job interviews for mechanical jobs where the interviewer asks her extremely simple and dismissive questions because they don't believe she can understand what they're asking.Image credits: SoonBrittain
Learning how to do girl's hair. Around my area a man would be called "gay" by doing girl's hair. I wanna learn and get better at doing my 5yr old daughter's hair. Nothing extreme, just the regular nice stuff I guess. Braids ponytails n other cool stuff like that. Men around here only do men's hair, but women can do both men's and women's hairImage credits: No_Leader_2711
Projects and initiatives for the betterment of society (social safety net, healthcare, superannuation, infrastructure) 'drain the system' but when it's time to bail out large corporations, increase wages of already rich and successful people tenfold, or pay someone large amounts for a dodgy little scheme on the side, there's seemingly endless cash lying around. F**k politiciansImage credits: zoomba2378
You get in ahead of everyone else, and no one notices or cares. But, God forbid, you depart before everyone else and are a slug. No, I worked the same number of hours (if not more) than you. You weren't here to see it, but that doesn't mean I wasn't there.Image credits: ElwandaPurnell
Don’t go to work/school if you’re sick, but if you miss school/work you’re in trouble.Image credits: Fluxxylady24601
That gay men can't be misogynists, sometimes they are the worst!Image credits: seragakisama
If a man has no children that's fine.If a woman has no children she's weird and unnatural.
A lot of people think that being anti-white is a way to be anti-racist. That itself is literally by definition an act of racism.#17
Smoker takes a break to go outside to smoke and that’s perfectly okay.Non-smoker steps outside for some fresh air and that’s a big problem.
Men can’t be victims of sexual abuse because we are the ‘primary abusers’Image credits: stcloud777
Playing a videogame in the evening is considered a bad habit and bad for you, yet the same people who say that spend every minute home either watching TV or on their phoneImage credits: GTAinreallife
I'm still in awe over the double standard with which people treat the credibility of information. If it confirms their world view, they're happy to accept extraordinary information from partisan blogs, tabloids, and columnists with no further confirmation. But if it challenges their worldview, good luck convincing them of anything. I argued with a dude who decided to trust the Washington Examiner's outright lie about the IRS bank reporting proposal. I gave him a link to the ACTUAL PROPOSAL published on the Treasury's website, pointed him to the EXACT page that details the proposal, and he still dismissed the information as partisan deceit.Image credits: rtvfrvl
Management enforcing rules they break all the timeImage credits: fantastictangent
I used to work at a place where the importance hierarchy was:people with kids
married people (no kids)
single people
At that time, we were meeting to discuss a big release with a lot of things happening. The head honcho said "Ok, DulceEtBanana will come in at 230am to starts {something}" and moved on to the next item.
I said "wait wait how is that my job with no discussion?" "Because it's either you or Dave and Dave's got 2 kids. You're single, of course it's to you."
I pointed out Dave's kids would be sound asleep at 2:30am and "Maybe I should find a kid who wants in on the deal" and got written up for it. F**k them, they went out of business a year later anyway.
Image credits: DulceEtBanana
In the U.S. you're required by law when you turn 18 to sign up for Selective Service because according to the government, you're considered an "adult" who can be drafted into the military at a time of war if needed...........but you're not allowed to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages until you're 21 because you're too young otherwise.
So at 18 I can legally be forced to go overseas and partake in combat where I can get my arms and legs blown off and/or end up with severe PTSD for life or even killed.....but God forbid I want to enjoy a cold beer after work ?
Yup, that makes a lot of f*****g sense !!!!!!
Why can’t I, a male in my 20s, be a babysitter? I love kids and am great with them, but exactly zero people take me seriously (no replies back to public ads and zero friends consider it anything more than a joke of an offer).Image credits: zed910
Girls can join Boy Scouts but boys can't join Girl Scouts. What if my son wants to do crafts, learn songs, and sell cookies?#26
Companies doing PSAs for people to not litter and recycle their products when they themselves are producing products that mostly cannot be properly recycled and end up in landfills anyway. Bonus points for taxes we pay for recycling programs in our citiesImage credits: Fishermanfrienamy
It’s “weird” for me to babysit my nephews or even pick them up from daycare I get weird looks.Image credits: Trustiesthurdle
Tomboys being widely accepted while feminine men are being frowned upon really irks me sometime...#29
A double standard that affects me constantly is it’s socially acceptable to ask people “Why’re you so skinny” but it’s totally unacceptable and inappropriate to ask people “why’re you so fat?”I myself as a male am called skinny and have been called Anorexic, unknown to people their are reasons I am the size I am due to medical issues.
I’ve had times where people who were fairly overweight would ask me “Man you’re so skinny” and I constantly think in my head what would happen if I said “Man you’re so fat”
Image credits: Limited_U
I had a woman pretend to, and joke about roofie-ing my drink at the hotel bar last night when I stepped away for a smoke..Just laughed along, but God forbid it was the other way, I'd prob have been kicked out of the bar and had the police called on me.
That everyone else is allowed to state their opinion, but I’m just supposed to sit there and keep my mouth shut.Image credits: BookishPisces
Don't judge a book by it's cover but 1st impressions are everythingImage credits: lushlauraxo
Men can't fight back against a woman who is literally beating them.Image credits: HungLlama69
Body positivity is only for women.Image credits: drax3012
Chemical for industrial use: 6 hour training on hazardous materials and piles of paperwork talking about how dangerous it is.Same exact chemical for home use: Pretty marketing and “keep out of reach of children” in size 6 font.
Image credits: PoorCorrelation
You are not allowed to be emotional, or show emotions, but you should do it.Image credits: dirty_boy69
In India, everyone wants signal, but they don't want mobile/cell towers in their areaImage credits: alpha1729
How if a young boy sleeps with an older women its an accomplishment and people celebrate the young boy but if its the other way around the guy is punished 99% of the time and death is wished to him. It should be equally as bad and taken equally as serious.#39
I am physically much more able compared to my coworkers and as a result I get the dirty work but they get paid more despite us having about equal abilities in the primary work we do.#40
I (30f) have been doing Muay Thai for a couple of years, and at my current gym we have twice a week classes where we do light/touch sparring. This means light or no contact.Most of the big guys and strong fighters get the message. But most older guys, newer guys, and several women/girls don’t seem to think this rule applies to them and come in throwing haymakers and full-force kicks, and they don’t really get stopped.
Some of us have actual fights coming up and we don’t want to get injured the week before because someone had something to prove.
Image credits: caribou91
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