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Hey Pandas, What Is A Word Or A Phrase You Can’t Stop Saying

Some people just have a word that comes to them naturally.


"Oh, for f*ck's sake!"

More and more of late.


"Same difference" . . . I don't even remember where I heard it but now it's part of my daily vocabulary ?


"You uneducated potato!" someone please tell me which BP this was on i have a terrible memory lol ?


I once wanted to say "cool beans" and "sweet" at the same time, so I split the difference and said "sweet beans". I don't know why, but I keep doing it on purpose now...


Mine is saying „hee haw“ ALL the time




Recently I've been saying "oof" and "yikes" a lot.


jiminy christmas


I have been saying “oh god” a lot lately


"Well, f*****k me gently with a chainsaw."
It's from Heathers.


Only when I'm hanging around a certain group of friends I say "yo I wanna f**k the brown M&M/a Samsung smart fridge." TO GIVE SOME CONTEXT!! there is a streamer we all watch who said this once as a joke and now I just use it to tease my friends. Points if you know which streamer I'm talking about lol


I've been saying:

"I need oreos!"
"I'm hungry."


lolllssss and neener


Your mom jokes lmao


"I'm a little lad who loves berries and cream"
why do I say that
or "sup bitches"


i’m a teacher so i can’t swear at work, so i’ve replaced every swear word with “cinnamon bits!”


To the cats - “Will you please finish your food”. “Look at all this wasted food”. “Can you try and keep the food in the bowls please instead of spilling it on the floor”.

All three will be inscribed on my gravestone!


Goodness gracious great balls of fire


Not Trump again!



Calm yo' self

If ya say so bud.


I'm fine.


Really ?

To my daughter that wanks to stick a fork in a power socket
To the client who doesn't think basic IT security is important in 2021
To the half-wits protesting about getting vaccinated
To the corrupt Australian federal government ministers taking million dollar personal donations and thinking its ok.


eh Love


"Couldn't care less."

To everything. specifically whenever my little brother starts talking


My answer to anything (and everything) is “cool”

“I slept late today” “cool”
“I murdered someone” “cool”


Well h3ll


I’ve been saying this is a disaster but I pronounce it dis-a-stuh instead and no clue why lmao


“Good heavens!” “Goodness gracious!” “Oh my goodness…” For reference, I’m 42 and have said these phrases since I was a little tyke.


Sweet cheese and rice


An Irish "Jasus", an English "Bloody 'ell", a Hispanic "Jesús Christo", and my personal favorite, the half swears you have to do in offices, planes, public places in general, " Son of a... seabiscuit, Fu..dge"



For some reason, it's the only comeback I can think of now...


Bugger nuts? It just slides of your tongue ?


"For f**k's sake Phelix stop taking my pictures!!"


Me:shut the frick up
My sister:STUD


“That’s all I did at my last job.” Usually follows someone’s pointing out a personal faux pas of mine. Then I say: “They paid me very well with benefits!”


Off Like a dirty shirt

Off like a herd of turtles

You ready, Steady?




Tingle fingers... do you need to ask?


no s**t sherlock
ALL the time whenever someone says something lol


*observes something agreeable and/or callipygian*

That's pretty Art Deco.


Been saying "Mother of god" lately because of this one emote named "motherofgod:, in which the emote looks cool.


More of an action

*insert gay flip*




I mumble FFS (for f%^+ sake) under my breath at least 20 times a day.


Jeez louise


"with that said..."




I'm in 10th grade and I have the vocabulary of a 3rd-grade teacher. I use phrases like "smarticle-particle" quite frequently and things along that line.


"Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?"


um... what the freak,shut up, get lost, damnit, freaking lord

and a few more...


Well fancy that.


Hello, Bees!


"I'll add it to my list"

My list of stuff to do is getting rather long :)


I have a stim where I repeat “I am not a vet” for like half an hour Idk why I have nothing to do with vets or want to be one its just so random


Crap on a cracker! Even got my mom saying it.


the amount of times i say "pog", "mate", and "man" is insane


Every single curse/swear word


"What fresh hell is this?"
"What in gay hell?"
"What the curse-ed f*ck?"
"Wazzat?" (In place of 'What's that?')
"Be gay do crime"
"My dude"
"My boi"
"My man"
"I just don't vibe with it"
"This is taking eons"
"It'll take a dragon's age" (meaning it will take a long time)
"Hey you forgot your flashlight" (said aggressively when entering a room/voicecall to greet certain friends)
"Operator sickness" or "links disease" (in response to anyone coughing)
"(Insert beverage), what are you, forty?" (Usually in response to someone saying they like black coffee)


when someone asks me for a favor i ALWAYS say "depends on the favor" my bf hates it xD
i also make an awful lot of "your momma" jokes
and i recently started to use "jeeezus" a lot.. i don't know why :D


From my time in the deep South: "If it don't come out in the wash, it will come out in the rinse."


I tend to say "kiddo" a lot as an endearing term but also "uh oh spaghetti-o" which people find weird and funny lol


'Oh Misery!'

But i'm dutch, so then it's; 'oh ellende!' and it just fits in so, so many ways.


I don’t know why, but I CANNOT stop making Dad Jokes. My Kids and husband could say anything and all that comes out of my mouth is randomly stupid jokes.
It’s like every time I open my mouth my Dad comes out.



It means a lot of things and can be a whole sentence depending on the intonation. I'm trying to stop using it though.


Oh my god
Oh my gosh
(To my parents) hello mother / father


Blah, blah, blah… “like a fish!”
You’ll either know the film reference. Or you won’t. But everything in my world is, “like a fish”.


oof idk why also spawn and /sarcastically/ of course


2 words:
"SWEET" and " WHACK"


Usually preceding a question, but sometimes a statement :)
Got it from Dwight on The Office


With my UK friends
"Listen here yah c***ts"
We do this every time we play together


For the Aussies out there - "No Worries"


"epic". idk why I can't stop I just constantly say epic


~Yee yee bois ??~

Lately because of a classmate.


Apparently it's "Zack", my 1,5y old repeats it every time I say it. I really have to stop, it's getting out of hand


calm your the wife.


Fair sister and I live on a road,it’s called Fairview,she hates me so when I say Fair Point she says “you mean Fairview”


Fan f*****g tastic!


“Oh for Pete’s sake!” Who is this Pete guy anyway?


“Garbage people” are just “trash”


Mother of satan
What the fudge


"It's okay"
"It's going to be okay"


F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T F****T

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