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This Instagram Account Celebrates Ugly Gardens In All Their Horrible Glory, And Here Are 72 Of The Worst Pics

A person’s garden, lawn, and yard are their pride and joy. No matter how horrendously bizarre, ugly, eccentric, and eldritch it might look! There’s a certain beauty in ugliness and we shouldn’t be shy about sharing it with the world. And if our neighbors get mad, well that’s when you show them this captivating Instagram account that features weird and ugly gardens in all their decadent glory.

Created by English and history teacher James Hull and landscape architect Bede Brennan, the Instagram project has already amassed a whopping 124k followers and continues to grow. Much like the weeds digging their roots ever-deeper in some of these lawns.

Have a look at the very worst gardens below, upvote the ones that are so bad they’re starting to seem quite nice, and let us know which of these dystopian nightmares you loved hating the most. Just take care not to get lost in the weeds, otherwise, we’ll have to send out a Panda search party. We just hope the garden gnomes won’t notice us… golly that’s a lot of gnomes!

More info: Instagram | Book

#1 Hidden Agenda

Image credits: s**tgardens

#2 2021 Emerging

Image credits: s**tgardens

#3 Let There Be Light

Image credits: s**tgardens

The entire project is meant as a celebration, not a condemnation of “horticulturally challenged yards and gardens” from all over the globe. And while this ugliness certainly is appealing (if you gaze long enough into the abyss, it’ll start gazing into you as well), it’s also bound to make at least some of you Pandas want to get your lawnmower and pressure washer.

Some of the garden design choices are truly baffling. There’s an overwhelming number of decorations that shouldn’t ever have left the shop (or factory if we’re truly honest) to begin with.

#4 When You Just Can’t Seem To Get Into The Swing Of Things

Image credits: s**tgardens

#5 "For He Died To Save Our Topiaries"

Image credits: s**tgardens

#6 If You Like Piña Coladas, And Getting Caught In The Rain

Image credits: s**tgardens

Meanwhile, the landscaping in some yards looks like something you’d get when you cross M.C. Escher’s work with Salvador Dalí’s paintings. Non-Euclidian geometry and bizarre forms seem to be the name of the game. And this loving madness seems contagious.

The founders of the project, James and Bede, spoke to Land8 about their Instagram page. They noted that the account is as much about endearingly weird gardens as it is about truly horrible yards.

“Neglected expanses of concrete, weed harboring swamps, or lifeless and loveless colored gravel,” they gave some examples. “These are not our main focus, though they are sometimes worth a laugh.”

#7 Bring Greenery Back Into Our Urban Parks

Image credits: s**tgardens

#8 Femme Fatale: The Postman’s Affliction

Image credits: s**tgardens

#9 Dentist And Gardener

Image credits: s**tgardens

Some of the things that these badly-designed and kept gardens might have include “grand statues, mid-century breeze blocks, and unprofessionally restored historic items.” According to the founders, nobody on Planet Earth is exempt from having weird and bad gardens. However, some hotspots include Melbourne which is a “Mecca for this aesthetics,” as well as the United States. Especially the central states.

#10 Shrine To The Panic Buy

Image credits: s**tgardens

#11 Mood

Image credits: s**tgardens

#12 To Pass Our Driveway You Must Answer Me These Questions Three...

Image credits: s**tgardens

“I think we felt that suburban Melbourne and its gardeners had a very unique approach. We’re not doctorates or anything. We’ve studied a little bit of history, a little bit of philosophy, this and that. There’s a sense of homage to a lot of ancient Greek and Roman cultures, and in front yards it is often quite dramatic. There’s just these interesting narratives that spring up from the gardens,” James told New York Magazine.

#13 Limits To Growth

Image credits: s**tgardens

#14 The Mondrian Of Municipality

Image credits: s**tgardens

#15 When Baby-Boomers Try To Use Email

Image credits: s**tgardens

He reiterated that the goal of the account isn’t to make fun of anyone but to celebrate how much these gardens “enrich and liven up our suburbs.” The goal? To help fight boredom. Imagine how boring life would be if you didn’t have some contrast and clashing aesthetics once in a while. Peaceful suburban life? Yuck! Give us weirdness and ugliness. And don’t forget the garden gnomes!

#16 Welcome Home!

Image credits: s**tgardens

#17 Perhaps It's Time To Switch Chlorine Brands

Image credits: s**tgardens

#18 Do You Have A Five Year Plan?

Image credits: s**tgardens

#19 My Antivirus Software When I Stream Shows From Dodgy Websites

Image credits: s**tgardens

#20 There's An App For That

Image credits: s**tgardens

#21 Modern Aquarius: Buoyant Personality, Colourful, A Source Of Water In Times Of Drought

Image credits: s**tgardens

#22 It Takes A Lot Of Balls To Topiary Like This

Image credits: s**tgardens

#23 Our Bread And Butter

Image credits: s**tgardens

#24 Swan Lake

Image credits: s**tgardens

#25 Do Not Make Eye Contact

Image credits: s**tgardens

#26 Why?

Image credits: s**tgardens

#27 Cactus Rises Again

Image credits: s**tgardens

#28 Pedestrians Beware, The Suburbs Are Surreal

Image credits: s**tgardens

#29 Peak Late Stage Capitalism

Image credits: s**tgardens

#30 The Secret Garden, Finally Revealed

Image credits: s**tgardens

#31 The Car Oil Companies Are Trying To Hide

Image credits: s**tgardens

#32 Healthy Roots, Less Split Ends

Image credits: s**tgardens

#33 How Not To Slide Into Dms

Image credits: s**tgardens

#34 Hedge Architecture - A Very English Pursuit

Image credits: s**tgardens

#35 Spine Sublime- A Carving Most Creative

Image credits: s**tgardens

#36 Alien Landscape

Image credits: s**tgardens

#37 Single Use Plastic: No Good. Using It Again To Make A Goose Planting Bed: Genius

Image credits: s**tgardens

#38 The Groundskeepers Secret Project

Image credits: s**tgardens

#39 Topiary Final Boss

Image credits: s**tgardens

#40 This One

Image credits: s**tgardens

#41 Power Stance

Image credits: s**tgardens

#42 Have ‘Indoor Plants’ Gone Too Far?

Image credits: s**tgardens

#43 Une Soumission Française

Image credits: s**tgardens

#44 Home Of Werner Herzog

Image credits: s**tgardens

#45 His Bark Is Worse Than His Bite

Image credits: s**tgardens

#46 2021’s Promises Are Already Delivering

Image credits: s**tgardens

#47 Future Primitive

Image credits: s**tgardens

#48 Past Past-Times

Image credits: s**tgardens

#49 When The Weed Brownies Have Kale In Them...

Image credits: s**tgardens

#50 Local Attraction

Image credits: s**tgardens

#51 *listens To Psy-Trance Once*

Image credits: s**tgardens

#52 Survival Of The Fishest

Image credits: s**tgardens

#53 Pole Position

Image credits: s**tgardens

#54 My Neighbour To-Piary

Image credits: s**tgardens

#55 Down But Not Out

Image credits: s**tgardens

#56 Once You Have Made Eye Contact...

Image credits: s**tgardens

#57 The Year Which Keeps On Giving

Image credits: s**tgardens

#58 Global Hegemony

Image credits: s**tgardens

#59 What Cyclists Want vs. What Cyclists Get...

Image credits: s**tgardens

#60 Huge Blue Nose In Park, I Get That, But What Is The Red Thing?

Image credits: s**tgardens

#61 Dali Of The Suburbs

Image credits: s**tgardens

#62 Gentrified Beer-Gardens Of The Future

Image credits: s**tgardens

#63 Permanent Smile

Image credits: s**tgardens

#64 The Kids Are Flocking To This

Image credits: s**tgardens

#65 A Guy Named Bob Sent This To Us Via Email. Thank Bob, It’s Pretty Sick...

Image credits: s**tgardens

#66 Gardening Was In Their Genes

Image credits: s**tgardens

#67 Morbid Hedge

Image credits: s**tgardens

#68 Serpentine

Image credits: s**tgardens

#69 Neighbourhood Watch Brunswick

Image credits: s**tgardens

#70 From The Archives: The Postman’s Nightmare

Image credits: s**tgardens

#71 You Have Been Visited By Flamingo Heart Flock, This Lifts Your Mood

Image credits: s**tgardens

#72 Merry Christmas!

Image credits: s**tgardens

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