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‘They Aren’t Even Your Kids’: Lesbian Mom Is Furious Over Mother-In-Law Overruling Her Parenting Decision

Reddit user u/throwawayaitamil is a lesbian mom-of-two. And I know, you might be wondering, what does her sexual orientation have to do with anything? Unfortunately, it’s relevant to the story.

When she and her little ones went to a BBQ with their extended family, the kids wanted to have some M&Ms. Their mom, however, told them to wait until after dinner and enjoy the candies then, as a dessert. Sounds like a pretty simple situation, right? It was. Until the mother-in-law decided to go rogue.

The lady gave her grandchildren candies before the meal, even though her daughter-in-law explicitly said she was against it. What’s even worse, the mother-in-law refused to apologize and chose to destroy her relationship with her daughter and her family over a few M&Ms instead.

In doubt over the way she handled the conflict, u/throwawayaitamil turned to the subreddit “Am I the [Jerk]?” for help. Here’s what she wrote.

Image credits: Pexels (not the actual photo)

Image credits: throwawayaitamil

Here’s what people said about the entire ordeal

The post 'They Aren't Even Your Kids': Lesbian Mom Is Furious Over Mother-In-Law Overruling Her Parenting Decision first appeared on Bored Panda.

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