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Someone In This Online Group Asked “Which Actor Crushed A Role So Hard That Nobody Else Will Be Able To Live Up To It?”, 50 People Delivered

Characters in movies and TV series are often defined by the actors who play them. And while characters can have a myriad of people play them, there is always that one actor who manages to fill a character's shoes the best, and people can’t imagine anyone else playing the role.

Reddit has been discussing just that. One user asked the lovely AskReddit community which actor crushed a role so hard that nobody else will be able to live up to it? and got a slew of amazing responses.

Bored Panda has collected the best answers and turned it into a curated list that you can find below. While you’re scrolling, comment and vote on the submissions you loved the most, and tell us what character-actor combinations you think are iconic in the comment section below!

More Info: Reddit


When they inevitably recast Jack Sparrow [Johnny Depp], it'll be clear just how big a gap there is.

Image credits: Billbap@#$o


Alan Rickman as Severus Snape.

Image credits: NZT-48Rules


Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean.

Image credits: Whitedragonfan


RDJ for Iron Man, the man WAS Tony Stark end of discussion.

Image credits: AirJvon


Ryan Reynolds did an excellent job being Deadpool to the point where i am reading a Deadpool comic book with Reynolds' voice in my head narrating it.

Image credits: 422_is-420_too


Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones.

He’s so deeply connected to that character that I feel it would be impossible for anyone else to fill the fedora.

Image credits: BrotherOfTheOrder


Maggie Smith as Professor McGonagall.

Image credits: plastic_bean


Ian McKellen is the both true Gandalfs.

Image credits: ElectricFlesh


Robin Williams as the genie.

Image credits: PM_Me_Things_Yo_Like


Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister, amazing acting.

Image credits: copper8061


Sir Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean Luc Picard.

Image credits: JediAreTakingOver


Hugh Laurie - Dr. House.

Image credits: RizalParkCorner


Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump.

Image credits: literanch


Christopher Lloyd as Doc in Back to the Future.

Image credits: John_h_watson


Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.

Image credits: goldenwolves101


Arnold Schwarzenegger - Terminator.

Image credits: Str8_up_savage


Tim Curry, Frank N Furter. Anyone else in the role knows they never live up to that sexy god of a man. ‘I can make you a man’ is the most brilliant filthy scene to appear on cinema screens while people aren’t nude :/

Image credits: elizabethunseelie


Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn. Best book to movie translation for a character I’ve ever seen.

Image credits: LimeGap


Christina Ricci as Wednesday Addams.

Image credits: SnooDonkeys9743


Michael Keaton in Beetlejuice.

Image credits: DaLion93


Imelda Staunton as Dolores Umbridge.

Umbridge sucked in the books, but in the movies she turned Umbridge into a character that you just don't like into one that you hate with a burning passion.

Image credits: DoDaDrew


Andre the Giant in The Princess Bride.

Image credits: 3ulaF0x


Jack Nicholson in the Shining.

Image credits: Zufurix


Bryan Cranston as Walter White in Breaking Bad. He begins as sympathetic and ends up terrifying.

And in general the whole cast of Malcolm in the Middle, even the very secondary role. There have been many middle class effed up famy sitcom but zero have achieved to be crazy and relatable like this show.

Image credits: HopeSuper


Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka.

Image credits: Reddit User


Jody Foster as Clarice Starling. I particularly love the scene where she looks at Buffalo Bill’s victim and you hear her voice crack during the first part of the description, where she is looking at tiny personal details like painted fingernails, but then go clinical and determined when she sees the wounds on the girl’s back. Playing badass women often veers either towards emotionless and stalwart, or basically aping a 80s action male role. Foster nailed the emotional vulnerability, ambition, and courage of that character in minute, but profound ways. No one compares.

Image credits: elizabethunseelie


Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley.

Image credits: pixelburger


Heath Ledger as the Joker.

Image credits: 8en80


Jim Carrey in The Mask.

Image credits: Queer-and-stupid


Christopher Lee as basically anything.

Image credits: Kibassi


Patrick Stewart as Professor X, and everyone knew it would happen a decade before the first X-Men movie.

Image credits: jah05r


I really can't see anyone else as Hellboy. Ron Pearlman was amazing.

Image credits: AzoriumLupum


Leslie Nielsen as Frank Drebin.

Image credits: wish_my_wash


Joaquin Phoenix as commodus in gladiator. I have never hated a character so much till I saw him in that movie. He is so cowardly, despicable, and creepy. Phoenix did such a good job in making you loathe his character.

Image credits: DarthDiabetor


Danny Trejo as Machete.

Image credits: megabitfl


Christoph Waltz as Hans Landa in Inglourious Basterds.

Image credits: DJZbad93


Kelsey Grammer, Frasier Crane.

Image credits: Garaquarubyline


John C. McGinley as Dr Cox.

Image credits: Jedi_Outcast


Steve Carrell as Michael Scott.

Image credits: elaineadler


James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano.

Image credits: Fat-Villante


Rainn Wilson as Dwight Scrute.

Image credits: ramta_jogi_oye_hoye


Ronald Lee Ermey as Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket.

Image credits: flyzapper


[Nick Offerman as] Ron Swanson.

Image credits: Babblewocky


J.K Simmons as John Jonah Jameson.

Image credits: Tobz51


Val Kilmer in Tombstone.

Amazing Doc Holliday!

Every once in a while there's a role that it seems like the actor was born to play. There's really not another role that compares in his career.

Image credits: TessaMurphy


Christian Bale in American Psycho.

Image credits: SWG_138


Catherin O'Hara as Moira Rose!!

Image credits: theshwarna


Jessica Walter in Arrested Development (and Archer) .. her mean mom character dynamic is gold

Image credits: ModelChimp


Ian McDiarmid as Emperor Palpatine.

Image credits: Cuish


Danny Devito's Frank Reynolds is the best piece of casting this century.

Image credits: Mcpilch

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