44 Celebrities Who Are Just As Obsessed With Their Cats As We Are
What’s more adorable than a pic of Ed Sheeran, unofficially known as the cutest guy on earth? If there’s anything, it must be a pic of Ed Sheeran gently holding a tiny kitten in his hands.
It turns out, celebrities are people like you and me, not because they’re down to earth or eat Frosties for breakfast. It’s because we are all inevitably bonded by our love for cats. And in a world increasingly divided over views, politics, and whatnot, cat people all stand on the common ground that makes everything except felines less important.
So we compiled a list of celebrities that turned out to be cat people, which suggests that if we ever met them, we’d have a lot to talk about. Like, how our furry munchies love bouncing off the walls like a tennis ball, or how they cover their tiny faces with a single paw and unknowingly, they just made your day.
#1 Ed Sheeran
Image credits: teddysphotos
#2 Robert Downey Jr.
Image credits: robertdowneyjr
#3 Nicole Kidman
Image credits: nicolekidman
#4 Drew Barrymore
Image credits: drewbarrymore
#5 Taylor Swift
Image credits: taylorswift
#6 Ricky Gervais
Image credits: rickygervais
#7 James Franco
Image credits: officialjamesfrancoo
#8 Lana Del Rey
Image credits: rollingstone
#9 Alexander Vlahos
Image credits: alexvlahosofficial
#10 Katy Perry
Image credits: katyperry
#11 Macklemore
Image credits: cairothekat
#12 Kat Denning
Image credits: katdenningsss
#13 Gigi Hadid
Image credits: therealcleohadid
#14 Alison Brie
Image credits: Alison Brie
#15 Ellie Goulding
Image credits: elliegoulding
#16 Kim Kardashian
Image credits: kimkardashian
#17 Keegan Allen
Image credits: tynthecat
#18 Hayley Bieber
Image credits: kittysushiandtuna
#19 Russell Brand
Image credits: russellbrand
#20 Jenna Fischer
Image credits: msjennafischer
#21 Miley Cyrus
Image credits: shantiombb
#22 Karl Lagerfeld
Image credits: choupettesdiary
#23 Jay Baruchel
Image credits: jonathanadamsaundersbaruchel
#24 Salma Hayek
Image credits: yourcatwasdelicious
#25 Georgia May Jagger
Image credits: georgiamayjagger
#26 Martha Stewart
Image credits: marthastewart48
#27 Lea Michele
Image credits: leamichele
#28 Dita Von Teese
Image credits: ditavonteese
#29 Isla Fisher
Image credits: islafisher
#30 Ryan Adams
Image credits: ryanadams
#31 Godfrey Gao
Image credits: godfreygao
#32 Mandy Moore
Image credits: mandymooremm
#33 Gilles Marini
Image credits: GillesMarini
#34 Debby Ryan
Image credits: debbyryan
#35 Peyton Clark
Image credits: peytonpclark
#36 Hideo Kojima
Image credits: hideo_kojima
#37 Kesha
Image credits: iiswhoiis
#38 Ian Somerhalder
Image credits: iansomerhalder
#39 Bella Thorne
Image credits: bellathorne
#40 Evan Rachel Wood
Image credits: evanrachelwood
#41 Coco Rocha
Image credits: cocorocha
#42 Nicky Reed
Image credits: nikkireed
#43 Alison Brie
Image credits: alisonbrie
#44 Mayim Bialik
Image credits: missmayim
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