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UPS Driver Starts Crying After Opening His Son’s Letter To Santa

The Covid-19 pandemic has been a curse, for sure. But it’s also been a blessing in disguise for some families because more parents are working from home and becoming much more involved in their children’s lives. Unfortunately, not all parents have that luxury. And kids are starting to notice.

Some workers, like UPS employees, are working major overtime to keep civilization running and to make sure we get everything that we need delivered right to our doorsteps without us having to risk our health.

A UPS driver, who goes by the name DminorFmajor on Reddit, made the internet tear up when he shared a photo of his son’s letter to Santa. Read the letter in full below, dear Pandas. Just make sure you’re ready to feel a lot of feels and have a tissue handy.

A dad is making internet users tear up after he shared what his son wrote to Santa

Image credits: minorFmajor

Image credits: minorFmajor

DminorFmajor’s son Jonah’s letter went viral. It got more than 122k upvotes, more awards than we can count, and 2.9k comments on Reddit (and the story was being discussed in a grand total of 22 communities on the site). What’s more, the letter touched a lot of journalists’ hearts and was picked up by major and minor media outlets everywhere.

Bored Panda has contacted the redditor to learn more about the letter and is waiting to hear back from them.

The redditor added in the comments that UPS drivers love snacks if you ever want to brighten up their day. Apart from that, you can make their jobs way easier if you make sure that your house and your mailbox is clearly numbered. If your driveway’s long, it really helps them out if there’s enough room to turn around, as well.

Though the vast majority of people were smiling or shedding tears, some redditors weren’t feeling the holiday cheer. These cynics were convinced that DminorFmjaor ‘faked’ the letter just to get attention on Reddit. Let’s hope those Grinches turn their frowns upside down soon and get something nice from Santa to make them start believing in humankind again.

Back in August, some UPS drivers reported working 10-13 hours each day just to keep up with demand and shared that they were pressured not to take days off. UPS had also stated that it expects to hire 100k seasonal employees to deal with the increase in package volume beginning in October 2020 and ending in January 2021.

Here’s hoping that every single one of them gets some quality holiday time with their loved ones, even as they’re busy helping us get ours.

And this is how some people reacted to the tear-jerking letter. Some people were nice while others were Grinches

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