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Hey Pandas, What Funny Names Do You Call Your Pet?

I have so many nicknames for my dog! Share yours!


My dogs Clio and Thalia like it when I call them Cutie and Beauty but when I call them Lardarse and Jellybelly they give me a fish-eyed scowl.


I have a bazillion nicknames for my dog Daisy: daisy doggie, miss wiggle butt, daisy-mazie, dd, and my most commonly used one, pup-pup


I always have silly nicknames for my pets/children. I had a feline leukemia positive cat once. He lived to be only 9 months old. But he was the sweetest and most loving boy. He was all grey and I used to love Garfield so I named him Nermal. But I always called him Nerman-Tater or Tater boy. The next male cat I adopted after he passed was named Tater in his honor.

My current babies have the following nicknames : Dog - Sophie, or Sophie Dophie, Cat: Trixie, Trixie Pita or Trixle.


Coo coo birb instead of Choco because he cray-cray :)


My dogs name is Jimmy and I call him Jimmy Chew ironically but Jimmy hardly chews.....


My Goldendoodle, Auggie, More often than not gets called any of the following: Augustus, Floof, Poop, Poopy, Poopy-Floof, Auggie-Butt, or Auggo.


My kitty has a first and middle name - Petranella NovemberReign. She also has a few funny names - MonkeyFire, MonkeyStew, Fatranella, Pet Rock Nilla Dilla, Mommy (becaue she's bossy and tries to tell me what to do), Pookanella, GreedyPoo, Grunt, and Nelly Belly.


Cat 1 - name is Mogwai... But also goes by Mugsy, Mugs, Muggins, Muglas.
Cat 2 - name is Tuna... But goes by Tuna Fish, Tuna Butt, Mr. Fish.
Cat 3 - name is October... But goes by Toby, Tobes, Tobers.


My dog's legal name is Penelope, but she goes by Peenellowpooh, for unknown reasons.


5 cats, I call them baby, cat boi, loaf, cat baguette, floofy girl, floof, CATerpillar, and Presh(precious)


my dogs' name is snuggles so I call him snuggles the puggle
cause he's a pug

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