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Hey Pandas, In Such A Crazy World, What Brings You Peace?

What brings you peace in such a crazy world? Share your thoughts here!


I know I’m going to get downvoted to oblivion for this, but so be it. My faith really helps me. I believe in a loving God, and thinking of His arms surrounding and protecting me really makes me feel a whole lot better.


Watching Bob Ross paint.


Understanding that all things pass.


Keeper Of The Lost Cities
The Unwanteds
To Kill A Kingdom
The Lunar Chronicals
Land Of Stories
The Hunger Games
Harry Potter
(Also in that order)


After a crazy day, I play MUSIC on my computer.


I like to think that I’m some kind of superhero because I save half dead plants and bring them back to life. Most of the plants that I get are ones you can propagate so I’ve been propagating plants and giving them away. I feel like plants help people feel a little happier sometimes and I am happy to share the wealth


After a long day of people bugging me I get to go home and play with my three dogs


I like to read. With a snack. Don't forget the snack.


I like just laying down and reading. It is just a way to escape the world for a couple of minutes and be calm. I also like playing video games since the room I play in is isolated (kind of) from my family, so I don't have to have their craziness with me.


You :)


Watching the sunset over calm water.


It isn't clever or anything but video games is my escape from the insanity and stress of the real world. When I am playing video games I am not thinking about anything but the virtual world that I am inhabiting. A few hours a couple of times a week does my mental health a world of good.


What brings me peace is listening to music. I also really like to read. Or just watching musicals.


It's praying for me.


My dog Link.Even though he sometimes chews up my shoes.


I love reading it calms me down a lot:
Land of Stories
Wings of Fire
and on and on and on:))))))


talking to the friends in my head and cosplaying. I know I'm weird and I don't care


Drawing comics all day long!




Reading the Harry Potter series over and over and over and over.


Drawing and painting


Taking my bra off and putting my pajamas on.


Listening to my favorite music, watching my favorite movies (I avoid apocalypse movies), read my favorite books (I don't have to avoid apocalypse books), and I draw.


When people understand what I'm going through and actually support me and my beliefs. (unlike my parents who hate them.)


Harry Potter
Hunger Games
The Mortal Instruments
Percy Jackson (all Rick Riordan series)
The Fault in our Stars
Etc ( I could go on and on for hours)

Then of course memes and BP (mainly fandom memes)


Gaming... YouTube... Books... Drawing... etc...


Holding my husband's hand as we lay in bed and talk about our day.
Also the 2 of us sneaking around and leaving small gifts at our Childress house...secretly.




A good song, under a clear night sky, with fresh, cool sea air.
Hot chocolate.


My border Collie Shilo. I love him so much.


Reading Bored Panda posts!


Camping on the beach, cool breeze in the air and the water is calm.


Reading, Musical soundtracks, watching YouTube, watching TV....


books, music, friends, youtube, movies, journaling, drawing, podcasts, dressing up for no reason in secret and dancing, chocolate, the beach, photography, nature trails.........


Music, always.


Nothing better in the winter than a hot bath with a cup of hot chocolate and a book. Then after the bath I curl up with a fire going, with the hot chocolate, a good scary book, warm blanket and socks, and a cat or two curled up sleeping on me or near me. I feel better when my kids are home asleep in the their rooms instead of at their dads. I like to have them near. Unfortunately my 23 year old daughter lives an hour and a half away and my 19 year old son and his baby live about an hour away. At least my two youngest are still with me. (They usually spend weekends at their dads).


I am admittedly, without being dramatic, completely maxed out. Nothing I ever do is enough to satisfy people, I just end up crying as a release. And even then, the response is “oh well”, or nothing at all. Even at 54, I’ve nothing more to give, I am looking for peace. And when I think I am getting close, the plate of crap shows up. Apologies. I just desperately needed to put this into the universe. I wish for all of you good health, great karma, and an excellent holiday season.


I know this is stupid but i love playing my phone and scrolling through amazon (even though im not allowed to buy anything) And listening to Juice Wrld and other rappers


Gaming, youtube, loving on my doggo.


My dog and faith that peace will come one day


In addition to many things already said by others: writing. It‘s mostly fanfiction, and it‘s not outstanding, but it brings me joy and satisfaction.


My job at the Head start. I love my co workers. I love seeing all the little kids smiles every morning and say hello to me. I love their curiosity and silly stories. Even wearing masks and constantly sanitizing, for 5 hours a day i forget about politics and the pandemic, and just thrive to see my students learn about the world in a positive way, create little works of art and just laugh with me


The fact that I know food is good and I get to eat more of it tomorrow. Those donut holes don't lie.


Books and music and my boyfriend


Listening to Twenty One Pilots and AJR
Being with my bff
Looking at Bored Panda
Staring at the stars
Being alone
Watching BNA on Netflix repeatedly (yes, ik it's weird but I like it so oh well lol)
And reading


8D audio. Seriously, if you haven't tried it yet or don't even know it exists, look up a song with 8D effects. I'm not gonna tell you how it feels, experience it yourself!


Smelling the top of my seven year old son’s head.


Nothing brings me peace. There was a cat who did, which was like a miracle to me, but I lost him six months ago.


When I am knitting something for someone I love, I am totally at peace.


I do volunteer work for an animal rescue organization. I'm also in a 12 Step program and I go to meetings and sponsor. I also do service work in some of the meetings. Also, YouTube, family, daily meditation, read email.


After a long day I like to sit on a surface that isn't ment to be sat on and dramaticly stare into space, simply just to feel extra.


youtube :P


playing video games


Anime and Cosplay.






I like to distract myself by either watching tv or just drawing.


Food. I've been cooking a lot and experimenting with new stuff. Its really Fun to Listen to music (on Spotify cuz idk how to choose music for myself XD) and also reading I'm on the 8th KOTLC book rn. :)


Music. Drawing. Outlining. Shading. Coloring. Beautiful on they’re own but when they come together. ? ☺️❤️


For me, it's listening to my favorite calming music, reading, doodling, and hanging out with my pet rats!


Every sunday I pack my bike and somewhere rural and secluded to build a bonfire and just sit and watch it alone.
Then I go to sleep in my hammock.
Even now that it's sub zero.

Best sleep and peace of mind I ever get!




Playing with my animals, Talking to my friends, watching youtube and netflix, and reminding myself that everything happens for a reason


listening to music and be with my significant other


Sitting down in my bed just thinking or taking a nice shower or bath


Drawing while listening to music. I usually draw dragons while listening to AJR, but Hamilton is okay too.


the pure love and happiness of my rescue doggo Milka ...


Playing Fortnite with my dad just relaxes me with all these hard times.


My friends and family.


Watching my grandchildren playing their sports.


The knowledge that I can disappear into songs and books and for a couple hours, ignore everything and just relax. Also, BPs feel good posts.


Binge-watching "FRIENDS" re-runs


Pilates, doodling and baking


it may sound morbid, but knowing that evil people will get what they deserve in the end. it will all be taken care of and justice will be served.


SLEEP ... eat ... sleep. Repeat until bedtime


Knowing that all my anxieties and other negative feelings result from willfull attachment to my own limited ideas about reality, and that it is possible to let those things go.


I'm a maladaptive daydreamer. I daydream all my waking hours. My alternate life brings me peace when I need it and pain when I need it.


I love writing stories. I'm working on a dystopian fiction at the moment, and I love the characters and I care about them so deeply--it seems like I've known them all my life. It gives me real pleasure to keep on developing their world and their personalities. If you don't write, you should really try it! It's so freeing and fun.


Drawing vent art, and talking to my friends and 'friend'
I get so down sometimes and I try to fix that with Hunter x Hunter and BNHA


Talking with my BF on zoom or phone, being with family, and books.


watching anime or reading or just both at the same time


Music, Reiki, fond memories of loved ones and experiences, watching nature, watching movies.


I watch movies and play with my dogs and also walk around the neiborhood


kayaking is dope


Ik I’m about to get hella downvoted for this but going on TikTok and not straight TikTok...Gay TikTok is the best


Nothing notable in the last 20 or 30 years. At that time I was shopping, the car would not start again, the manager of the store came out to start it. Thank you again, unknown K-Mart manager. Honorable mention to all the folks who drop money and do not bother to pick it up. I was taught that the amount of money was how many people loved you. Once I found a $20 bill. Oh, happy day.


Anything silent. Or anything super noisy. Like if I am somewhere super busy and loud, but some musician is playing a violin or a saxophone, that helps calm me down.


I wonder what my life would be like if a “took a different path”. It’s an odd one but it works for me. :)


- Owl City music
- Blankets
- Baking for people I love- I love baking and I love making people happy!
- My favorite books. Harry Potter, anything by Kate DiCamillo, The Underneath by Kathi Appelt, Watership Down by Richard Adams, The Princess Bride, etc. Honestly I could go on for ages. My favorite escapes bring me true joy.
- My faith. It truly makes me a better person and adds so much assurance and peace to my life. Pascal's wager- Either God exists or he doesn't, so since there is everything to be gained by believing in God and nothing to lose, why not believe?
- A good cup of tea. Substitute for coffee if that suits your fancy.
- My friends. I'm so blessed to have amazing and supportive people in my life that I can laugh with, cry with, and brave life with.
- My sisters. I love my family so much. They annoy the absolute crap out of me sometimes but my relationship with my sisters is so special and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
- Sewing/ crafting. I love creating things. It brings me peace to get lost in an activity and do something well.
- My glow in the dark stars on my ceiling. Those beautiful pieces of cheap plastic. Gorgeous and peaceful.
- My plants. I have a garden and a cactus named Herman. I highly recommend having another living thing to take care of. Plant or pet, I swear it's so nice.
- Our family's christmas tree. We've never bought an ornament, and our tree has never had theme. Some years my dad just cuts a tree out of the woods. But it tells the story of our family so well. All the ornaments we've been gifted or made as kids, maybe some skinny patches, it's so beautiful to me. I just turn off the lights, turn on the tree, and bask in the glow of decades of memories, nostalgia, and an unconventional beauty just as unique as my family.
- Chocolate. Need I say more?
- Me. Call me vain, but I genuinely love myself and my alone time gives me so much peace and joy.
There's probably so many more things I could list, but I hope all of you can remember that there truly are so many beautiful, happy, peaceful things in the world. I highly suggest just listing all of the things you can think of that bring you peace and make you happy. An attitude of gratitude and general optimism makes things feel a lot better. Will it make everything better? No, there will always be bad things. But there will also always be happy, beautiful, peaceful things. Not all is right with the world, but not all is wrong with it either and we can always focus on the good. Sending love, good wishes, and prayers for all of you.


I have a list, so hang tight:

Practicing cello and piano.

Playing classical pieces with my flatmates (they both play violin).

Listening to rock music (preferably AC/DC, Queen, Snow Patrol, and the Beatles).

Reading books (I've been rereading 'Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda' since last night and I still love it].

Watching 'Love, Simon' over and over again.

Seeing my gay flatmates gush over how cute Simon and Bram are in 'Love, Simon.'

Reading 'Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda' fanfictions on AO3. They're actually quite good.

Watching my flatmate Rowan cook.

Ignore that last one, I really just watch him for freebies.

Watching my other flatmate Finn put eyeliner on Rowan. I gotta say, he looks hella hot with it.


The fact that Trump is in the dump.

Watching TwoSetViolin.


My bed.

My cat.

The fact that I'm far from my family (they're a bunch of bastards).

More coffee.

Roasting homophobes on the Internet.

Roasting homophobes in real life.

'Love, Simon.' (Again). Just go watch it, please. It's so freaking good.

(Sorry for the long list.)


Creating order to what extent I can. I suspect I'm on the mild end of the autism spectrum, but I'm there none the less. Having things tidy and things put away brings me comfort. Along those lines, I sleep with a heavy blanket and I wear a body shaper as a human sized "thunder jacket".


Quite awkward...playing on X-Plane on a computer I borrow from my mum?


The silence in my room.

After a long day at work, where people just talk, talk, and talk, being alone with the silence in my room is what brings me peace. And this is a problem as to why I don't have a boyfriend or a lot of friends. I enjoy being alone too much.


Death. No matter what, we all die. It's certain for everyone, and while I'm not going to go looking for death, I don't fear it.


Honestly, movies. Specifically Marvel movies. I like watching movies for the fun of it, but I also watch movies as a self described movie reviewer. I like watching people grow into better people, and learn to help one another. I also like getting hyped over insane stuff that happens in these movies and shows, like when they introduce a badass new character. I makes me really happy.


I like to crochet. And yes, I mean the one with ONE needle, not two. If I have the chance I do it all day long. I make afghans. I make them for myself and everyone else who I think needs them. I always give them away.


My cat, Lion.


Figure skating. Try it. I lose all my bad thoughts and just end up losing myself to all the spins and turns I do. It's just fun!


Re-watching my favorite shows on Netflix. I know I don't have all the time in the world, but it's nice sticking to the things I like.


Music, my favorite bands are The Sword, Kyuss, Sleep, Clutch, and Greenleaf. Listening to audiobooks and painting miniatures, favorite book to listen to is We Are Legion We Are Bob, which I highly recommend, I enjoy to paint miniatures and I like to draw. What's nice is I can often do two of these activities at the same time, and I enjoy them because they just let me ignore the rest of the world and focus on whatever I'm doing. That's what brings me peace


Always believing in "Hope" gets me through and support from loved ones.


I like to go outside on top of the monkey bars and look at the tops of the pine trees over my house. I also love skateboarding and looking up at trees. (If i can't go outside then i will browse BP)


My bf but I need help we got into a fight about something and he just told me he didn’t care if we brake up. I said well that shows how much you care about me. He said well I’m not a baby I won’t cry I will just get over it and I love him but he is making it really hard for me to not brake up with him someone help.


Jesus is my peace!


I play "viola caipira", a typical Brazilian 10-string instrument, and experiment with unusual tunings.


Petting my cat. It calms both of us down.



Taking a walk in the middle of the night with my dog.
Just me, myself and i.
And the dog of course.


Paint (watercolor) while listening to GIRL IN RED!!!!!!!!


My pups, so much love, so much kindness, so much unconditional love. In fact, all animals.


When it's time for bed, my favorite part is curling up next to my boyfriend and lying on his chest and just laying there for a bit.. everything else kind of just melts away and the hard day we both had doesn't seem so hard anymore.. I really feel like I can keep going just with something as simple as that.


Music. I'm a music therapy student. I have observed several sessions involving children, teens, and adults. Seeing them engaged with music and being stimulated emotionally is truly beautiful to witness and mainly why I went into the field. I hope I can do the same for my clients in the future.


Lily Potter.


FOR Me just taking an hour in a warm bath with a comic or a Percy Jackson book helps relax. I have bad anxiety so when I take a break like that it really calms down my nerves


Watching this video brings me joy:

And listening to Il Divo brings me peace.


Watching cartoons and anime, studying and playing video games. I would like to begin exercise

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