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Here Is What Famous Characters Would Buy At The Supermarket (29 New Pics)

I have already shared with you some of my work showing what famous characters would buy at the supermarket—check out my post here. Here come a bunch of new customers with their own needs!

I've always loved pop culture characters and I find them to be an endless source of inspiration. I love to draw them, but I like to find ideas around them even more. The advantage of fanart is that since these characters are already known to everyone, we can go further and find ideas that are offbeat in relation to their personality and their shortcomings.

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#1 SpongeBob And A Bubble Soap Bottle

In this supermarket series, the possibilities seem endless, and yet it is not so easy to find a single item to buy for each character. Most of the time, I start by choosing a character that I like, then several options are available to me:

  • To put in the image what they like the most from the items that can be found in the supermarket. For some characters, it's obvious, like Garfield and lasagna, Winnie and honey, or Homer and donuts...
  • Or I can also imagine what they might need. For example, Sleepy would need coffee to stay awake and Tintin has to use some gel to hold up his
  • Finally, I can also find a product that corresponds to the character as a nod to a mythical scene or a particular episode. This is the case for Homelander and his breast milk, for example, Jigglypuff and his markers... or even John Wick and his pencil!

#2 Sleepy And Coffee

#3 Garfield And Lasagna

If the most important thing remains the choice of the character and what they buy, I also like to spend time making the supermarket set plausible. So I try to bring detail and light to it. But most importantly, I work in monochrome to bring out the character in the foreground.

#4 Ghostface And A Knife

#5 Teenage Groot And A Magazine About Beautiful Plants

If you have missed my previous drawings, check out my fanart featuring famous characters here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here on Bored Panda.

#6 Winnie And Honey

#7 Eleven And Waffles

#8 Homer And Donuts

#9 Pac-Man And Cherries

#10 Jack Sparrow And A Bottle Of Rum

#11 John Wick And A Pencil

#12 Mario And Mushrooms

#13 E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial And A Phone

#14 A Nasty Mogwai And Chocolate

#15 Ariel And A Dinglehopper

#16 The Mad Hatter And Teabags

#17 Sally And A Sewing Kit

#18 Pinocchio And Woodcare

#19 Tintin And Styling Gel

#20 Marceline The Vampire And Red Tomatoes

#21 Sinok (The Goonies) And A Chocolate Bar

#22 Jigglypuff And Markers

#23 The Little Red Riding Hood And Butter

#24 Gir (Invader Zim) And A Muffin

#25 Candy (Space Goofs) And Bleach

#26 KVN And Cookies

#27 Daisy Mae And Turnips

#28 Homelander And Breast Milk

#29 Hakan (Street Fighter) And Oil

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