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7-Year-Old Foster Son Rushes Back Into Burning Home To Save His Baby Sister

Even though most of us might not realize it until we hear stories like this, selfless people with the potential to perform something truly heroic are all around us. And no, they don’t wear capes, masks, or spandex, and they might not even be physically strong or unbelievably muscular. Sometimes, these heroes are little 7-year-old boys with hearts bigger than their bodies.

Today, let’s talk about one of them. His name is Eli.

More info: GoFundMe

On December 8, Nicole Davidson woke up in the middle of the night and realized that her home had gone up in flames

Image credits: Nicole Davidson

Chris and Nicole Davidson are a couple that live in New Tazewell, Tennessee with their 2-year-old son Elijah, 22-month-old daughter Erin, and a 7-year-old foster son Eli, who’s been with the family for nearly a year. On December 8, around 8:30 p.m., the parents tucked their kids into bed and went to sleep. Then, a few hours later, Nicole woke up to the smell of smoke and realized that their house was on fire.

The couple was able to get out of the house with their 2-year-old son Elijah and their 7-year-old foster son Eli

Image credits: CNN

Nicole and Chris were able to grab the boys Elijah and Eli, though when it was time to rescue the 22-month-old baby Erin, the couple was faced with a terrifying reality—the flames had already blocked the room entrance. “The smoke and fire was so thick there was no way I could get to her,” Chris Davidson told CNN.

Unfortunately, the fire had already blocked the entrance of their 22-month-old girl’s room

Image credits: CNN

“We went outside to get to her from the window, but there was nothing for me to stand on to reach up there,” the father told CNN. Fortunately, the 7-year-old Eli was eager to help. “I picked up Eli, who went through the window and was able to grab her from her crib,” Chris Davidson shared with CNN.

But then their foster son Eli decided to go back to the house through a window and rescue his baby sister

Image credits: CNN

“We couldn’t be more proud of Eli,” Chris Davidson told CNN. “He did something a grown man wouldn’t do.” By the time the firefighters arrived on the scene, the family’s house was already almost fully destroyed.

“I thought I couldn’t do it, but then I said, ‘I got her, dad,'” the 7-year-old Eli told CNN. “I was scared, but I didn’t want my sister to die.”

Image credits: CNN

Due to the fire, the Davidson family’s house was completely destroyed. “We lost everything that we have ever had,” Chris Davidson told CNN. “Our entire lives were in that home. Our three cars were also damaged in the fire.” Recently, a GoFundMe fundraiser was launched in order to help the Davidsons in these difficult times. As of now, the campaign has already raised $351,720 for the family.

Here’s how people reacted

The post 7-Year-Old Foster Son Rushes Back Into Burning Home To Save His Baby Sister first appeared on Bored Panda.

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