Mom Surprised To Find Out Her Kid Doesn’t Have An Internal Monologue With Themselves
If you’ve ever had an internal monologue, you know how bizarrely normal and even comforting it feels to talk to yourself. Whether you play out a conversation or prepare for tomorrow’s speech, or even make an internal to-do list, it’s something that’s become deeply embedded in our inner world since we were children.
But it turns out, the same rules don’t apply to everyone. Imagine the utter shock when the Reddit user u/Vadermaulkylo realized inner monologues are real and not “a fictional concept that ‘Dexter’ made up,” as he sincerely thought. The reality hit when u/Vadermaulkylo told his mom about not having one, and she stared at him like there was something wrong with her kid. So let’s see u/Vadermalkylo’s post on the subreddit r/NoStupidQuestions, which caused quite a stir in the community.
It turns out, people are torn between camps where on one side, you have devoted inner talkers who think it’s a given, and those who seriously think it’s some kind of bogus charlatan nonsense.
A similar case happened to Ryan Langdon, who was convinced everyone had an in-born ability to talk to themselves. Ryan set out on an investigation of how come some people don’t have inner monologues that you can read more about in our previous article.
This Reddit user shared an incident about how he told his mom that he had no internal monologue
Image credits: Vadermaulkylo
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