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29 Comics Advocating For Women’s Empowerment By Lainey Molnar

31-year-old Lainey Molnar is on a mission to empower women, and she's using her creative expression to do so. Molnar creates honest comics that cut through all of the filters and focus on women's role in society and the way it perceives them.

"I believe that the pressure on women comes from both inside our own community and outside, be it family, media, or men," the artist told Bored Panda. "It is incredibly hard to navigate all of their expectations and reach the milestones society has set out for us, like maintaining the perfect size and shape, being maternal but also ambitious, strong but also sensitive, staying youthful and fresh while gracefully accepting the aging process, looking ideal but not overdoing plastic surgery. I could go on and on and on, and we are all so tired of this."

More info: Instagram


Life choices don’t range from wrong to right based on societal expectations. The last 30 or so years the world turned upside down - the internet, social media, dating apps, remote work, digital nomads, startups, cheap air travel, EU, globalization, and the cracking of the glass ceiling raised generations of women whose priority isn’t marriage or children. We are the 30-something Lost Boys, half of our friends our age buy houses and raise families and the other half is still at school, figuring themselves out. There’s a constant pressure of missing out on something and the constant validation of freedom. It’s sometimes incredibly lonely, but the privilege of sleeping in, going out, and traveling on a whim is super rewarding. No matter how you decide to live your life, or no matter what life decides for you, give everyone else respect and compassion, because we’re all doing our best.

Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


I always launghed at the “your metabolism will change with age” type of comments and now I’m unbuttoning my pants at dinner. Ps. This post has nothing to do with nutrition, diets, and workouts, I know this is a complex issue that has solutions, but that doesn’t make aging less cruel lol. But anyway, both are lovely, perfect bodies and they’re worthy of love and care!

Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


It’s 2020 can we stop telling woman how to dress their own bodies already? No matter where we are on the scale from tatas out to modest - judgement, sexual assault, objectification, catcalling, accidental pregnancy, broken heart, and disrespect can happen to every single one of us. The way we dress mirror our personalities, moods, beliefs, and comfort zones, not out moral backgrounds. You do you.

Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


'CAN WE TALK ABOUT BUTT SWEAT?? I can’t sit pretty in this heatwave without leaving a puddle wherever I go. I think my worst performance was a job interview about 10 years ago when I promptly jumped up to shake hands and left two dripping thigh marks on the leather chair, then made eye contact with the interviewer after he saw it. He was horrified. I didn’t get the job

Anyway, it is what it is. Ladies in shorts and skirts, please tell me I’m not alone!'

Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


It took me a while to learn that people who expect happiness from anything that can be taken away from them any moment are the furthest from it. Beautiful things and experiences are so easy to get used to but the problem with them is that they’re never enough, there’s always more and bigger and newer and fancier and there are always people who do better than you. If you base your value on things you own, they will end up owning you. The “perfect” life we are sold on social media is a sad one full of denial, distractions, and unresolved traumas. Appreciate nice things for what they are, just things. The truly great things in life are really fucking simple.

Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


I always feel like a monster when I say I simply prefer adults at all times, but what can I do about it? Us women are all different, with different desires, preferences, and life goals, and for some being a mother is none of them - at the time or at all. But as we all are nurturing in one way or another, a childless woman can contribute so much to making the world better and we’re running on more sleep to do so. Love to mamas and love to kidless ladies, we all deserve to follow our hearts without judgement!

Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


Image credits: lainey.molnar


'Every single time!! I hug guys with my head bent back like an exorcism patient and still get stains on their shirts, so I started yelling “No no I don’t want to get makeup on you” when hugs are initiated. They usually say “I don’t care” but I feel mortified. Anyone else?'

Image credits: lainey.molnar

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