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129 Hilarious Photos That Prove Cats Are The Biggest Jerks (New Pics)

Cat owners, you might want to ask your pets to leave the room for the next few minutes. Bored Panda’s about to prove to you once again that some cats can be some of the biggest jerks on Planet Earth. And no, this isn’t just some dog-financed propaganda to sway you to the side of best boys and girls! (R-really!)

Upvote your fave photos of cats acting naughty as you scroll down below into the wild lands of feline jerkitude. And don’t forget to share any similar pics of your meanie meowhole felines in the comment section. Need some more proof that far from every feline is a noble big cat with a regal bearing and great meowners? Check out Part 1 of our series about independent and curious cat pranksters right here. How we act around cats can have a real effect on how they behave. For instance, one study showed that cats were much more social and spent much more time with people who were paying attention to them than people who were ignoring them.

One way to ensure that your cat is giving you the love, attention, and affection that you deserve is to give what you expect to receive, take proper care of your pet, and build bonds of friendship bit by tiny bit. That involves feeding your pet a healthy diet, giving it enough exercise, and showering it with attention. And even though some individual animals are big ol’ meanies no matter what you do, they’ll be more likely to stop pooping in your shoes and knocking stuff off the kitchen counter to get your attention if they know they’re being looked after by their loyal butlers (aka us).

#1 My Wife And I Were Switching Seats And As Soon As We Got Out Our Cat Diesel Stepped On The Lock Button And Locked Us Out

Image credits: GuyYeti

#2 An Assassin In Feline Form

Image credits: stluis_htx

#3 My Cat Furgus. He Also Doubles Up As A Step

Image credits: ST86X

Just like teenagers, cats might act out because they’ve got too much pent up energy (or anxiety about how the world doesn’t recognize their brilliance). Bored Panda spoke to the UK’s leading pet charity, the PDSA, about how to take care of cats, to keep them lean, healthy, and how to help fight feline obesity. After all, if you want your mischievous pet to live a long and happy life, you’ve got to lend it a helping paw.

The PDSA told us that owners who want their felines to be slimmer and healthier should always weigh out their pets' food and choose a diet that's appropriate for their life stage and activity levels. This means toning down feeding your cat anything and everything in your kitchen and even speaking with your vet or nurse about what they'd recommend for your pet.

#4 My Cat Fell Asleep In My Salad

Image credits: Burritoworld

#5 I Think This Fits Here

Image credits: ellorysmith

#6 He’s On A Diet. It’s Not Going Great

Image credits: pickles-and-mayo

"Avoid feeding lots of treats and when you do give treats always take them out of your cat's total daily food allowance. Healthy treats like a flake of poached white fish or a small piece of chicken should be sufficient," the PSDA team pointed out to Bored Panda that treats are still a possibility. But they have to be just that—treats, not meals in between meals.

"Always consult your vet or vet nurse who will be able to offer advice on appropriate diets and help monitor any losses. Their help will be invaluable in achieving your goal!" the PDSA advised.

#7 Next Level

Image credits: _cingraham

#8 Got Blocked By FB Friends Because Of This Little Jerk

Image credits: keopidor

#9 Cat Left My Husband A Present This Morning

Image credits: anashayg

However, while at home, you should also do your best to play lots of interactive games with your cat to help them get up and about.

"Fishing rod-style toys are great for this but encouraging jumping, running, and playing will help and some cats can even be trained to play 'fetch' and will love the time spent with you," the PDSA explained. You'll get your cat moving, you'll spend quality time together and, who knows, all that extra movement might just be useful for pet owners as well.

#10 I Am Above Reading, Peasants

Image credits: Yeefi

#11 Every Time I Straighten Them, Stevie Jumps Up And "Fixes" Them

Image credits: mikenmar

#12 My Cat, Deeply Asleep With The Last Piece Of A Jigsaw Puzzle. We've Been Searching For It For 10 Minutes

Image credits: aChristianObama

#13 I Bet That Cat Was Looking Straight At The Painter The Whole Time

Image credits: mars-is-green

#14 Admiring His Handy Work

Image credits: lilwhiterabbit86

#15 Just Why

Image credits: kingonxhe

#16 “Mom? Halp”

Image credits: emnazee

#17 That Smile, That Damn Smile

Image credits: HowAboutNo69

#18 I Wanted My Cat To Go To The Vet. My Cat Didn’t Want To Go. So We Compromised And I Went To Urgent Care

Image credits: davidjschloss

#19 Yelled At Him For Being On The Counter, Now He's Taunting Me

#20 Spent A Week On This Puzzle

Image credits: augustine01189

#21 I Like Pizza

Image credits: JordanUhl

#22 Derp Eats Succulent

Image credits: titas_goji

#23 I Needed To Use The Restroom And Saw This Instead

Image credits: Miquil

#24 He Pushed My TV Off The Stand

Image credits: ssnakemann

#25 It’s Fine I Didn’t Want The Damn Bread Anyway

Image credits: Alextricity

#26 Turned My Back For A Minute And She Peed In 20 Cups Of Uncooked Rice

Image credits: TheLoxFox

#27 Yeah Right, Catch Me If You Can

Image credits: non_angelic

#28 This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Image credits: Funkofairy

#29 Got A New Kitten Who Has No Fear, This Is How I Have To Eat Every Meal Now

Image credits: eternal_starfish

#30 My Cat Just Came Back From One Of Her Evening Strolls With Someone Else's Keys In Her Mouth

Image credits: robrobxD

#31 And It's Ruined

Image credits: ExtensiveNegligence

#32 The Cat Was Mad We Weren't Home To Feed Her Dinner, And Got Back At Us By Ripping Apart A Pack Of Bagels And Taking A Tiny Bite Out Of Each One

Image credits: sufficiently_sp00ked

#33 The Cat Loves To Show Herself During The Daughter’s Virtual Classes

Image credits: devofatherofchar

#34 My Cat Knocked Over 2 Gallons Of Laundry Detergent Onto The Floor While I Was At Work (My Floor Is Not Blue, It’s White)

Image credits: Cadyus

#35 Went Missing Yesterday. Came Home Tonight About Two Hours After I'd Printed The Expensive Flyers. Jerk

Image credits: teenracer22

#36 My Neighbor's Cat Drops By Every Once In A While To Stick His Head Through The Window And Scream At My Cat

Image credits: snoee

#37 It's Hard To Work With A Cat Around

Image credits: iamllamma

#38 Thanks For Ruining My Breakfast

Image credits: Alexandru84

#39 Searched For Him Everywhere With No Success. Decided To Order Flyers To Distribute To The Neighbors, Then This Jerk Showed Up Before I Even Sent Out The First One

I now have 300 flyers of his smug face.

Image credits: JellyFujiX

#40 Thanks, Man

Image credits: IvanPaliychuk

#41 Max Must Not Be Allowed In The Library

Image credits: cool_cat_max_and_gracie

#42 Heard My Husband Screaming While In The Shower... Walked In On This

Image credits: kenlayne

#43 My Cat Bites My Dad Whenever He's Paying Attention To My Mom And Not Him

Image credits: EUOS_the_cat

#44 She Didn't Have A Problem With It Until We Were 2 Hours Away From Home, Then Suddenly It Was A Huge Problem

Image credits: makenzie71

#45 Look At Her Living Life Like She Pays Her Own Vet Bills

Image credits: tinselpandora

#46 Woke Up To This. Darn Cat

Image credits: c_money_boi

#47 Cats Knocked Over Every Single One Of My Makeup Brushes This Morning. Into Their Freshly Shat In Litter Box

Image credits: allergies____

#48 I Left The Groceries For One Minute So I Could Pee And He Took A Bite Out Of Every Single Tortilla. I Hate Him I Hate Him I Hate Him I Hate Him

Image credits: Catholic_Guilt_

#49 Got My First Succulent. It Lasted 8 Hours

Image credits: mandalababee

#50 Bro, Can I Just Get A Moment Alone? What's Wrong With This Creature

Image credits: pantiesUpinabunch

#51 My Cat Just Bit The Corner Of My MacBook And Now My Screen Is Cracked

Image credits: bengalguy

#52 Our Cats Redecorated While We Were Out

Image credits: caioz

#53 Egg Thief

Image credits: bbykaat

#54 My Girlfriend Came Home To Our Cat Dirt Sitting By The Window

Image credits: mikebokzy

#55 Now We Need New Christmas Tree Toys

Image credits: toshels

#56 I Couldn’t Figure Out Why The Fabric Felt Wet But He’s Got The Thread Running Through His Teeth As I Sew. Gross

Image credits: KellyGreen55555

#57 Guys Maintenance Tried To Visit My House Today And Only Left This On The Door. I'm Crying

Image credits: quiet_ellie

#58 My Cat Just Licked All The Sauce Off My Pizza

Image credits: cmsmolenaars

#59 These Are All My Bank Cards, ID Cards And Gym Card, After My Cat Dragged My Wallet On The Heater

Image credits: FirstRangerSkyWalker

#60 Why You Can’t Find Somewhere Else To Take A Standing-Up Nap

Image credits: neptune3000

#61 I'll Just Get Cozy Right Here

Image credits: Kimbernator

#62 Our Cat Hasn’t Let Us Watch TV For Months Now

Image credits: AlphabetizedName

#63 I Don’t Know How This Could Have Happened

Image credits: bemorecreativetrolls

#64 He Broke The Zipper On The Wardrobe Bag To Get Hair On My Boyfriend’s Tux The Day Before A Wedding

Image credits: TitoBeans

#65 Pavlov Woke Me Up Early To Show Off His Kill

Image credits: RichJMoney

#66 When A Cat Runs To The Fridge Every Time It Opens, A Sign Is Necessary

Image credits:

#67 Clean Me, Hooman

Image credits: tango_anzai

#68 The Frustration Of 2020

Image credits: MowgsMom

#69 This Is Not A Relaxing Bath I Had Planned

Image credits: ihrtblanchedevereaux

#70 She Got Into The Attic And Fell Into The The The Hallway Wall. I Had To Break Her Out

Image credits: Qsus

#71 Privacy? Ha

Image credits: Scuzzle-Butters

#72 He Thinks He Has Plenty Of Game

#73 What Did We Learn? That Your Cat Can Make Your Death Seem Like A Suicide

Image credits: Slothkitty

#74 I Lost A Bet Tonight. I Bet My Wife The Tree Would Be Up 6 Hours Before The Cats Demolished It. They Waited For 7 Hours

Image credits: Jak_ratz

#75 What Having A Cat Is Like

Image credits: yepinmywhitetee

#76 He’s Very Open About Letting Me Know I Haven’t Been Paying Enough Attention To Him While I Weave

Image credits: hkodes

#77 My Sister Is Babysitting My Cat, Benny. He’s Very Demanding

Image credits: annotyn

#78 We Had Our Wedding Cake Remade For Our 5th Anniversary And This Fat Bastard Took The First Bite

Image credits: icouldbeconvinced

#79 I Guess I'm Done With My Coffee Then

Image credits: MartyFreeze

#80 My Cat Loves To Shred Toilet Paper. Today, She Found My Entire Stash

Image credits: skank__hunt

#81 Rich Cats Of Istanbul

#82 My Father Attempting To Eat Dinner In Peace

Image credits: yerbabuddy

#83 I Woke Up On My Birthday To Find Out My Cats Ripped Open A Bag Of Cat Litter And Spread It All Over The House (+ Pissed In The Bag)

Image credits: Lil-Leo-220

#84 Wesley, I'm Trying To Do Homework

Image credits: ea1488

#85 Never. Trust. Silence

Image credits: IMissCheeseburgers

#86 How Dare We Try To Do A Puzzle In Her Throne Room (Not Pictured Jerk #2 Who Is Smart Enough To Not Be Near The Scene Of The Crime)

Image credits: NewlyDifferent

#87 Cats And Plants Do Not Get Along

Image credits: Tianyi_AA

#88 His Concerts Start At 4am And Last Until Everyone In The House Is Up With Him

Benny recently learned that the acoustics in the shower will amplify his voice and protect him from the squirt bottle.

Image credits: rachybabi

#89 This Is The Second Plant My Bastard Son Toby Has Maliciously Killed

Image credits: cynta

#90 This Jerk Sat On My Toblerone And Melted It

Image credits: bugbugladybug

#91 Music Critic

Image credits: normal3catsago

#92 Cat Returns With Sausage Stolen From Unknown Neighbors BBQ

Image credits: Cats_Rulez

#93 "Oh, Were You Gonna Cook Something In That?"

Image credits: FatBryatt

#94 Get A Cat, They Said. They Provide Emotional Support And Are Often Misunderstood, They Said

Image credits: littlebronco

#95 Comfortable?

#96 Hey, Hooman, You Remember Those Bills You Were So Stressed About - We Got Rid Of Them

Image credits: missenell

#97 Ah, It Must Be Morning

Image credits: greenhouselimpbizkit

#98 Murphy Kills Lamps. And Then Sits In Them

Image credits: averymurph

#99 Little Acrocat Already Ruined The Blinds In Another Room

Image credits: Enderguy39

#100 My Name Is Atticus. I Was In The ICU For 2 Days But It Turns Out I Was Just Constipated. My Giant Turd Cost $2,536

My craps are more expensive than a small Louis Vuitton purse. I'm that fabulous.

Image credits: jess_talah_atticus

#101 Quarantine - Day 4

Image credits: meister2a

#102 I Couldn’t Find My Cat For An Hour

Image credits: Kikifomiki

#103 Artist And Her Masterpiece

Image credits: bdeckermsu

#104 Nudge Chooses The One Person Who Is Allergic In A Room Full Of People

Image credits: The_Forest_Corgi

#105 My Wife Just Wanted To Do Her Jigsaw Puzzle Without Being Bitten

Image credits: ChloeHammer

#106 Making Bath Time A Little Less Relaxing Since He Was A Kitten

Image credits: sparkyinmt

#107 My Cat Is Able To Somehow Open Up The Cabinets. He Finally Got Into His Stash Of Catnip. Lesson Learned

Image credits: TongueBandit69

#108 Found Him Laying In The Bowl Of Grapes. He Smushed Them All. He Is Proud Of Himself

Image credits: pineapple6

#109 I Was Wondering Why This Plant Was Dying

Image credits: AKtricksterxD

#110 He’s Not Allowed On The Table

Image credits: flyingbysws

#111 The Temptations Are Just Too Tempting

Image credits: whoami6900

#112 Woke Up To This Today. We Called Her A Bad Cat And She Didn’t Even Care. Thanks, Nova

Image credits: JakePelican

#113 She Ripped Off That Just In 15 Minutes

Image credits: cmlmrsn

#114 “Get The Damn Up And Feed Me Dave!”

Image credits: FantasticWorm

#115 He Knows He’s Not Allowed On The Kitchen Counter, But He’s Technically On The Washing Machine. Judging By His Expression He Knows He’s Found The Loophole

Image credits: robyn_reddit

#116 I Can Only Imagine What The Owner Must Have Been Through

Image credits: jesstorkington_

#117 Little Jerk Has No Remorse

Image credits: aritee

#118 What's Up, Hooman

Image credits: armaneverafter

#119 He Pulled The Bookmark Out Of The Book I'm Reading While It Was Sitting Closed On My Nightstand

Image credits: c8-m8

#120 This Jerk Who Scratches The Couch And Sits On The Scratching Post

Image credits: ShamelessDisaster

#121 Thanks, Jerk

Image credits: gero_the_hero_

#122 Not Even Allowed To Take A Bath Without This Creep Screaming At Me And Doing Weird Stuff

Image credits: m4rceline

#123 Wife Shared With Me Our Little Ones Caught About To Dig Up A Plant. Again

Image credits: Destination_Cabbage

#124 Someone Knocked My Security Camera Down, Wonder Who It Was

Image credits: cassieatlarge

#125 He Does This Everytime I Unload The Dishwasher

Image credits: chaostrulyreigns

#126 "Now I Know I'm A Cat. But We Can Keep This Quiet, Can't We?"

Image credits: MalalaLalaLong

#127 Photographic Evidence Of My Boyfriend’s Cat Trying To Steal My Cookie

Image credits: zippouix

#128 Jumped In The Cupboard And Knocked All My Clothes Out Onto The Floor So He Could Sit In There

Image credits: uskull10

#129 Getting Real Sick Of His Crap. I Walked Away From Cooking For A Minute And Come Back To This. He Acts Like I Never Feed Him

Image credits: catherinexox

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