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Guy Creates Dynamic Classroom Seating With Up To 4 Position Options For Healthier Sitting

It’s fair to say that we spend a fair chunk of our lives sitting, especially in a school or work setting. Sure, it’s a comfy position for spending hours upon hours doing things that require minimal movement, but in the long run, however, it isn’t the healthiest decision.

Besides desk stretches and just a flat-out regular walking routine throughout the day, one of the most popular solutions is to get a healthier chair.

So, Dutch Designer Boris Lancelot of Studio Lancelot has come out with a solution in the form of a chair design that keeps you—well, actually, kids—physically active despite their very inactive activities at the school desk.

Despite sitting being one of the most common things we do, it isn’t all that healthy in large doses

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

Enter the Active Classroom series, a set of ergonomic children’s furniture designed for schools of the future. More precisely, these are stools designed in a way that seem somewhat unorthodox for stools, but in a way that encourages healthier sitting positions.

You see, the stools are deliberately made in a shape that allows for the kids to assume a number of various positions without the kids forcing comfort into the chair. This in turn allows for active movement while sitting, stimulating muscular activity, and thus minimizing any health risks that extended inactivity during sitting might pose.

So, to encourage active movement and muscular activity whilst sitting, Dutch designer Boris Lancelot decided to redesign conventional school chairs

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

There are a total of 4 models currently available, each allowing for up to 4 different sitting positions

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

At the moment, there are four models of stools available: Rom, which is a bench with a downward slope, and Archer, Scout, and Rider, different variants of an adjustable stool with differently-shaped bases for different foot positions whilst sitting.

“Each stool is designed to incorporate a minimum of four different postures, as frequent variations in alternative sitting positions increases the activity of muscles that would otherwise be left unused in conventional chairs,” said Lancelot in an interview with Dezeen.

Such movement ensures all muscle groups are stimulated during prolonged sitting in class

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

According to numerous studies, prolonged sitting can lead to a number of health problems, including weakened muscles, weight problems, poor posture and spinal deformation, heart disease, and even anxiety and depression. Moving at least a little bit every hour or so reduces these risks significantly.

You can imagine how this can become a problem really easily in today’s world of desk jobs and 10 to 16 years in school and college.

The studio is working with Dutch universities to better understand postural behaviors and how the stools can make classrooms healthier

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

Studio Lancelot is collaborating with the Free University of Amsterdam and the University of Groningen to conduct research and acquire a better understanding of postural behaviors and how the Active Classroom stools can contribute to healthier classrooms.

Since the initial release of these stools, the Active Classroom furniture has been shortlisted in the workplace design project category of the Dezeen Awards of the year 2020.

Studies have shown that prolonged static sitting might lead to a number of health hazards

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

Among these risks are spinal, heart, muscle, weight, and even mental problems like anxiety and depression

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

Boris Lancelot, the man behind the Active Classroom series of furniture, is a freelance designer from the Netherlands and alumnus of the Design Academy Eindhoven with a BA in Man & Well-Being. In his work, he aims to combine his knowledge in physical education with body-conscious design.

Regular movement and stretching during prolonged sitting could help significantly reduce said health risks

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

Here’s what the stools look like in a classroom context

Image credits: Studio Lancelot

Check out the video showcasing the Active Classroom stools in action

If you’re interested in seeing more from Studio Lancelot, you can check out its website. But before you go, why not give us your thoughts on this? Would you want your kids (or, when it’s available, yourself) to have stools like this? Let us know in the comment section below!

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