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50 People Who Beat Coronavirus After An Exhausting Battle

2020 has been a tough year so far. And it’s far from over. There are now over 33.6 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 worldwide and we’ve passed a grim and sobering milestone: there have been more than 1 million coronavirus-related deaths. However, there’s still hope.

More than 23.4 million people have been confirmed to have recovered. Which is great news. Though weary and exhausted, coronavirus survivors are heading back home to their families and are trying to get on with their lives. Bored Panda has collected some of the most inspiring photos of these brave Covid-19 survivors. The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said that the million coronavirus deaths were mind-numbing. “We must never lose sight of each and every individual life. They were fathers and mothers, wives and husbands, brothers and sisters, friends, and colleagues. The pain has been multiplied by the savageness of this disease,” Guterres said in a video message.

Bored Panda reached out to redditor Justcallmeseech whose dad, a former US Marine, fully recovered after battling Covid-19 for a month. "My dad is feeling back to normal! I felt so relieved and thankful to see that my dad has fully recovered. He was out of work for a month. He originally thought it was the flu but the way he endured it, it felt a lot worse than the regular flu," the redditor, who is in the military himself, revealed. Read on for our full interview with Justcallmeseech to learn about his dad's symptoms and what coronavirus-deniers should know.

#1 A 101-Year-Old Nursing Home Resident That Survived Both The Coronavirus And The Spanish Flu

Image credits: nwrtnc

#2 My Dad Finally Out Of The Hospital Recovering From Covid-19

Image credits: zwschlei

#3 My Grandma Being Sent Home After Surviving Covid-19. She's 85

Image credits: kms2547

"The first symptom he felt was that he got chills at work. He worked as a corrections officer at the time doing desk duties. As the days passed by, more symptoms started popping up. Loss of appetite, body/muscle aches, headaches, sweating in his sleep, and topping it off with a 102°F fever," Justcallmeseech said.

He videochatted with his dad via WhatsApp and he looked rough, tired, and miserable, despite trying to get rest. "He told me it was probably the flu which he actually gets every other year for some reason. He got tested at the doctor's office and waited for the results, until a few days later he was notified that he tested positive. He was ordered to stay homebound."

Justcallmeseech's dad lives by himself, so the redditor's sister brought him goods to his door regularly. "A week after he got tested, he gradually started to feel better. I was stationed in Montana (military) at the time and checked up on him every few days. There was little I could do since I was stationed 2,000 miles away. I was really worried about him and I notified my chain of command that my dad was tested positive," he said.

#4 My Dad Is The Strongest Human I Know. Back To 12hr Days In ICU A Week After His Recovery From Covid

Image credits: thxbra

#5 This 103-Year-Old Lady Just Beat Covid-19 And Celebrated Her Victory With A Bud Light

Image credits: Shelley Gunn

#6 After 11 Hospital Days And Losing 12 Kg, My 78 Year Old Dad Is Home And Recovered From Covid In Madrid

Image credits: notmelaniatrump

According to Justcallmeseech, he wouldn't want any coronavirus deniers or any of their loved ones to get ill with the coronavirus. "It's tough watching your loved ones [fall ill], especially someone that served in the Marines for 8 years and did 23 years of being a Corrections Officer. This could happen to anyone if you're not being careful. Just because you don't know anyone that has it, doesn't mean it isn't there," the redditor pointed out.

Justcallmeseech revealed to Bored Panda that he has family in the NYC area and they were greatly affected by the pandemic: they were stuck at home for what felt "like forever" and were only allowed outside for limited amounts of time. "Thankfully, none of them gotten the coronavirus," the redditor shared.

"My uncle, who lives in Queens, told me what it was like being in the epicenter of the epidemic. He lived not too far from Elmhurst hospital, which was bringing in patients like crazy and bodies were slowly piling up. He said it was hard not being in tears seeing how these chain of events were unfolding in his neighborhood. There even was a refrigerated truck with a trailer to keep deceased bodies because the hospital couldn't hold them. He was working from his home office for quite a while afterwards," Justcallmeseech shared the harrowing things his uncle saw.

#7 My Dad Just Made It Home From The Hospital. I Am So Happy I Had To Share

Image credits: jaxomlotus

#8 The First Recovered Covid-19 Patient In The Province Of Modena (Italy). She’s A 95 Year Old Grandmother

Image credits: Gazzetta Di Modena

#9 98-Year-Old Patient Affected By Coronavirus Recovers In China

Image credits: eluniversocom

The World Health Organization warns that the Covid-19 death toll could reach 2 million before a vaccine is available globally.

Currently, there are multiple efforts to create vaccines for the novel coronavirus that has spread to 188 countries. The WHO predicts that widespread vaccinations shouldn’t be expected before Summer, 2021.

The coronavirus affects people differently. While the majority of individuals report either no symptoms at all or very mild ones, others find it to be a life-changing battle for their lives.

#10 Oldest Man To Recover From Covid-19 At 104 Years Old

Image credits: ExPresidenteTemer

#11 Seattle Coronavirus Survivor Gets A $1.1 Million, 181-Page Hospital Bill

Image credits: Ken Lambert / The Seattle Times

#12 What Mike Schultz Looked Like After Battling Covid-19 For 6 Weeks In The Hospital

I wanted to show everyone how badly being sedated for 6 weeks on a ventilator or intubated can be. Amongst other things, Covid-19 reduced my lung capacity with pneumonia. Over 8 weeks I’ve been away from family and friends, getting stronger every day and working to increase my lung capacity. I’ll get back to where I was in healthier ways this time…. Maybe even do cardio.

Image credits: thebearded_nurse

For a minority of patients, their battle with the coronavirus seems unending. They’re victims of so-called ‘Chronic Covid’ (aka ‘Long Covid’) and feel the symptoms of the coronavirus for weeks and sometimes for months on end. Strangely enough, some of these people lived very healthy and active lifestyles before falling ill.

The most common symptoms of the coronavirus are fever, dry cough, and tiredness. However, other possible symptoms include sore throat, headache, the loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, and aches and pains. Some patients report much more serious symptoms like having difficulty breathing, chest pains, and even loss of speech or movement.

#13 100-Yo Stanislaw Bigos From Poland, Former Partisan & Firefighter, Goes Home After Beating Covid-19

Image credits: @iwona_sol

#14 16-Day-Old Baby Kobe Survived Covid-19

16-day-old baby Kobe, who survived COVID-19 after 11 days of confinement, was received by his father at the lobby of the National Children’s Hospital on Tuesday, April 28.

Image credits: Angie de Silva

#15 My Dad Is Fully Recovered From Battling Covid-19 For A Month

Image credits: justcallmeseech

#16 Mr. Cresencio Junio, A 95-Year-Old Male From Mandaluyong City, Has Been Discharged From Hospital After Recovering From Covid-19

Image credits: Mayor Menchie Warriors

#17 Joy Andrews, The Ultimate Survivor: Before Covid, She Survived A Plane Crash In Libya, A Nazi Assassination Attempt And Breast Cancer

Image credits: Svartkveld

#18 Bryan Cranston Donating His Plasma To Help Others After Recovering From Covid-19

Image credits: TooShiftyForYou

#19 Jefferson Riascos (Center) Is Embraced By Diana Paola Angola (Left) Who Recovered From Covid-19, After Asking Her To Marry Him At The Versalles Clinic In Cali, Colombia

The baby of the couple was delivered while Angola was under induced coma at the intensive care unit.

Image credits: Hyhopes

#20 Three Patients That Recovered From The Virus At The Nursing Home. The Staff Have Been Working Under Tremendous Stress And These Stories Are A Testiment Thier Efforts

Image credits: Westbury Medical Care and Rehab

#21 My 92 Year-Old Grandfather Plus My Aunt, Uncle And Cousin Have All Recovered From Covid-19

Image credits: sirsaintsgirl

#22 Hero

Image credits: My_Tweet_Heart

#23 My Neighbour Joe Returning Home From Hospital, Now Part Of The Covid-19 "Recovered" Stats

Image credits: AGD0110

#24 Recovering From Covid At Home After 83 Days In The Hospital

Image credits: Raphy30

#25 Helping Others

Image credits: ChrisHaganTV

#26 103 Years Old Lady Fully Recovers From Covid-19 After Being Hospitalized For A Week At Persian City Of Semnan. Her Paper Reads, "I Defeated Coronavirus"

Image credits: shoaibali619

#27 Cora Is 6 Months Old Now. And She Beat Covid-19! Super Baby

Image credits: suziiskywalker2

#28 After 15 Days, My 52-Year-Old Dad Was Among The First To Recover In CA From Covid-19

Image credits: ChillonDang

#29 James Simpson Was One Of The First Patients To Recover From Covid-19 At MLKCH. But His Path Wasn't Easy

James had been a patient in the ICU at MLKCH for more than two weeks. His critical care specialist Dr. Jason Prasso wasn’t sure if he would wake up from his medically induced coma. But then, after extraordinary care, James turned a corner. His first words to nurses: “You saved my life.”

Image credits: yourmlkch

#30 A 102-Year-Old Woman Has Recovered From Coronavirus After Spending More Than 20 Days In Hospital

Image credits: stalwart_rabbit

#31 "As Coronavirus Put Me In A Coma, I Thought I’d Never See My Family Again"

Image credits: mariecurieuk

#32 This 101-Year-Old Lady From The Netherlands Survived The Coronavirus And Was Released From The Hospital Today

Image credits: omit01

#33 Kara, Who Recently Recovered From Covid-19, Donated Plasma To Help Two Ochsner Patients Who Are Currently In The Hospital

Image credits: ochsnerhealth

#34 My Grandma

Image credits: cobriannaLEE

#35 I Can’t Believe This Was 6 Months Ago (And No, I Am Not In The Hospital Right Now). Passing My 6 Month “Covid-Versary” Felt Like A Huge Milestone

I am thankful to be about 85% better but I still have symptoms that are pretty limiting. I have come a long way and to be honest it’s been a really exhausting road.

Image credits: kellytowart

#36 A 90+ Year Old Couple That Recovered From Corona-Virus In India. If They Can Then We Can Too

Image credits: Jelegend

#37 That Going Home Feeling. After Months In The Hospital Battling Covid-19 And Then Physical Rehab To Regain Her Strength, Corrine Townsend Is Finally Home

Image credits: sairehab

#38 Happy Birthday

Image credits: Picklebutt7

#39 Best News

Image credits: ilearnwithmal

#40 My 90 Year Old Nana Has Recovered From Covid. She Had Us Worried But She's A Badass. I'm So Proud Of Her

Image credits: bitofafixerupper

#41 Our 102 Year Old Great Aunt Beat Corona

Image credits: JDGreen_10

#42 Grandma Is Coming Home

Image credits: gotMariee

#43 7 Year Old Girl In Nepal Who Got Discharged After Beating Covid-19

Image credits: Prabeshdai

#44 Survivor

Image credits: iamanagonzalez

#45 After 40 Days My Doctor Finally Pronounced Me Recovered From Corona

Image credits: jasmin2012

#46 This Is My Mom. The Strongest Lady I Know. She Beat A Bad Case Of Corona From Her Nursing Job & Just Broke Her Foot. She Is Still Going Strong

Image credits: chaosqueeeen

#47 I Survived Covid-19

I was shocked to have gone through this process because I’m fairly educated on this topic meaning I took it very seriously. I haven’t eaten at a restaurant since March, declined invitations to outings, haven’t traveled, distanced myself from loved ones, haven’t seen my friends since March, wore a mask at all times, disinfected my items, & took care of my body. Yet, here I was laying in a hospital bed ALONE feeling like I was dying. Please take this serious, I would hate for you to be in that hospital bed with your lungs collapsing or you bringing this upon someone.

Image credits: margoology

#48 I Beat Covid-19

Image credits: shaielaspili

#49 "Never Wish It To Anyone"

Image credits: MichelleSungwa

#50 Recovered From 42 Days Of A Fever Due To Covid-19

Image credits: mikeyw713

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