44 Seals Who Overheard The Best Joke Ever

There are 33 species of pinnipeds living in the world today, most of which are known as seals. They range greatly in size, from the gargantuan southern elephant seal, which can weigh more than a pickup truck, to the relatively slender, 100-pound Baikal seal.

But while there are many differences among the species, they share a few similarities, too. For example, all seals have feet shaped like fins. All of them are considered semi-aquatic marine mammals. And all of them know how to have fun.

In fact, they're goofing around so often, photographers often catch them literally rolling in laughter as if they've just overheard the best joke ever. Don't believe me? Continue scrolling and take a look for yourself. Just be careful, their laughter is so contagious, you might catch it as well!








Image credits: barrywebb




Image credits: Veronica Craft



Image credits: Roie Galitz








Image credits: Lloyd Durham


Image credits: reddit.com


Image credits: Kjell-erik Moseid


Image credits: manxmikephotos


Image credits: cinziareichhart


Image credits: lensoflisa


Image credits: chubbysealsarecute


Image credits: Westcoastkat




Image credits: Amy Kennedy


Image credits: TheSophtwareSlump


Image credits: photo.reflectionz


Image credits: little.bunni


Image credits: photo.reflectionz


Image credits: katie281990


Image credits: attractions_of.world


Image credits: oliviapask


Image credits: neverlikedthosegoats




Image credits: leigh_gallant_photography


Image credits: marie_j_adamson


Image credits: spinn_chind


Image credits: mary_dydycz


Image credits: veganinsight

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