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118 Coronavirus Jokes That Went Viral This Week

Coronavirus is continuing to spread across the world with more than 18 million confirmed cases in 188 countries. At the same time, however, the jokes mocking it are making their way around the globe just as fast. People on social media continue to roast the pandemic and by now, it's obvious that the savage jokes are here to stay. Until the vaccine, at least.

Bored Panda handpicked the best viral posts about COVID-19 from last week and after you're done scrolling through them, check out our previous lists here, here, and here.


Image credits: hotsteamingpho


Image credits: forensictoxguy


Image credits: TheWilderThings


Image credits: hifighost


Image credits: tprstly


Image credits: idrinkcheapbeer


Image credits: _Steth


Image credits: VOTEdotORG


Image credits: layc04


Image credits: rileyjsilverman


Image credits: Retroition


Image credits: amiicarpediem


Image credits: unknown


Image credits: anlyin


Image credits: CMCXCV


Image credits: jbillinson


Image credits: AstroSpell713



Image credits: thomasb_64


Image credits: Memestorm42


Image credits: kellyannesnuker


Image credits: offbrandversace


Image credits: tehtariksghost


Image credits: radbrad7


Image credits: man9000


Image credits: madman434



Image credits: treetyoselfcarol


Image credits: GrimDarkGunner


Image credits: jjnefx



Image credits: maximilianfragglebottom


Image credits: Kkalio3


Image credits: Oreocide


Image credits: THESRlegend


Image credits: Jeepon728


Image credits: bassbunnii


Image credits: mendi926


Image credits: jrpsmith



Image credits: surrealsauce


Image credits: cameronmattis





Image credits: AsHar101



Image credits: maivinyl


Image credits: YouAlreadyMutedMe



Image credits: badbishbrooklyn


Image credits: FeistyLighterFluid



Image credits: ZipQuick


Image credits: Lawbstir


Image credits: halesiii


Image credits: Cas4nova


Image credits: k1l2327


Image credits: BrainTaffy


Image credits: BrainTaffy


Image credits: ButtBot9900


Image credits: The_F0OI


Image credits: Lanhdanan


Image credits: waitwhatup


Image credits: ButtBot9900


Image credits: Mindy Vincent


Image credits: benobenzer


Image credits: denjosh09


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Image credits: fyrefest2020


Image credits: PickleRickRambus


Image credits: blank666man



Image credits: floorgangster69


Image credits: dodo-2309





Image credits: pvtwestbrook86


Image credits: laurenlena1


Image credits: unknown


Image credits: jrpsmith


Image credits: ben_rosen


Image credits: Lanhdanan


Image credits: OneDollaHolla


Image credits: wjfox2011


Image credits: maazmellow


Image credits: OrthoMint


Image credits: Mihael640


Image credits: master-awesome


Image credits: TheNewGuyM8-2


Image credits: basiccwhitboi


Image credits: bmrrm


Image credits: BelleAriel



Image credits: chuse1995



Image credits: F1R3Starter83


Image credits: hell_yeaa


Image credits: KLASHINOV


Image credits: Swimchamp07


Image credits: verballyhostage


Image credits: kNAcK327


Image credits: sammysam518


Image credits: Armchair_Detectives


Image credits: EdwardStockwell





Image credits: willChangeMyNameLatr


Image credits: Ninjjuu


Image credits: Eagle-of-Destruction


Image credits: sarcasticnepali2058


Image credits: kaleb270


Image credits: Low-Key-Logic


Image credits: Sir_Gundel


Image credits: neil_9890

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