Woman Roasts Anti-Maskers In A Hilarious Twitter Thread
Despite healthcare professionals all around the world saying that wearing a mask does not impact your oxygen saturation, wearing a mask still proves controversial for some. There are groups of people who strongly believe that over time, wearing a mask can lead to serious breathing problems. In addition to this, there are ones who are convinced that masks are making you re-breathe your exhaled CO2. But, as professor Keith Neal, an infectious disease expert told the BBC: “This simply won’t happen unless there is an air-tight fit and you rebreathe your air.”
Also, the molecules of carbon dioxide are tiny—way tinier than droplets containing coronavirus. Therefore, they won’t be trapped by a breathable material, especially if the mask is worn for short periods of time.
But sometimes it seems like there’s no convincing these people that masks are not the government’s way of controlling one’s body and that they’re designed to save one’s health, not compromise it. However, instead of going into tiresome debates and discussions, this woman decided to light-heartedly mock the anti-maskers. Naturally, not everyone realized that the tweets were written humorously, and as always, there were some people who felt the responsibility to let the woman know that she’s in fact one of the sheeple. Nonetheless, the now-viral thread proved to be a very amusing and entertaining read for many, as it already amassed more than 317k likes in just a few days. Scroll down below to see what Charlotte had to share and tell us what you think in the comment section!
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Recently, this Twitter thread mocking anti-maskers went viral
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Image credits: CharlTaylorPage
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Image credits: CharlTaylorPage
Image credits: CharlTaylorPage
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Image credits: CharlTaylorPage
Image credits: CharlTaylorPage
Image credits: CharlTaylorPage
Joking about the masks depriving oxygen, Charlotte named many well-known characters, superheroes, and celebrities who “died” from wearing a mask. “Jim Carrey died filming the 1994 film The Mask,” she writes. “Slipknot? All dead now.”
However, as always, there were some people who didn’t realize that Charlotte was joking. “I haven’t fainted yet. In fact, I haven’t even been short of oxygen. I don’t know what you are crapping on about!” one person tweeted angrily. “I’ve obviously led a sheltered life – never seen any of those things happening. By the way, measuring the oxygen saturation of my blood while mask-wearing (using pulse oximeter) shows it to be IDENTICAL to when not wearing a mask. You probably don’t like sciencey stuff, though,” another person added. Others just didn’t find the jokes funny: “I have no arguments against the wearing of masks, and wear mine…this is just wildly unfunny. I [don’t know] if that was the goal,” one Twitter user said.
Other people joined in on the jokes as well
Image credits: MrsDelevan
Image credits: ClareMTweets
Image credits: frei57924
“I’ve been wearing a mask at work for 20 years,” one woman wrote. “Recently I’ve had to start wearing two masks. Now I’m twice as dead as I was before,” she explained. Another nurse added that she has been “dead since 2005” and was in fact partly dead before that.
However, not everyone realized that the thread was actually a joke
Image credits: Susan08949003
Image credits: katyacoldheart
Image credits: CharlTaylorPage
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