Ryan Reynolds Reunites Woman With Teddy Bear That Had Her Late Mother’s Voice Recording On It After $5,000 Reward Offer
Mara Soriano from Vancouver, Canada was recently moving apartments when she got a phone call from a friend that completely derailed her train of action. As Mara rushed to help her friend, she left her bags unattended. One of them had a particularly priceless item inside: a teddy bear with her late mom’s voice recording on it that was snagged away in a moment.
After Mara issued an online plea to help find her stolen teddy bear, the internet-wide search began. And it was led by one of the most loved people on the planet—Ryan Reynolds, who promised “$5,000 to anyone who returns this bear to Mara. Zero questions asked” in a tweet on July 26.
Three days later, Reynolds came back with happy news that blew up over the internet with everyone being able to finally sleep well. And when it seems that you can’t possibly like RR even more, he proves us wrong by earning extra karma points yet again.
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Ryan Reynolds, who led the search for Mara’s bear, reminded everyone once again why we like him so much
Image credits: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Mara posted this online plea asking for help to find the last remaining things she has from her deceased mom, which were stolen
Image credits: alohaaamara
Image credits: alohaaamara
Everyone started looking for the bear, with Ryan Reynolds putting out a $5,000 reward and an unlimited supply of gin for it
Image credits: VancityReynolds
Image credits: VancityReynolds
Image credits: gailbriones2
Image credits: drawmaradraw
And, finally, Mama Bear is home!
Image credits: drawmaradraw
VIDEO: @drawmaradraw has been reunited with her teddy bear that contains her late mother’s voice. Says two good samaritans returned the bear Tuesday night after taking it from the original thief. @cbcnewsbc @CBCAlerts @CBCDeborahGoble @VancityReynolds #FOUNDMARASBEAR pic.twitter.com/G2UCiPaCRG
— Dan Burritt (@DanBurritt) July 29, 2020
Image credits: DanBurritt
Reynolds was over the moon to break the happy news to everyone
Image credits: VancityReynolds
And everyone was so grateful for the wonderful news
Image credits: MegsBatchelor
Image credits: MsWR18
Image credits: sadoldegoth
Image credits: drawmaradraw
Image credits: my2k
Image credits: SAndersonshpk
Image credits: CBCDeborahGoble
Image credits: zvyozdochka79
The most wholesome person on the planet badge goes to… you need not guess whom
Image credits: vancityreynolds
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