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‘Choosing Beggar’ Leaves A 1-Star Review After Getting 2 Pairs Of Free Glasses, The Owner Of The Company Responds

Imagine that you own a business. You’re trying to build a relationship with the local community and to bring in more clients—so you offer some free products and services. Everyone should be happy, right? Wrong! Someone takes everything that you give them, then has the audacity to blame you for their own decisions, and then leaves a scathing review on the internet.

That’s exactly what happened to one company that sells glasses. After somebody who got 2 pairs of free glasses and a free eye exam left a 1-star review and complained, the owner of the company couldn’t take it anymore and called them out for being ungrateful.

There’s just no pleasing some people. Scroll down to read exactly what the dissatisfied and nitpicky customer said and how the store owner clapped back.

A business was giving back to the community by providing free glasses and eye exams. However, not everyone was happy with what they got…

Image credits: L’oeil étranger (not the actual photo)

One customer left a scathing review and blamed the store after getting a free eye exam and 2 free pairs of glasses

Image credits: forthe_loveof_grapes

The owner of the business couldn’t help but respond

Image credits: forthe_loveof_grapes

The optical store has been in business for more than 35 years and the owner, Dave, said that he won’t let this negative interaction stop him from “giving back to the community.” Now that’s a businessman with a heart of gold, wouldn’t you say, Pandas?

The story went viral after Reddit user Forthe_loveof_grapes posted screenshots of the review and the response on the Choosing Beggars subreddit, an online community that’s 1.9 million people strong and is dedicated to calling out thoroughly ungrateful people.

The redditor’s post got more than 28.7k upvotes and even received a Bravo Grande! Award. The commenters overwhelmingly supported Dave, the business owner, poked fun at the customer. What’s more, redditors pitched in by making other comparisons to show just how ludicrous the customer sounds.

Though we don’t currently know the name of the company or the unhappy reviewer, our team of Detective Pandas is doing its best to uncover this info so that we can reach out to them and get both sides of the story. So stay tuned, Dear Readers!

This is how internet users reacted when they saw the 1-star review

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