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Couple Take The Supposedly Male Cat Who Has Been Visiting Them To The Vet, Find Out It’s Pregnant And Due Any Day

When Erin Breean from Austin, Texas, took the kitty who was constantly visiting her house to the vet, she didn’t know what she was getting herself into. All Erin wanted was to see if the supposedly male cat — who she and her partner Landon named Kevin — was chipped. The visit, however, revealed that Kevin was full of surprises. Literally.

At first, it turned out that Kevin was a female. If that wasn’t enough, the vet soon determined that Kevin was pregnant. Being a huge animal lover, Erin decided to take in the kitty and help her bring her litter into this world. To everyone’s delight, Erin also documented the entire thing and the diary turned out to be absolutely wholesome.

More info: Facebook | Instagram

“Don’t touch me but give me belly rubs?”

“The date on the right is the estimated age the vet put down for Kevin. No, this isn’t a conspiracy lol, the date of the visit was cut off so I could squish the pic in an Instagram story”

Now that’s a surprise!

Just like Kevin’s everyday life

“Best friends”

“She was clearly taking advantage of the situation by now”

“Waiting for kittens”

“April 1 2020, 3pm”

“Kevin’s face when she realized she just pooped out a kitten 3:50pm”

“4:55pm, 2 down… *3 down, I can’t count. Lol”

“Four baby Kevins, 6:20pm”

“April 3, 3 days old”

“5 days old!”

Just like their mom, baby Kevins enjoy the spotlight

“Y’all. We were calling her a calico because our vet (and the internet) said the presence of white makes her technically a calico and not a tortoiseshell. Take it up with her and stop DM’ing me thanks”


“Deaf, blind, and cute af”

“Teaching Kevin how to take selfies”

“April 7, 2020…we made it a week!!”

“Everyone say ‘cheeeese’!”

“3 little beans, all in a row”

“April 14, 2 weeks old! Eyes starting to barely open…”

“Yea, me too kid”

“The little girl wasn’t gaining nearly as much weight as the others, so I took to holding her to make sure she was getting enough lunch without her brothers shoving her out of the way”

“Kevin starting to leave her kids a for a few minutes at a time to start exploring the house. I see you, lady!!!”

“To say Murphy is obsessed with them is an understatement”

“Dad life, amiright”

“Best babysitter ever. Trying to live up to Nana from Peter Pan…minus the whole ‘losing the kids’ thing…”

“April 22, they’re getting restless in our bathroom closet lol. Thiiiiiis close to escaping…”

“Tiny teef coming in…”

“Kevin helping get the spare room ready for the kids”

“Checkin’ out the new digs”

“April 22, the first night in their new room. Growin’ up fast!”

“Everyone knows kittens make the best pillows”

“This bed was our cat Max’s before we lost him in January. We miss him more than anything in the entire world, but I’m pretty sure he’d be happy to see his bed going to good use”

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