26 Comics About My Sweet Cat That Hopefully Will Brighten Your Day

I am a 22-year old self-taught Dutch artist named Red. I've been making comics for a year or two already but found my motivation was starting to crumble.

Despite searching in shelters, I couldn't find a cat that could live in my tiny apartment. Then I found her. Sweety is a young Ragdoll cat and was rescued/adopted from a breeder after having two litters. When I brought Sweety home I saw all the silly little quirks she had, the way she opened up to me over time, and the bond we started to form. Inspiration struck, and since then I've been making two comics a week about the silly shenanigans she gets up to.

More info: Instagram | youtube.com | Facebook | twitter.com

#1 Floofiness Scale

#2 Chonkiness Scale

#3 Comfiness Scale

#4 Attention

#5 Good Morning

#6 Stress Response

#7 Cuddles

#8 Hey!

#9 Nap

#10 Cat Bakery

#11 Blanket

#12 Litterbox

#13 Food

#14 Kisses

#15 Pick Me Up!

#16 Shedding Season

#17 Fresh Laundry

#18 Softer Than Bunnies

#19 Distracted

#20 New Mic

#21 Inspection

#22 The Perfect Spot

#23 Card Game

#24 Pendemic

#25 Dutch Candy

#26 The Queen

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