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Guy Gets Revenge On A Girl Who Spent Time With Him Only Because Of His Wallet

Dating is hard. Especially the beginning. I mean, watching The Notebook isn’t enough to figure out the other person and whether they have the same expectations for the relationship as you do. These things don’t happen overnight. They take time and effort.

Recently, redditor redberryberry had been spending a fair amount of time with this one girl. She seemed nice and they were still getting to know each other, but it suddenly turned out that she was interested only in his wallet. Of course, it’s better to learn these things sooner rather than later, so you could say redberryberry dodged a bullet before taking any serious damage. However, he still wanted to make her pay for it. After getting back at the sneaky miss, redberryberry shared the story on r/ProRevenge and their post quickly went viral, receiving over 16K upvotes! Continue scrolling and see everything for yourself.

People had a lot to say about the situation

So the guy provided us with more information

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